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Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:15 pm
by SixT9er
Rachel Varga link wrote:
Lastly, the police don't do shit. Look at how long some people have been in business with all kinds of shit going on. They just see us as whores that deserve it. The better thing to do if you have a stalker is not run away, not give in, arm up, protect yourself with deadly force if necessary.
Arming yourself helps you but what about others?
Is it everyone for themselves?

I don’t have the answer I’m just asking...

Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:17 am
by SixT9er
When if ever is it OK to post a Ladies or Clients real name, picture,phone# or other personal information anywhere?

What about sharing it privately via txt etc?

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:04 am
by isurfer
When if ever is it OK to post a Ladies or Clients real name, picture,phone# or other personal information anywhere?
I say no.

What about sharing it privately via txt etc?
I have shared real names and phone numbers of clients with a courtesan, but with the client's permission. I would never share a lady's personal information with anyone. She might have reasons for keeping personal information away from other ladies and the house too.

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:12 am
by FumbleNutts
No, never! It's one thing to share a bad experience and let the reader decide, but to out someone with their personal info is wrong at all levels.

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:23 am
by Ironman
No not without their express written consent.??

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 6:34 am
by Ironman
KittiMinx link wrote: When a client poses as a physical threat and hazard to Ladies and other customers and it's the only quick means of making sure Ladies at all brothels as well as staff and owners are aware of the person and to do as they see fit to handle them.  Not all brothels talk to each other directly. Sometimes a tweet with "John Doe looks like ________  - tried to drug Megan and pulled a knife on her when she wouldn't agree to do illegal acts please be on the lookout" could be what saves lives.

True Kitti, but in my opinion that should be the one and only exception in all other instances no?

Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:51 am
by firefighter
SixT9er link wrote: When if ever is it OK to post a Ladies or Clients real name, picture, phone# or other personal information anywhere?

What about sharing it privately via txt etc?
No, not unless those people want to be outed in return.  There are a few people who used their real names on the boards including Interested bystander, Flyfisher and Sportsman, but I like to address everyone by their handles so I don't slip.  There exist trolls on the boards that glean bits and pieces of information until they have amassed dossiers on individuals so it's best not to refer to another member's private information including innocent particulars about where they live.  I like BrothelLife and other boards that allow unlimited time for edits because if members make unintentional mistakes they can correct them later.

I don't believe personal information entrusted upon a specific person should be shared to anyone else without permission.

There are people who have been banned for stalking, assaulting or threatening a Courtesan and their information should be shared for identification purposes in case they return to the brothels. 

There was a client at brothel X several years ago that failed the DC due to a STD and he returned later to be rejected again; the Shift Manager notified unrelated brothel Y in close proximity with a description in case he tried to party there.  The brothel Y Shift Manager telephoned about 30 minutes later to thank the brothel X Shift Manager and stated that the individual did in fact try to party at brothel Y.  A STD infected client may assume that if they try repeatedly a Courtesan may eventually miss symptoms during the DC. 

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:23 am
by Dr. Who
It's never okay for anyone (and that includes customers, ladies, and brothel owners/staff) to out anyone or share their personal information and post their photos on the internet without their permission.  Although as many of us are aware, outing someone has happened in the LPIN community before on more than one occasion which is unfortunate.  The only exception to the rule would be in extreme cases like what Kitti mentioned where the person poses a physical danger and hazard to the community.

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:28 pm
by TC
Is this about the info on SIN about that guy banned from the Hof and some Elko brothels? Because he’s a mass shooter waiting to happen. I’m unfortunately not joking.

Shout his name from the rooftops because he will hurt someone.

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:36 pm
by SixT9er
The Mighty Peanut link wrote:

Is this about the info on SIN about that guy banned from the Hof and some Elko brothels? Because that he’s a mass shooter waiting to happen. I’m unfortunately not joking.

Shout his name from the rooftops because he will hurt someone.
Actually no, not directly

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:47 pm
by TC
Just curious. I think for dangerous individuals like him safety trumps privacy. But that’s .000001% of the time.

