payment questions

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strike one
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payment questions


Post by strike one »

alot of people say only take cash your willing to spend. and deposit is fine if youve see the lady before. how do only cash people do a deposit for follow up parties?

if not doing only cash the houses say they use discreet billing. this makes sense it would work before the internet. what names do they use? what happens when you google them now?
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Post by Dr. Who »

Discrete billing isn't always completely discrete, even though the name of the brothel doesn't show up on your CC billing statement.  If you do enough digging on the internet, you can often find links to the brothel owners name and/or properties under his ownership, for example, if you google whatever merchant name the brothel uses for CC billing.  I often use credit cards at the brothels unless they're charging service fees, then I use cash, since I don't have any issue about leaving a paper trail since the brothels are legal businesses.

I've also never been asked by a lady that I've partied with before to leave a deposit, but if you live out of town, then your options may be limited to using a credit card.
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Post by ashlynsparks »

One way I have my clients do deposits is with a pre paid card. Then it is private, you get your appointment and perks then pay cash when you arrive. Then you can use the deposit to your party or tip. There is also no billing to worry about and you can store the card just for use when here, purchasing gifts or other digital discrete needs. A small deposit before hand can give a lot of benefits in the long run even before your first party. For us deposits can be transfered to any party if for some reason things don't click but it is worth it to plan ahead! I don't require large deposits but it lets me know your serious, we can plan more detail, gets you my cell so we can text/connect before, it also adds more time/perks depending on the party. If you need any help on this just shoot me a message!
Last edited by ashlynsparks on Mon Feb 26, 2018 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ironman »

In my case even in the days before I became a cash only guy. But we won't get into that

Even way back when I would sometimes charge it back when I actually had credit at my disposal. I never had to worry about deposits.

Appointments were reserved for ladies I had already had a past history with.

I would say probably the  Vast majority of the ladies will not Require a deposit from a loyal regular. If you have built up a track record and history with the lady she probably won't ask for a deposit. Unless maybe she has to travel from way out, and is there as a special accommodation to you.

Even then if she is willing to come in for you then you have a strong  history with her, and most likely are  spending enough money in your parties with her she will just accept the appointment with you on faith and not ask for a deposit from you.?
Last edited by Ironman on Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by isurfer »

strike one link wrote: alot of people say only take cash your willing to spend. and deposit is fine if youve see the lady before. how do only cash people do a deposit for follow up parties?

if not doing only cash the houses say they use discreet billing. this makes sense it would work before the internet. what names do they use? what happens when you google them now?
I understand that some clients need to keep their brothel visits secret. The most common reason I've heard is that the client is married and the spouse doesn't know but there have been a few other reasons like someone is watching a person's finances, like someone living with parents or grandparents, etc.

I personally like the convenience of credit and know what I'm going to spend for each party. For over 3 years I have my set party price  for all parties that I don't vary from. For the past 96 parties I've had, the only negotiation variation might be the amount of time or activities during my party. I don't like upsells or hard price negotiations so telling the lady what I will spend on a party, she can decide if it is worth it for her, and I don't tip after the party. Most guys telling you to take cash don't want you spending over your head, since newer brothel patrons might get talked into spending more than they should. Been there, done that. I learned the hard way, just because you spend more for a party it does not necessarily mean that the party will be better for you, especially the first time that you party with a lady. If you've had sex with different ladies in your life, would you say that they were all the same? For me, the answer is no, for me all 8 girlfriends were all different sexually for me. One time, in the first half year that I started this hobby, I paid xxxx for a party that ended up being the worst bang for my buck party ever. The courtesan was only in it for the money, and it showed, and she had good reviews from other clients, and these other clients were real, I met them and talked to them in person. The courtesan and I just didn't click in the bedroom for some reason, even though it did seem like we had good chemistry chatting online, emailing and messaging online, and even when we talked on the phone when she gave me her phone number and she had been a courtesan at least for several years.. Maybe I was just unlucky but I learned my lesson early on and never partied with her again, one and done . I've had other bad parties since, but the party prices were in the more reasonable xxx range and I just chalked those up to experience in realizing that not every courtesan is the same in the bedroom, any 2 different people might have or not have an attraction to each other. I just wish that if a courtesan doesn't really want to party with me and is not going to get into it 100% I wish she would decline the party and not do it just for the money.

You can go to a drug store chain, a larger grocery store, some gas stations or store like WalMart and Target and get some prepaid Visa or MasterCard debit cards to take with you and use at the brothels. If you have to be secretive and hide your brothel trips and expenses, don't use a personal debit or credit card. Someone might question (I would) why you are spending xxxxx in Nevada or withdrawing that much from a Nevada ATM even if the statement doesn't specifically say a brothel business name but some other tourist business? How much was the hotel room, really? I don't need to hide, and I have more of a fear of getting robbed, mugged, or beaten up for any large amount of cash in my pocket. I had a co-worker that had that happen to him in a casino restroom in Las Vegas and several guys ganged up on him, hurt him and robbed him. I've heard from others, many Nevada thieves work in teams. Most of the bad news doesn't hit the news media, bad for tourism. You can always take travelers checks with you instead of a lot of cash.

A deposit for follow up parties? If you are at the brothel, make a cash deposit while you are there. A good tip for the lady would be a repeat party with her in the future, which I like doing, rather than just an immediate cash tip. I would make a deposit for a future day and time with the courtesan, the exact day and time to be determined later in the future after I figure out my future travel plans. My deposits are different from day and time appointments, some clients do both deposits and make an appointment at the same time, but not me.
I've had 102 awesome parties so far with my All Time Favorite lady Roxy Gold at Sagebrush Ranch since October 2014 and more future parties planned with her.
I've Had the Time of My Life, Roxy Gold
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I knew everything when I was younger but I'm still learning.