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Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 12:22 pm
by SixT9er
Should all people working in Brothels be required to pass a regular drug test in order to work at them?

For standard employees it could be an initial test upon employment then random tests.

For the IC's it could be part of their first test when they come to the house for their tour

Many places of business require drug testing prior to permanent employment and then the employees are subject to random drug testing and of course drug testing in the event of an accident.

How big of a concern are illegal drugs in the house to you? What about the Legal ones, Alcohol and Marijuana?

I often times see alcohol abused in the houses by the Ladies. What should the houses do if anything in these circumstances?

I admit it's easy for me to say they should test as I don't do any illegal or legal drugs (outside of the occasional doctor prescribed medication) so I have nothing to hide

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 12:59 pm
by Cobia
Yes, I think they should have to do a dope test.  Most people do so it wouldn't hurt the ladies.

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:35 pm
by Vanityaffair
I’m a true believer in drug testing. I believe it should be mandatory
XO Vanity

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:35 pm
by niceguy eddie
No.  In the words of the late William S. Burroughs we have become a "nation of finks."

Marijuana is legal in Nevada as of course is alcohol.

And are the costs of these tests going to be passed on to the ladies?

As long as they are not operating any equipment . . .  Okay, if someone has a forklift in the  dungeon I would want her to be sober.

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:33 pm
by Dr. Who
Most companies that I've work for required drug testing as a prerequisite to being hired.  Some also have a zero tolerance clause in their policy, along with random drug testing.  So, I'm in favor testing all employees and ICs for illegal drugs before they are allowed to work in a brothel, as well as random drug testing.

It's beneficial to the brothel owners to not only promote a drug free working environment, but to also help protect their "privileged business license".  That's why the brothel owners should be responsible for picking up this expense.

As for legal drugs, alcohol is already accepted at pretty much every brothel that I've visited over the years and that's never going away unless the brothel owner loses their liquor license for some reason.  I also prefer a smoke-free environment regardless of whether it's weed or tobacco.

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:35 pm
by FumbleNutts
I'm on the fence with this one. Of all the occupations I've had in my life the only one where there's been a drug test is the military. It's almost a must now to ownership for CYA, because we have seen in many instances that it only takes one bad apple  :-\

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:05 pm
by Mikey
Nope. I've never been drug tested, was polygraphed once, didn't like it.  I remember they said I didn't have to take it, but if I refused I wouldn't be hired. Unless the job requires operating heavy equipment, and or making life and death decisions, I say no.

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:53 pm
by quest4tail
I wonder how much drug testing would lessen the talent pool in LPIN.

Marijuana should be allowed inside the ladies' rooms. 

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:56 pm
by MrTShirt
quest4tail link wrote: I wonder how much drug testing would lessen the talent pool in LPIN.

Marijuana should be allowed inside the ladies' rooms.
A good question for the houses.  Plus, if the house put a "drug testing" statement on the application, it likely would scare away many.

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:32 am
by MrTShirt
KittiMinx link wrote:
...Some may say it's not my job to take care of drunk grown adults but my argument is always I don't want someone going home with that "run down" feeling  among other reasons.  In turn people I've taken care of have come back to see me to have actual full parties without the need to get trashed.
I agree that adults should take care of themselves, but...

Any business that interfaces with drunks need to be careful that they don't get charged with facilitating the adult's bad behavior:
1)  As mentioned bars for sure.
2)  The Lamar instance at LRS.  I don't know any of the facts, but it certainly didn't help the LRS.

I agree that any lady should tell a drunk customer to go sober up.  If the drunk never comes back, so what.  Other drunks, once sober, will appreciate the "tough love", and may make the lady their ATF.

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:28 pm
by elkogfe
FYI... We have implemented random drug testing recently.  All bartenders, managers, girls, me, all have been tested and have passed.  [/size]

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 2:32 am
by CoriCooper
Honestly, here is the thing about drug testing....

With the exception of marijuana-- most substances only stay in the system for 2-3 days-- and the younger and more fit a person is... the shorter that timeframe is. 

Tests at the point of hire are going to miss most-- most users know to stay clean for a few days.  The only way you're going to catch most users is via random testing. 


Meth--- a habitual user will only test dirty for about 2-3 days after their last use
Cocaine--  a habitual user will only test dirty for about 5-6 days after their last use
Heroin-- a habitual user will only test dirty for about 2 days.

The same pattern can be found in pretty much every drug with the exception of marijuana.

Now-- having a drug testing program in place will help keep a business safe in the case of another incident like the most recent one-- but honestly, its just a cursory hand pat.  If its about care for your employees and contractors-- learn the signs of use.  Most addicts cannot hide the effects for long.

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 2:55 am
by SixT9er
CoriCooper link wrote: Honestly, here is the thing about drug testing....

With the exception of marijuana-- most substances only stay in the system for 2-3 days-- and the younger and more fit a person is... the shorter that timeframe is. 

Tests at the point of hire are going to miss most-- most users know to stay clean for a few days.  The only way you're going to catch most users is via random testing. 


Meth--- a habitual user will only test dirty for about 2-3 days after their last use
Cocaine--  a habitual user will only test dirty for about 5-6 days after their last use
Heroin-- a habitual user will only test dirty for about 2 days.

The same pattern can be found in pretty much every drug with the exception of marijuana.

Now-- having a drug testing program in place will help keep a business safe in the case of another incident like the most recent one-- but honestly, its just a cursory hand pat.  If its about care for your employees and contractors-- learn the signs of use.  Most addicts cannot hide the effects for long.
Agree, drug testing is not the end all answer. It’s just another tool. As you say the key is to recognize the signs of it. If they are tested and cleared when they come through the door at least then you have a baseline to observe from.

It was mentioned by NGE I believe that if they aren’t driving a forklift he wasn’t concerned. What if the substance they’re using is causing them to have violent tendencies or hallucinations that cause them to accuse the client of things they didn’t do? I know I’m not the only one to remember Abby’s story of the Lady who pulled a knife out?

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 3:50 pm
by Slednx
Your friends are high right now
Your parents are high right now
That hot chick is high right now
That cop is high right now
The President's high right now
Your priest is high right now
Everyone's high as fuck right now
And no one's ever coming down

Unless she's flying the plane, running the train or bus, operating equipment around others, leave her alone with this mandatory testing. Honestly, so many of these ladies do drugs, all sorts of them.

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:32 am
by John Jag
I worked in the retail sales industry...Cars and there were drug tests to get in but once in many salespersons were using drugs...So test but then people go on using...unless you have random drug testing it would be hard to stop the use of drugs...I don't know the percentage of the ladies who use drugs to begin with...But i'm sure that a lot smoke Marijuana..which I would not consider a drug in the sense of harder drugs...That's my 2 cents worth

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:40 am
by Mikey
It seems with MJ legal and a tightening job market more companies are relaxing or even dropping their drug testing. ... -drug-test

Re: Brothel Drug Testing?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:22 am
by TC
I’ve taken a few for my much more boring job and they always strike me as dumb. Weed is legal in my state with an Rx and but it still eliminates you as a candidate with most temp agencies. Meanwhile you can test positive for opiates, amphetimine (Adderal) and benzos as long as you have proof of prescription.

I am not a big pot smoker but I still think that should be illegal to turn someone away due to a stigmatized yet perfectly legal substance.