Handicap Vehicle Rental Problems

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Handicap Vehicle Rental Problems


Post by MrTShirt »

For the 1% of folks that might want to rent a handicap vehicle, I thought I would share what I found in Las Vegas.

Cost:  Assume $90 - $125 / day.  I suspect insurance is added to that.

Configuration:  They all seemed to be the style of a ramp on the passenger side.  The ramp and the door may or may not be automatic.  You need to check.  (None were equipped with any kind of chair lift.)

Driver:  You need to bring your own driver with you.  None of the rentals are equipped for the wheelchair person to transfer to the driver seat.  If you are by by yourself, you are out of luck for renting a vehicle.  (If you can climb out of your wheelchair, over the back of the drivers chair, and into the driver's seat, you are probably agile enough to not even need a handicap equipped vehicle.)

If you ware going to stay in Las Vegas, there are at least 3 cab companies that can haul you around.  No problem.  Where it doesn't work is if you want to visit the four houses in the area.