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Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:50 am
by SixT9er
What does “All Time Favorite” mean to you?

What does a Lady or client do that elevates them to a higher status?

Do you/can you have multiple ATF’s?

Does having an ATF diminish the others Ladies you’ve been with?

I used to have a few ATF’s now I have 1 and very fond memories of many others. I’ve had many Great parties with Ladies who are favorites but not ATF.


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 4:22 pm
by Dr. Who
I consider a lady a favorite, if we have good mutual chemistry and I enjoy doing repeat parties with her.   

She might become an ATF, as our comfort level develops over time and we both enjoy partying together.  That also bring up another problem, since I've had many favorites over the years, but some were only in this business for the short term.  I may have seen them 2-3 times and then they moved on, while all of my past ATFs were in the business for years.

Currently, I don't have an ATF, but I have a few favorites.  When/if I should decide to "retire" from visiting the brothels, I'll probably designate an AATF ("Absolute All Time Favorite", the term that Flyfisher cooked up a while back ...LOL) from my past ATFs. ;D


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:06 pm
by Ironman
Short answer, and speaking for myself only because we all have different ways of how we define the term.

So my definition only If someone else agrees with me fine if not that's fine too.

Anyway. In my little micro universe.

Favorites were about the sex at a rate I could live with, and we were comfortable enough on a mattress together she was worth going back to.  I had several of those.

It is only because I am poor☹ I can't find a new favorite.

Now as for ATF again my definition only the bond I formed with mine really had nothing to do with Sex. That bond even though she left 5 years ago and will not be back. That bond is still there and can never be broken.

Don't get me wrong the sex was good if it was bad I would not have kept going back to her, and she would not have had the chance to form the bond that made her my ATF before she moved on..

It was also different with her because she reached ATF Status.

But in my opinion if your selection of ATF was because of sex. Then what would be the point of continuing to go after she moves on? You.already decided the sex will never be any better with another girl.

So you might as well make  like Ricky Nelson. Have your own little Garden Party in your mind, and live on the memories you had on the mattress with your retired ATF.

For me ATF is like  the Highlander in the end there can be only one!

But favorite that's all about the sex and the rate she is charging you.

You can have as many favorites as your time, your physical Stamina, and most importantly your bank account balance says you can have.?

Again these are just my definitions agree disagree modify to fit your own opinion its all good. Carry on people!??


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:27 pm
by SixT9er
Apeman I agree. For me the sex is only part of the equation. Yes my ATF is the best I’ve ever been with and for some that may be all that is required to reach ATF or AATF status for that matter.

There’s no right or wrong way each of us chooses our ATF or F’s

For me what in addition to the incredible sex is the way she treats me and makes me feel. We have established a type of relationship wherein I believe we both not only like each other but have mutual respect and trust. These are all things I value highly and go into the package that makes her my ATF.

As the good Doctor said he’s had several ATF’s over the years and my have more in the future. When he decides he’s done he may put one above as his AATF or he may not and leave it as Multiple ATF’s from different times in his Brothel going life. Whichever works for him is all that matters.

I just get curious on others takes on various subjects so I pose the question, as I said there are no right or wrong answers just individuals opinions that work for them


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:53 am
by Cobia
As you regulars already know, I am pretty loyal to my ladies .  Back in my younger days  I did "bed hop" some but still had a favorite even back then. The last few years I stick with a lady that treats me well and we " click".  I too am in this for just not for the sex but sex is still "up there".


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:33 am
by Ironman
I am not sure Doc Who and Cobia are the right two people to define ATF. Doc is a time lord regenerated like 13 times each regeneration is essentially a new life time according to his post he has only had one every other regeneration give or take unless he is not counting the working girls from other planets galaxies ext.?

Now as for Cobia his two best friends back when he was younger were Fred  Flintstone and Barney Rubble. His first two ATF working girls were Wilma and Betty. Till they hung up their working girl furs. Settled down and became Misses Wilma Flintstone and Misses Betty Rubble respectfully.

They never forgot Cobia though he was the God Father to both Pebbeles and Bam Bam.?

So while their respective Definitions should not be dismissed.

They need those Star Thingys by them.

One travels in what essentially looks like a phone booth from the outside through time and space.

The other used to ride a dinosaur too school.

He probably didn't even start wearing shoes till cowboy boots were finally invented.

Too this day he probably still hunts with a big club.????


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:35 am
by Cobia
Ironman link wrote: I am not sure Doc Who and Cobia are the right two people to define ATF. Doc is a time lord regenerated like 13 times each regeneration is essentially a new life time according to his post he has only had one every other regeneration give or take unless he is not counting the working girls from other planets galaxies ext.?

