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Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 12:10 am
by Banginit
Hi Ladies,

How do shifts work n a 24hr brothel? Can a client only see u between those hours? Are there advantages one over the other? Do u prefer one n if so is it seniority that gets best shift?


Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 7:36 am
by Ironman
Banginit link wrote: Hi Ladies,

How do shifts work n a 24hr brothel? Can a client only see u between those hours? Are there advantages one over the other? Do u prefer one n if so is it seniority that gets best shift?

I won't claim to know how the whole thing works. I will leave that to one of the ladies to answer.

Howevr every brothel i ever went to 5 or 6.  If they were working on shifts. You as the client you could call the ranch, and make an appointment or a request for any lady currently on tour in whatever ranch you were going to regardless of her scheduled shift, and the management is supposed to inform the lady. Who then will decide rather or not they want to meet with you during her off shift.

I remember years ago I called Sheris. I asked for a Destni Well the person taking the call was new she said Destini was a day shift girl. So she had me make an appointment for the next night. So I emailed Destini told her what happened. She responded early the next morning, and said she was looking forward to seeing me that night because she saw my name down as. one of her list appointments for that day. But said if I wanted to come in an hour or 2 later that was OK too. She knew from reading my post over the years on various forums I would always come in late.

She was actually a little ticked off at the person who took my phone call the night before. According to the house rules the person who took my call was supposed to let the lady know I requested her and it would then be up to her rather or not she wanted to see me in what would have been her off hours. I think her shit ended at 11pm  and I was looking at 2 am.

A  a year later I made an appointment with my now long retired ATF girl (Kristine) at Mustang she was on day shift at the time she took me as an appointment on her off shift she informed me that because I was an appointment during her off shift late at night she would have 8 hours after we parted ways to sleep before having to be up and on the floor for her next scheduled shift. Which started at 9 am at the time.

The point there being I wouldn't worry too much about the ladies scheduled shift if you call the Ranch, and request her by name.

Obviously my information on Sheris is about 10 years old, but I bet the policy of informing the lady she was requested by name and then leaving it up to her to decide rather or not she wants to take the appointment in her off shift hours would be up to her. I haven't booked at Sheris in about 10 years so I can't confirm that the policy is the same I'm just taking it on faith it is.

As for the Mustang I also can't confirm if you book an appointment with a lady late at night, and she is day shift, or vise versa, she will have 8 hours to sleep once you two are done. 

Kristine retired in 2013. She was the only one I ever really felt the need to make an official appointment with. So I haven't made an official appointment at Mustang since 2013. However at the time if you booked ba lady during her normal off hours. She was given 8 hours once you left her to sleep and be ready for her next shift.

True that policy probably didn't apply if there were not enough girls available to fill out each shift.

Anyway as long as you call ahead I wouldn't worry to much about her official shift. If you make an appointment the ranch in theory will let her know you want her. As for the rest of your question. I will let one of the ladies answer that.

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 1:02 pm
by rachelvarga
So here is how it works at some of them. At the Mustang and when I worked at the BR, it was 12 on and 12 off. Generally, there is a day shift and a night shift. Start and end times are not all the same but close to each other. Other brothels may be different but that's the ones I know.

I don't take appointments outside my shift anymore unless it's worth it. Getting up for a small party and then going back to bed cuts into my next day shift. So I miss out on my day shift. I miss what I could potentially make and I am not one of those, "Oh but it's better to take what you can get." kind of people. Usually, the people that push that concept are not ladies.

One thing that will get you axed off the list is trying to manipulate my shift, or push a party outside of my shift via management. If you call the Madam and whine what I am not available you better have a damn good reason. You better be terminally ill and only have hours to live if you do that.

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:42 pm
by Banginit
Rachel Varga link wrote: So here is how it works at some of them. At the Mustang and when I worked at the BR, it was 12 on and 12 off. Generally, there is a day shift and a night shift. Start and end times are not all the same but close to each other. Other brothels may be different but that's the ones I know.

I don't take appointments outside my shift anymore unless it's worth it. Getting up for a small party and then going back to bed cuts into my next day shift. So I miss out on my day shift. I miss what I could potentially make and I am not one of those, "Oh but it's better to take what you can get." kind of people. Usually, the people that push that concept are not ladies.

One thing that will get you axed off the list is trying to manipulate my shift, or push a party outside of my shift via management. If you call the Madam and whine what I am not available you better have a damn good reason. You better be terminally ill and only have hours to live if you do that.
  Ok then!!! Noted!! Lol  ;)

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:23 am
by Ironman
Rachel Varga link wrote: So here is how it works at some of them. At the Mustang and when I worked at the BR, it was 12 on and 12 off. Generally, there is a day shift and a night shift. Start and end times are not all the same but close to each other. Other brothels may be different but that's the ones I know.

I don't take appointments outside my shift anymore unless it's worth it. Getting up for a small party and then going back to bed cuts into my next day shift. So I miss out on my day shift. I miss what I could potentially make and I am not one of those, "Oh but it's better to take what you can get." kind of people. Usually, the people that push that concept are not ladies.