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:57 pm
by rachelvarga
Prostitution lives by a code of sorts and without that code it will die or at least become less attractive to customers. Their is a small community of people that know each other because they have same interest. Things can get out of hand and people will be reckless but outing is a special type of offense. It is more than saying a girl is not good of charges too much, it is more than saying a customer is a hassle, it is dangerous. We can all fight but nothing should disturb our personal lives. If you post pictures of someone, if you name them outright you could damage their home life. Their marriage maybe, their relationship with their kids, their job. If you want to do something like that then you don't need to be here.

I read a book called The Sociopath Next Door and it's not killers you need to worry about, it's the people around them that have no empathy and want to damage a person to satisfy their need for control. If you go so far as to post pictures, post names then in my book you have no empathy, you seek to control your victim by using fear as a tool. That makes you a sociopath in my book.

In layman's terms that makes you a fucking asshole.

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:18 pm
by SixT9er
The Mighty Peanut link wrote: Just curious. I think for dangerous individuals like him safety trumps privacy. But that’s .000001% of the time.

This is what I was hoping to get at. I used to be in the firm never camp but if it's a safety issue it gets cloudy. Obviously the first contact should be to the police. Then I would think a private Email to all the Brothel Madams with a warning. If the police can't do anything for whatever reason then maybe a public post should be made? It would have to be done by the accuser only as hearsay isn't acceptable and the accuser would need to prove they've already done what they could showing a police report etc. This for only extreme circumstances where physical harm appears eminent. Even here I still am queasy on...

Too often we see outings because someone got pissed at someone else whether it be Client/Lady, Poster/Poster, Owner/Lady as these have all happened and all are unacceptable and as Rachel put it just Being FUCKING ASSHOLES

So is there an acceptable time to "out" someone?

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:16 pm
by MrTShirt
Anytime one is in charge of something (including a forum), they need to make sure they do the right actions, based on facts.  They can't act too soon, based on someone else's grudge.  They can't act too slowly, letting the person cause damage and scare away other members.

It is always a tough call.

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:53 pm
by Vanityaffair
No no no. Never. I have been outed with private info about myself. It hurts. So never is my answer.
XO Vanity

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 5:49 pm
by Goldie
isurfer link wrote: When if ever is it OK to post a Ladies or Clients real name, picture,phone# or other personal information anywhere?
I say no.

What about sharing it privately via txt etc?
I have shared real names and phone numbers of clients with a courtesan, but with the client's permission. I would never share a lady's personal information with anyone. She might have reasons for keeping personal information away from other ladies and the house too.

With someone’s permission isn’t “outing.”

Outing is NEVER OK..for ladies or clients.


Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 10:44 am
by CatrinaCosta
My gut [/size]reaction[/size] to this is to say outing is never alright, but then I think about the [/size]safety[/size] issue mentioned and second guess myself.  But doing it publicly is not good, we all value our privacy for reasons that we normally keep to ourselves. I would tell our person in charge so that it could be dealt with in house.

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:31 pm
by Lee

If someone poses a threat/ hazard (as has been mentioned), that would change everything, however, even then it would be for law enforcement.

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:58 am
by SexyLexieJames
KittiMinx link wrote: When a client poses as a physical threat and hazard to Ladies and other customers and it's the only quick means of making sure Ladies at all brothels as well as staff and owners are aware of the person and to do as they see fit to handle them.  Not all brothels talk to each other directly. Sometimes a tweet with "John Doe looks like ________  - tried to drug Megan and pulled a knife on her when she wouldn't agree to do illegal acts please be on the lookout" could be what saves lives.
I agree! This is definitely the only situation when it's okay to share client info. It's never okay for anyone to share girl's info at all. Some of us may not hide our face but have people we don't want knowing we are here. It could also compromise our safety if someone had our personal info and were to get obsessive.[/size]

Re: Is it ever ok to “Out someone”?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:36 pm
by John Jag
Nope Never end of story