Now as for Cobia his two best friends back when he was younger were Fred and Barney Rubble. His first two ATF working girls were Wilma and Betty. Till they hung up their working girl furs. Settled down and became Misses Wilma Flintstone and Misses Betty Rubble respectfully.

They never forgot Cobia though he was the God Father to both Pebbeles and Bam Bam.?

So while their respective Definitions should not be dismissed.

They need those Star Thingys by them.

One travels in what essentially looks like a phone booth from the outside through time and space.

The other used to ride a dinosaur too school.

He probably didn't even start wearing shoes till cowboy boots were finally invented.

Too this day he probably still hunts with a big club.????

;D ;D


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:00 am
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote:

;D ;D

I figured you would find that last post an amusing read.

What year did you finally legally change your name from Joe Rockhead to what it is now anyway???


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:42 am
by SixT9er
Ironman link wrote:
I figured you would find that last post an amusing read.

What year did you finally legally change your name from Joe Rockhead to what it is now anyway???
Figures only on a LPIN message board could we have an Ape questioning the validity of opinions stated by a Time Lord and a Caveman!


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:51 am
by Cobia
Ironman link wrote:
I figured you would find that last post an amusing read.

What year did you finally legally change your name from Joe Rockhead to what it is now anyway???

That's a secret Mr. Fuzzy.... ;D ;D


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:53 am
by Cobia
SixT9er link wrote: Figures only on a LPIN message board could we have an Ape questioning the validity of opinions stated by a Time Lord and a Caveman!

;D ;D


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:18 am
by Ironman
SixT9er link wrote: Figures only on a LPIN message board could we have an Ape questioning the validity of opinions stated by a Time Lord and a Caveman!


Actually I just indicated that one is several Million years old at least and the other a time lord travels around in what essentially at least from the outside looks like a phone booth through time and space.

So I just pointed out neither has a normal human life span. Its an unfair advantage.???


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:23 am
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote:

That's a secret Mr. Fuzzy.... ;D ;D

OK given you were born in the stone age.? I guess you are entitled to keep that  a secret.?


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:36 am
by Dr. Who
Ironman link wrote:

Actually I just indicated that one is several Million years old at least and the other a time lord travels around in what essentially at least from the outside looks like a phone booth through time and space.

So I just pointed out neither has a normal human life span. Its an unfair advantage.???
LOL!  ;D ;D ;D 


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:52 pm
by FumbleNutts
Hmmm, a favorite to me is someone that I've partied with multiple times or would party with again. I'm not embarrassed to say that my ATF brings out feelings that I've not felt for a very long time. Whether that's because we've partied 17 times or her qualities - maybe a combination of both, I dunno? I'm only human  ;) But, that's why she's my ATF. Now, wait before you judge. I'm a realist, and am proud to say we're friends  :)

It doesn't diminish my other favorites. As far as the experiences/trysts go, I have fun with all ladies that are favorites to me. But yes, there's just one ATF for me. Now if someone else strikes me that way, my answer would change.


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:43 am
by CatrinaCosta
Sorry to jump in on you. I am loving the conversation and I admit that I am rolling on the floor laughing at the reference to age. But maybe that gives them even more experience in order to base their [/size]knowledge[/size] of an ATF. I mean Doctor Who has traveled thru time and space he better than anyone might [/size]know the answer to that question. :)  
[/size]I am just wondering if the ladies have ATF clients as well. I know that I have clients that I click with and have a lot in common with and we are able to sit and talk and have a blast. It is a more relaxed [/size]time[/size] with them which makes them more at easy as well. So I feel like the whole adventure is better. Those tend to be clients that come back and are repeats. So to go back to what you have all commented it is the ladies that you go back to see over and over the one you feel like you make that connection with where you can be friends.


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:04 am
by SixT9er

I was hoping Ladies would chime in with what makes a client a favorite of theirs also.

As I said The reason they become an ATF is strictly each individuals to make and there are no right or wrong reasons.

Hell for a Lady it could be because the client books huge parties or it could just be because he’s a nice guy. Everyone has their own criteria of what’s important to them


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:12 am
by Ironman
CatrinaCosta link wrote: Sorry to jump in on you. I am loving the conversation and I admit that I am rolling on the floor laughing at the reference to age. But maybe that gives them even more experience in order to base their knowledge of an ATF. I mean Doctor Who has traveled thru time and space he better than anyone might know the answer to that question. :)  
I am just wondering if the ladies have ATF clients as well. I know that I have clients that I click with and have a lot in common with and we are able to sit and talk and have a blast. It is a more relaxed time with them which makes them more at easy as well. So I feel like the whole adventure is better. Those tend to be clients that come back and are repeats. So to go back to what you have all commented it is the ladies that you go back to see over and over the one you feel like you make that connection with where you can be friends.

