Brothel Crawl 2023 - Save The Dates!

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Brothel Crawl 2023 - Save The Dates!


Post by Chicagobob »

Here we go again - it's time to mark those calendars for next July!

LPIN Brothel Crawl 2023 - July 17 through 22. I have most of the dates firmed up with the houses. Here's the agenda folks (subject to change):

Monday: Early Birds - Wells, Elko, Carlin, and Battle Mountain.

Tuesday: Dovetail Monger Appreciation Party.

Wednesday: Elko Houses and Activities (along with a very special event to be announced).

Thursday: Mustang Pool Party. Cookout, Booze, & Babes.

Friday: Moundhouse/Mustang Possible Wet Tee Shirt Contest, Karoke (hear me howl), and other Sexy Events.

Saturday: Picnic/Awards Committee Meeting.

These events are open to everyone! You can jump in & out as you like. The only rule is have fun!
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Post by wayne208 »

Chicago Bob I will try to make it but it is a 50-50 Chance .