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Hey there’s a new Sheriff in town???

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:05 am
by Vanityaffair
Elko daily for Saturday states that Bella Cummings from Bella’s Hacienda is running for Elko Sheriff. There are 3 links on line if you want to look at it. She did not pay me after a week tour at her place. My police reports are in Elko. The sheriff now is the one that went to Wells to serve her her papers to meet me in court. What she says that she will do is the complete opposite of what she has done for the girls. Go check it out.
XO Vanity

Re: Hey there’s a new Sheriff in town???

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:27 pm
by niceguy eddie
I know that the Sherriff is an elected position, but they should have some law enforcement experience and a clean record. I suspect that this Bella does not have a clean record or at least has some dirt. In fact, I bet there is a lot of dirt in her background that could be dug up--things like unpleasant personal info or activities.

Who is her opposition? They should be digging deep into her background. I am sure that they would be interested in her shady dealings in running her business.

Re: Hey there’s a new Sheriff in town???

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:44 am
by MrTShirt
Wouldn't it be something if Bella lost the race because of opposition from a bunch of mongers? :) :)

Re: Hey there’s a new Sheriff in town???

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:20 am
by Florida Couple
She would make a horrible sheriff for Elko. Thank you for keeping us all informed Vanity. Karma is a bitch as the saying goes.

Re: Hey there’s a new Sheriff in town???

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 2:12 pm
by Vanityaffair
I found an article in the Elko Newspaper from April 4th. It stated that Bella Cummings was eliminated from the sheriff running due to lack of law experience.
XO Vanity