OK just to clarify. I was not questioning Cobia or Doc Who just pointing out neither has a normal human life span so of course their definition is going to be a bit different. I should have wrote that first part of that post better.?

Now to answer the last part of your post.

Yes you girls have favorite clients some might even reach an ATF status with you similar to what you girls reach with some of your clients.

It won't necessarily be one that pays you the most. Maybe they only book a couple of times a year.

But I bet you a dollar since I am too poor to bet more. ☹ Someday some client probably more then one will let you know in some way you are there favorite or their ATF. If they haven't already.

You are going to probably find although it may only be a special few they are going to be your favorite clients. Some might even be your version of an ATF. The same as a clients favorite or ATF just from the working girls perspective.

Unfortunately this type of relationship/arrangement will end it will be bitter sweet for you both there is no way around it. This is just the way this must end.

But when  the time comes. You might do what mine did.  You are going to if at all possible end this current chapter of your life with at least a slect special few clients differently then you will with most of the rest.

Kristine knew when it was time for her to move on. That  I was not the client that paid her the most. I didn't get to book as often as I wanted to or she would have liked.

But she  knew where she stood with me, and I probably more so then maybe all her other regular clients would have the hardest time dealing  with  her departure.☹ So she went out of her way and basically bent over  backwards to make sure I knew that all though it had to be this  way it was not going to be exactly easy for her either. She would miss me in her own way a little too.

I should point out though in my case at least.

I started giving Kristine a little bit of a heads up on what it was going to be like for me when she moved on about a year maybe a little more before she actually did retire.

You are going to get lost here for  a paragraph or so Catrina sorry.

Anyway those of you that used to follow the monkey monger Chronicles back when I was cranking those out all the time. Knows a lot of times most of them actually it was me just being bored trying to amuse myself maybe make you all laugh or have some type of emotions. Maybe just think wow that Ironman guy on the forum marches to his own unique beat.

But the Kristine stories  at least the ones where her character was female lead. Were  always loosely sometimes very loosely based on something I actually experienced with her. Or they were a story about something that was going to happen with her someday in the future.

When I knew the end was coming soon, or at least sooner then I wanted. I started cranking out a bunch of stories about what it would be like for me when she was gone.

None of those ever got posted on open forum.

But Kristine saw I think all but maybe one.  But 2 of them in particular too bad they never got a run on  open forum one in particular you all would have loved.

Anyway Kristine got too see them.  Basically they were stories of you know its going to happen if It has  to be this way. Let's at least do it this way OK?

Well Kristine must have watched the files  I sent her very carefully and took damn good mental notes.

When the time actually came about a year later maybe a little longer things were pretty close to how Kristine's fictional counter part parted ways with Monkey monger.

So basically Kristine had about a year or more of source martial to draw from on how to part ways with me, and how to help soften the blow ever so slightly after.

Like I said she did her homework took good notes.??

You all of course now have had confirmed what you already know Monkey monger is a fictional character. He is just a regular random dude.

Except for in the Kristine stories in the Kristine stories he was my proxy a stand in for me,  and unlike the other girls that made apperences in the monkey monger Chronicles the way, I portrayed Kristine's character was pretty close to how she was at least with me.

In hind sight though not all that surprising. Kristine was sharp. Once she figured out the context and where I was going with them.

She actually embraced her character. She was actually creative consultant/executive producer on DGB4 for those of you that caught that one on Sin back in 2012. She also had an EP credit on the follow up I also rolled On sin about  3 weeks later why can't you.? aka
WCU? I forget actually how I labeled that one
But I bet PB still has a copy.?

So anyway yes you can have favorites too Catrina most likely, They feel the same way about you.

Paid for time or not it is a unique sometimes complicated dynamic with your ATF rather you have one or 100. it don't matter only those that play this game and have a ATF. Can understand it. Even then not completely.?


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:18 pm
by SixT9er

Kristine was your ATF?!?!?


I never would have guessed it!


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:32 pm
by Ironman
SixT9er link wrote: @ironman

Kristine was your ATF?!?!?


I never would have guessed it!

Yeah I know I did such a great job of playing it cool.? So you all wouldn't  catch on.???