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Just Wondering.....

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:36 am
by Cobia
If a lady stays in touch with you "often " does it encourage you to make more trips to the house ?

Re: Just Wondering.....

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:46 am
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote: If a lady stays in touch with you "often " does it encourage you to make more trips to the house ?

5 years ago yes. In the here and now no.

Just as well I  haven't booked with anyone in it will be 2 years in December and it might wind up being 3 or 4 or 5. I am not worth their time anymore. Maybe that is for the best too.? But yes 5 years ago it made  a difference.In the here and now although several ladies have the right stuff I just ain't worth the effort anymore.

Its OK its better that way.

If and when I book again it will be the lpin version of s one night stand. Unless one of the. 3 or 4 I know from back in my short lived prime makes an offer for old times sake that falls within my limited price range. Even then I would have to be in the right mental frame of mind.

Unfortunately we can't all live 40 million years like Cobia ??

We can't all travel through time and Space on outdates saving the universe in our spare time in a blue box like Doc Who.,??

I am a releic of days long since gone by.

All that are left are memories some are vivid and always will be others have faded s little, but will never truly leave.

I am out at least for a while.Until next time.,??

Re: Just Wondering.....

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:28 am
by CatrinaCosta
Everyone is worthy of someones time. I think that even just dropping by and saying hi and having a drink is fun. I know that some look down on that but make that connection and have a conversation a [/color][/size]smile a hug go a long way.

Re: Just Wondering.....

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:06 am
by SixT9er
Cobia link wrote: If a lady stays in touch with you "often " does it encourage you to make more trips to the house ?

I’m a connection type of guy so it’s vital for me

Re: Just Wondering.....

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:50 am
by Vanityaffair
I have met some genuine cool people in this business. We keep up with each other all the time. Some I have never partied with. It’s just a connected friendship we have developed. I really like this bond.
XO Vanity

Re: Just Wondering.....

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:48 am
by rachelvarga
As far as connection I keep up with some people. I devote more time to regulars but that's only fair. Either way I'm available on some level. What I don't like is someone acting like I'm obligated to talk to them. Especially when I'm off work.

When I'm at home I'm living a different life. Just like clients are. If you can't wait or think that I have to talk to you when I'm off work, then you think wrong.

We work 12 hour shifts for two weeks straight and stay at the brothel the whole time. Last thing we want to talk about is that when we are home.

I'm not talking about questions or inquiries about parties. I mean incessant requests.

Re: Just Wondering.....

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:09 am
by MrTShirt
Cobia link wrote: If a lady stays in touch with you "often " does it encourage you to make more trips to the house ?
The question in any client's mind is "Does the lady really want to party with me?"
The lady's demeanor before, during and after a party helps to answer the question.  That includes contact.

But, excessive contact will surely turn away the lady.

Re: Just Wondering.....

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:48 am
by Chicagobob
I tend to repeat with the ladies that stay in touch with me. I also stop in and meet the ladies that have communicated with me online. I've had a conversation going now for about 2 weeks with a lady at KitKat. Her posts are more than just one or two words - we are actually having a conversation about our personal lives. It will probably turn into a party during my next visit.

Re: Just Wondering.....

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:00 pm
by Sable Renae
Me personally I like the communication BUT I wont initiate it after a party. I provide contact info when someone either parties or shows interest like coming in to talk to me. However I know folks especially guest have personal lives that if I pop up at the wrong time could get some guys in really HOT water so I always repsond if I get a missive but I don't initiate outta respect for a potential mate that could get really angry over it. I watched my parents do a 7 year on again off again dance over something similar to todays text communication and honestly I don't want to be the cause of anything like that. If you have my number feel free to text but understand 'cause I can't see where you are I won't initiate 'cause I don't want to get you in trouble.[/size]

Re: Just Wondering.....

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:20 am
by Duck11
Although, I do like being in touch with the ladies, it’s not required. What encourages me to show up to the house more often is how the ladies act towards me when I’m at the house.
I don’t need much, a simple hello and a 10 second chat is good enough for me. However you can send me message after message, but when I show up and I’m not acknowledged, please don’t hold it against me that I spent time with someone else who was friendly with me.

Re: Just Wondering.....

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 6:12 pm
by Sable Renae
WhenI have faces to go with names I really have no issue at all with not at least saying hello. Get a tad bit more difficult tosay hi when I have no idea what someone looks like. That said I love to make new friends and if I am not in the parlor PLEASE for the love of.... ask the office to pop my room or find me.