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I know about back in the day

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:44 am
What I don't know is about the current situation in as far as what a trip to the brothel is like. Without getting political or mentioning names or prices, I would like to hear from a few on their recent trip to the brothel which would include from the time they rang the buzzer to the time they left the brothel in detail.

Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:56 am
by Florida Couple
We went to the Mustang just a couple weeks before the official opening. We flew in April (end) because it was the last month Delta was limiting capacity on their flights. It was pretty normal. We were told to wear masks unless drinking or eating (or partying). Most people didn't wear masks as they would have a drink when seated watching or chatting to ladies. We would put on our mask when we got up to use the restroom. We are both vaccinated too.

When it came time to party, everything was normal... negotiation room, dick check, sex... hoping you don't want specifics? Later that evening we left. We met Cronus from the forum while we were there too.

When you pull in, they give the rules and did a temperature check. No weapons, mask, etc...

Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:36 am
by Adventure Guy
Not sure when you say current situation if that means COVID and also not sure how recent you are looking for. But here's two parties in detail that I had during early COVID last year before the ranches shut down.


Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:23 am
by Zylar
You only looking for post-pandemic reports?

Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 12:32 pm
by SixT9er
Mustang on June 13th
Guard at gate checks your temp. Bar open with full menu. No mask if vaccinated. Ladies & customers in bar as normal. Chatted with Lady for 30 minor so then went back. Negotiated price & DC done in neg room. Stated in neg room while Lady took $ to cashier. Then off to her room for party.
Basically all as it was pre covid.
Had dinner in bar after party NY steak under $20. Great steak with salad, potatoes & veggies.
Then visited with a few Ladies then another party

Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:06 am
Actually, I was looking from start to finish the way things are done from the time you ring the buzzer to the time you walk out the door. Things such as the floor maid still saying "company ladies, company. A automatic lineup? Head to the bar? Women approaching and offering tours? Still ending up in lady's room? Buy me a drink?

That kind of stuff.

Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:11 am
by SixT9er
SIDEWINDER wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:06 am Actually, I was looking from start to finish the way things are done from the time you ring the buzzer to the time you walk out the door. Things such as the floor maid still saying "company ladies, company. A automatic lineup? Head to the bar? Women approaching and offering tours? Still ending up in lady's room? Buy me a drink?

That kind of stuff.
That all still happens in the line up houses Like Sagebrush. I told the Lady I was there to see a specific Lady so the others dispersed.
Everything is the same as it has been the Last 10 yrs or so

Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:05 am
by Dr. Who
Other than the brothels in Moundhouse which apparently hasn't changed based on what 9er posted, many of the other brothels don't do automatic lineups when you ring the buzzer like the old days, but you can ask for one at any time. Some houses like Sheri's and MR don't even have buzzers, you just walk into the bar, since their bars are separate businesses from their brothels.

The standard operating procedure, after you ring the buzzer really hasn't changed much since I first started visiting the brothels back in 2000. You can relax and have a drink at the bar. If there are ladies in the bar, sometimes they'll approach you or you can always approach them. Although, not all the ladies tend to work the bar area for customers especially at Sheri's and the CR so you either have to ask for a lineup or ask for a specific lady. As for ladies asking you to buy them drinks, I always offer to buy the lady that I'm talking with a drink, but I don't often have ladies asking me directly to buy them one. I think the last time that happened was with a lady at Sheri's over 10 yrs ago.

I've been frequenting the rural houses in Elko/Carlin over the past few years and they are more laid-back and less formal than many of the bigger houses. Out of the 4 houses in Elko, Sue's tends to be the most "old school", since their ladies want to give you a tour as soon as you walk in the door ...LOL ...but you can always opt to sit at the bar and have a drink and talk to the ladies. The Dovetail is probably the most relaxed house I've ever visited. The ladies are always out in the bar when there are customers around and there is never any pressure to party until you're ready.

Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:32 pm
by rachelvarga
At the Mustang the ladies are always all at the bar unless partying or there is a good reason not to be. You can have a lineup behind the door if you request it. If you want to a particular girl you can ask any girl that approaches you or the hostess or bartender. Nothing has really changed.

I believe that the buzzer lineup system is very dated and in this day and age we should only have a request and only ladies that want to be in a lineup should be because for many ladies it is degrading to be lined up like that so that someone can once over your tits and ass. I myself am okay with it because if I don't like you I won't party with you anyway.

Yes you are coming in to possibly spend time with one of us but it must be done in a respectful way. If we stay in the past the future will pass us by and we need to not show anything as being disrespectful or portraying women as sex dolls because the business will not grow over the long term. The younger generation is different and I see many guys that are concerned with how we are portrayed. Many younger women will avoid the business as it moves into the future because they expect to be treated differently.

The business has changed since the 90's when women were just stuck in the desert and some people could do as they pleased with them. Attitudes among some of the mongers are archaic and dated. I say some and not all because many are gentleman but some are just plain out of touch with the world and women in general.

Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:41 pm
by SixT9er
It doesn’t cost anything to walk thru the door. Why don’t you stop in a house as a refresher since it’s been over 10 yrs for you or don’t you trust yourself?
Then you’d know for sure

Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:00 pm
by rachelvarga
Yeah, just come have some food. We got good food and beautiful women. Don't deny yourself!

Re: I know about back in the day

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:22 am
The reason I ask the question is I was thinking the other day, this year would be 50 years since I started going to brothels. It sounds like some things never change. The first brothel I went to was The original Mustang in 1971. The Brothel that was in the same location As the Old Bridge Ranch before it burned to the ground. That was my senior trip as soon as I graduated high school. At the time, I was just a young un but always looked old enough to be someone's uncle and was at the bar drinking and having a good time. Of course, you could enter many brothels at 18. You just couldn't be in the bar area. There were many stories of fathers taking their sons to the brothels at 16 but don't know if it was true at the time or just BS.