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Brothel Hospitality

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:34 am
by Chicagobob
While watching a 60 Minutes story last night, the conversation was on restaurant hospitality.  The restaurant owner being interviewed said that it's not just great food that will bring you back, it is the way the place made you FEEL.  That started me thinking about my favorite brothels.

I've heard a lot of guys tell me that some brothels make them feel on edge and they're not very comfortable partying there. Some brothels are very fast pace and some are very laid-back, some have staff that are indifferent and some have staff that make you feel at home.

They always say that the ladies make the house, but I wonder if the staff has a lot to do with it also? Your thoughts? 

Re: Brothel Hospitality

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:53 am
by Cobia
Sure,  the staff has a LOT to do with it.  I could post a book on the staff at the Mustang.  First class people in every way.

Re: Brothel Hospitality

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:28 am
by SixT9er
Staff can make or break a house. If you don’t feel welcomed when you come through the door it can adversely affect your mood entirely.
Yes it’s about the Ladies first but if you’re in an uncomfortable mood because of the surroundings it can make it hard for the Lady to overcome it.

Re: Brothel Hospitality

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:41 am
by TC
As usual having never visited I feel somewhat stupid answering the topic, but what the hell?

I would definitely think hospitality is a factor in return traffic like anywhere. There’s a local restaurant I used to go to for breakfast because the food was decent and I wanted to support a small business.

Until I got an omelette with ingredients I didn’t order and the chef personally came out to argue that I had ordered them. Maybe I did. Why I would order tomatoes when I hate tomatoes I have no idea, but I am exceedingly polite when making complaints and the reaction just wasn’t warranted.

The server did nothing wrong, the quality of the food was fine, the atmosphere was nice and the price was ok. I didn’t leave in a huff or throw a fit because in the end I have bigger things to worry about than errant tomatoes. But I’m probably not going back because I don’t want another weird shitty confrontation.

A brothel, where you’re dropping a lot of money for a very personal service? Yep staff are really important.

Brothel Hospitality

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:28 am
by firefighter
The following personnel and brothels have always made me feel comfortable and extremely welcome.
Madam Tara and Jennifer at Mustang Ranch have been fantastic hosts.  The Wild Horse Saloon is smoke free too!
Madam Sonja at Love Ranch Vegas is a magnificent host.  The LRV bar cigarette smoke is very light and not a problem.
I've had nice discussions with Dennis Hof who is a wonderful host at Moonlite Bunny Ranch; Dennis & I smoked cigars together at Kit Kat Ranch & Love Ranch Vegas too.  I plan to bring cigars to the Wednesday July 18 thru Sunday July 22, 2018 Annual Reno Gathering. 
Madam Dena at Sheri's Ranch is a great host.  The Valley Inn Restaurant & Bar cigarette smoke is very heavy though.  I can tolerate a few cigars but not numerous cigarette chain smokers.

Re: Brothel Hospitality

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:58 am
by Dr. Who
Just like any service related industry, good customer service on the part of the brothel owner(s) and staff can have a big impact on creating a welcoming and comfortable environment for their customers, as well as for their ladies.

I know it's been said many times before that the house doesn't matter, since we're there to see our favorite ladies, but that's not always the case especially for those of us who want more than just a "wham bam thank you ma'am" kind of experience.

In regards to the larger houses, you can't beat the Mustang and there owner/staff have been pretty consistent in providing good customer services over the years.  Hof gets a lot of heat from some of the mongers which he deserves at times ...LOL ...but he has always been a good host whenever I've run into him at some of his northern houses.  As we all know, even good brothels can have their ups and downs.  I've seen the Chicken Ranch and Sheri's go through a number of management/staff changes over the past 18 yrs that I've been visiting both houses which had both negative and positive impact on my comfort level.  The same goes for the LRV/ACH.  When Sonja first managed the ACH, it was fun house to visit, then with varies management/staff changes over the next few years, the atmosphere totally changed in both houses (not to mention that whole Lamar Odom fiasco).

Many of us have also migrated to the rural houses in the Elko area.  Since Louis bought Mona's and Inez, their customer service has skyrocketed.  Louis, Peter, and their staff have created a comfortable, no pressure, and relaxed atmosphere for there customers which keep them coming back.  Needless to say, the Dovetail is always an inviting place to visit, since Monica and their ladies treat their customers like family.

In contrast, Sue's tends to be just the opposite.  I always get the perception that management doesn't like guys hanging out in their bar to socialize, either before and/or after partying.  It a shame that they don't promote a more inviting atmosphere, since they have a nice bar/parlor area and I'm sure it would attract more customers like their neighbors next door and down the street ...LOL.

Re: Brothel Hospitality

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:02 pm
by Sonja
Thank you Firefighter! 

I do agree that the ambiance of a house is created by the energy of everyone in it.  Nuances of how smoothly your initial welcome and introduction to the ladies - to quality of drinks and/or food and the graciousness with which it's served -- to the ability to deal spontaneously with needs and desires of the guests are crucial.  The power of the pussy is a force to be reckoned with but amazing, friendly staff create the "home" for you to enjoy it.

I always envisioned the perfect brothel as being the center of community and social home base for it's guests. It IS home to the ladies and should feel like that cool house in the neighborhood where people all hang out. It should also be the place where adult orphans or guys who are away from home & friends feel free to celebrate holidays with kindred.

It's only been 2 weeks since I got back.  As I get to know the staff here I am able to breathe easier. We have some stellar "house moms" with serious nurturing and domestic skills. It makes a huge difference.