One thing that will get you axed off the list is trying to manipulate my shift, or push a party outside of my shift via management. If you call the Madam and whine what I am not available you better have a damn good reason. You better be terminally ill and only have hours to live if you do that.
Personally I don't think I would bother making an appointment with any lady outside of her scheduled shift. Unless I could afford to drop Something like 10.000 or 20.000. Its not worth getting a lady up out of bed. She might be cranky. A woman in a bad mood  because of lack of sleep scares me.??

Yes I did make a few appointments with Kristine when she was at Mustang back in the day. However she tended to stay up fairly late back then. Also all the appointments I made with her when she was at Mustang were only about  45 minutes after her scheduled shift ended so I never actually drug her out of bed.

We did have  a few early morning conversations though at 6 or 6 30 am through messages because she had someone else who wanted her for the early morning so she would chat with me for a few minutes while waiting on her appointment to arrive. She knew I was still awake. She knew what my work schedule was back then, and she knew my shift was over so why not show a little love to her biggest fan since she had to be up anyway. waiting on someone else to arrive.

So just to be clear I have never actually requested a lady get out of bed for me. I even in the best of  my so called Financial times I could  not afford to pay a lady enough money to truly make it worth it to a lady to actually get out of bed for me.

I did however keep Kristine up an hour or 2 past her preferred bed time 2 or 3 times.☹

Which is why are last dance on a matress together was actually at like 2pm a time of day I would have normally been sleeping.

She stayed up a little past her preferred bed time for me more than once so I figured it was only right I got up out of bed for her at least once before our business arrangement formally ended.

Besides having sex at 2 pm in the afternoon with the sun still high in the sky was an experience for me. Back then if I was up at 2pm I either had a medical appointment or I hadn't gone to bed yet.?

Anyway I would hope if a guy calls  the ranch and makes a request for a girl during her normal off hours. That the management will inform the lady she was requested, but that she is free to decline the request, and the guy will either need to choose another girl or make an appointment with the girl during her scheduled shift. My guess is in cases where you already have a history with the girl she will try and accommodate your time frame within reason. If you request her at a time she has already gotten up and the only thing you are keeping her from is reading the morning newspaper she would probably be happy to see you. If her shift ends at 10pm and you know she is normally awake till 1 or 2am, and you want her a midnight she will probably be OK with that too as long as you don't keep her up till 4 or 5 am knowing full well she is obligated to be on the floor at 9 am.

Shedules can be flexible, but I think its tacky if a guy shows up at 3 am requsts a lady that went off shift 5 hours earlier pulling her out of bed.  Work it out so you can make it no pun intended on her shift or damn close to it, or pick a girl that is on shift. If you really want a girl bad enough and can't arrive during her scheduled shift then at the very least be prepared to pay a convenience fee. How much that fee is will be determined on how far she has to bend over? too accommodate you alls dumb ass.??

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:02 am
by Florida Couple

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:31 am
by Duck11
I always adjust my visits to the ladies hours. Normally I like to visit in the evening.
Then I met Victoria, who was a day shift person. After a few parties with her, she always said we could work something out if I want to visit in the evening.
I found it better just to stop in at the start of her shift.  We had some good times in those early morning hours.

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:46 pm
by Chicagobob
With all the different houses having different schedules, I've found the best way to party is to make lists, not appointments. 
I always have a list in mind and if one girl isn't on the floor it's no big deal - I just go onto the next one.  If I strike out completely at one house, I just go to the next house.  It doesn't matter if you're in Reno, Pahrump, or Elko there's always at least 3 houses within a short drive.   

I've never went home disappointed.    8)

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:05 pm
by rachelvarga
Chicagobob link wrote: With all the different houses having different schedules, I've found the best way to party is to make lists, not appointments. 
I always have a list in mind and if one girl isn't on the floor it's no big deal - I just go onto the next one.  If I strike out completely at one house, I just go to the next house.  It doesn't matter if you're in Reno, Pahrump, or Elko there's always at least 3 houses within a short drive.   

I've never went home disappointed.    8)
Well, you're a horn dog so this method probably works well for you. Hahhah

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 12:21 am
by Chicagobob
Rachel Varga link wrote: Well, you're a horn dog so this method probably works well for you. Hahhah
There's nothing like a great night of Sport Fucking!    ;D

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:19 am
As I remember it, the larger brothels were 12 hour shifts with 14 hour shifts on weekends sometimes. .  The important part is they had  shifts over lapping so there were times when you could catch all the ladies working at the brothel at the same time  while at other times, it was the minimum number of ladies working.  Then  you had the weekend warriors where women would come in just to work the weekend.  As far as the rural brothels go, it was sometimes anyone's guess as to what was happening or hit and miss. [/size]

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 5:06 am
by OldNick999
Back in 2019, I set up an appointment with Natasha Star. The date I set up was on one of her days off, but she was available by appointment 24/7, and was glad to see me.

Last week, I went to Desert Rose which is not a 24 house. They

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:42 am
by Cobia
I have had several girls change their shifts so we could be together.

Re: Ladies: how do shifts work?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:03 am
by RoxyGold
When I was at SB, my shift was 1pm-1am but I was more often than not up a little earlier and later. If someone was more of a morning person, I did not mind seeing them as long as we talked about it before hand.