The Quintessential Southern Belle – Laney

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The Quintessential Southern Belle – Laney


Post by Southerner »

I was enjoying my Lunch in the Lounge during my June trip to the Ranch when an attractive young Blonde began dancing on the pole. I don't recall having seen her before, but she was actually very good, so I gave her a tip and she thanked me. I didn't think anything more about it but one day there was a message on the “Forum” for me. It turns out that my “dancer” found out who I was and contacted me to thank me for my generosity. Her effort really touched me and we began communicating. It turns out that her name is Laney, and while I am just a northern transplant in the South, she is a real “Southern Gal” from KY. Her origins are quite apparent when she begins to speak. We communicated back and forth, and our chemistry was apparent, so we arranged for a “meet and greet” when I arrived for my July stay at the Ranch. She is such a personable and agreeable young lady that we quickly arranged for a 2-hour party that evening. That party was amazing but I was already completely booked for the trip, so we made plans for a full day party in August. Guys...Maybe you all should start tipping the ladies for their dancing...look what it did for me.

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Post by SixT9er »

Laney is a fun Sexy Lady! You chose well
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