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Suggestions to help a Lady be successful

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:25 am
by SixT9er
What are suggestions you could give Ladies to help them succeed in this business?
Please don’t bring cost into this

Work social media and message boards. Use whatever advertising you can that’s available. In using these interact with potential clients. This is critical especially for new Ladies who don’t have a built up clientele. Even well established Ladies who are successful continue to do this but are just more selective. As a new Lady you need to put more work in because you never know who might be the whale or become a great regular and regulars are what makes or breaks you

Re: Suggestions to help a Lady be successful

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:17 am
by Cobia
One thing that is a "must" for me is the lady stay in touch.  I will never understand why some don't and yes it is a deal breaker for me

Re: Suggestions to help a Lady be successful

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 7:41 am
by FumbleNutts
A smile, a kind word, an acknowledgement of my existence, etc to a patron like myself. You just never now that you may get a client out of just being kind. There's been some ladies that have got my business and even friendship from always acknowledging me by a hello and smile. Some ladies that were on my radar and couldn't even say hello being 5 feet away from me and knowing me, fell off.

Cobia's right too. An email, PM, or text every once in a while is nice to let you know you're not forgotten.

Re: Suggestions to help a Lady be successful

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 11:14 am
by MrTShirt
My conclusion of the above comments is that a lady should simply be friendly.  Not rocket science nor new.

Re: Suggestions to help a Lady be successful

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:35 pm
by Space Duck
So, I may have spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about this. Sorry if I'm mansplaining or something. Please feel free to correct any of this, ladies.

Anyways, I'd say the most important thing for a lady to know is what her plans are. She has to know why she became a courtesan. She has to know what her long and short term goals are. A career lady might do things differently than a lady who just wants to pay off a debt, or a lady who's just really horny.

Once a lady knows her goal, she can then put in enough work outside of the parties to make sure she can achieve those goals. If she's going the career route, she'll need to advertise online and try to get regulars and appointments. This means spending more time in front of a computer. I have no idea what the ratio is, but I expect most career ladies spend something like 3 or 4 hours on advertising and cultivating client relationships for every hour spent on the actual party. I strongly suspect the number is actually higher, but the point is to be prepared to do the online hustle.

Once online, ladies need to beware of time-wasters just trying to get their rocks off. Ladies should also be clear on which parts of their online activity are advertising, and which are content. She risks annoying people if she starts asking for money from people for interacting with her ads. Most people won't pay money to view an advertisement. Except for maybe the findom clients.

A note about advertisements: a lady needs to figure out what sets her apart from the other ladies and focus on highlighting that. Very few ladies are able to get away with focusing largely on physical attributes. Most all of the other ladies are gorgeous, so it's very difficult to stand out in that respect, so I would caution ladies from focusing too much on that. Don't ignore it, but that shouldn't be the only thing you post up in an ad.

The easiest thing to advertise would be a lady's personality. Each lady is unique, and while she may have similarities with other ladies, no two ladies will have the same personality, the same behavior, the same parties. She shouldn't be afraid to let some of her personality show through. It'll help her stand out, and probably will attract clients that she has a higher chance of getting along with.

Ladies should also remember that they will be working with several other gorgeous women, and competing with them to an extent. There will be someone there that a lady does not get along with. That said, a lady does have to live with them for a while and otherwise interact with them on a regular basis, so it's a good idea to at least be professional and courteous to the other ladies. Feuds and arguments should be avoided, there are better uses for a lady's time.

If a lady gets successful, it may be tempting to use a time-saver like hiring someone to respond to client inquiries. Should the lady choose to do this, she needs to either be upfront about it, or make sure she reads all of the correspondence before meeting someone with an appointment. It's a major red flag for a client if the lady doesn't know what the client was writing to her.

Speaking of clients, a lady will experience fantastic clients that she really likes, as well as clients that she finds truly despicable. Dealing with the first is easy. The second is a bit trickier. There may be times when a lady's finances dictate that she needs to accept an offer from a client she despises. Hopefully though, a lady will be in a position to decline a party with bad clients. If she can, she should decline to party with them at all, and not attempt to "price walk" them by quoting them a rate higher than she thinks they'll pay. Eventually, someone will pay that price, and she'd better have a plan for that when it happens.

As far as actual parties go, the most important thing is to remember that she can always say no, change her mind, and revoke consent to the party or activities engaged in. Hell, that's worth repeating. She can always change her mind and revoke consent. She never has to party with anyone.

Otherwise, she should try to have fun with it, have a plan to wind down after parties, and make sure she's taking care of herself, too.