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House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:20 am
by SixT9er
There are houses with the reputation of being more expensive than others.

Sheri's and Bunny Ranch come first to mind. These houses market themselves as such and from what I've seen and heard live up to their costly reputations for the most part although you can occasionally find Ladies willing to work with more modest budgets in these places for the most part tho they are hunting Whales from my point of view which is ok. I'm not saying they shouldn't or that they need to offer lower priced Ladies. Every owner can market how they see fit and Ladies as I've always said have a right to ask whatever they want and the client can walk if it's out of his budget.

My concern that I see harming the industry is that these two are the most known along with the Mustang but the Mustang is a lot less "Vocal" than the other two that get the headlines they also put out the reputation that going to a Brothel is cost prohibitive to many. The Mustang offers a variety of Ladies and due to it's location without any direct competition it does well and isn't as affected overall by the others.

I wonder what effect the reputation of these two houses has on the houses that are near by such as Chicken Ranch in the south and the 3 houses in the Cul de sac across the street from the Bunny Ranch in Mound House? Are these houses that offer more affordable party alternatives losing out because of the reputations of the other two houses scaring off potential customers? I these houses starting to fall into the category of Whale hunting too?

I don't believe that LPIN can survive with the Whale only mentality, LPIN was built on providing a service for the working class guys to live out their fantasies. If they believe they can no longer do that and that LPIN is only for the wealthy I believe LPIN is doomed as those clients with money to spend but not "Whale" Funds will turn away and take their chances on the riskier side of the street with Indies. Indies that are local and that the guys don't have to drive long distances for and spend excessive amounts of money to see start looking less and less scary unfortunately.

There will always be the guys who value safety over all else but are there enough of them with enough money to keep LPIN afloat in its current trending climate?

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:21 am
by MrTShirt
In many recreational activities you have whale pricing.  You will always have that in brothels as well.

The whales don't want to mix with the average joe.  They go to places that are high priced so they can only mix with their kind.
Also, they don't want to tell their buddies that they were with a $300/hr courtesan.  They want to say they were with a $10,000 courtesan.

Same thinking about hotels.  They don't go to a $70/night hotel.  They go to a $500/night hotel.

If you want to understand a whale, you have to put yourself in their shoes.

The Mustang is better setup to accommodate whales that at least Sheris.  They can drive right up to a fancy room and no one would see them.  I don't know if the BR has a "secret entrance".

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:44 pm
by SexyLexieJames
The flip side of the "whale only" mentality, is the "simply a hole" mentality. Sadly I think that is what is hurting some houses more than anything. [/size]
There is a lot of talk on various forum threads about "getting the best deal." This hurts everyone in the business and some houses are pegged for being the cheapest. [/size]
If its just a warm hole you're looking for, put your fleshlight in the microwave. But if you want a kind, intelligent woman to give you a passionate sensual experience, you can't treat this like a normal business deal. Its extremely personal. [/size]
To get back to the point... I feel like the houses in the cul de sac don't get a "more affordable, and varied" reputation in contrast to MBR, but rather a cheap hole reputation, at least with the locals... I can't tell you how many times a week I get offered less than what many pay monthly for their cell phone bill for a full half hour sex and kissing. I am by no means platinum, but I know my worth and I am still very flexible when presented with a reasonable offer.[/size]

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:59 pm
by SixT9er
I wonder where the locals get the “cheap hole” idea from?

Anyone who’s spent time with Lexie knows she’s genuine and gives a great party at a fair rate.

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:03 pm
by niceguy eddie
The whole whale thing is confusing--especially for men and especially when we are not supposed to discuss prices (for good reasons).

These are people we often hear about through ladies--guys who spend what we would much more than we typically do for a similar party--and often for longer more elaborate parties or outdates or overnights.

We have to keep in mind that not everyone in the world who goes to brothels comes is on LPIN messageboards, and not everyone who comes on the messageboards post, and often do not give an indication of what they spend. 

Also, guys don't always mention everyone who they party with.  Sometimes they may party with a lady who is known to be expensive as a one-time fantasy (or a one-time mistake) and may not mention it for fear of being labelled a whale or big spender, and this may affect their ability to get parties for prices that they can afford or are comfortable with in the future.

I certainly have seen the "simply a hole" mentality that Lexie mentioned--both online and in person in the brothels.

A funny story.  In August of 2016 there was a hot new young lady at the MLBR who had just started a few days previously.  I had spent a good amount of time talking with her, but had not partied with her yet since I had partied already that day (I later wound up partying with her several times over the next week).

Later that evening some while I was sitting in the parlor of the Moonlight, some guy picks her from lineup.  She takes him to her room and returns without sealing the deal.  She comes out and tells me that the guy she walked only offered her $150 and said that is all she is worth.  I told her of course she was worth way more than that. 

As it happened Freeky Geek--who I had just met, was having his birthday party with a Rocky Horror Picture show theme.  He was dressed in drag like one of the characters with a wig and white makeup, and he was standing by the bar. 

So I told the young lady that she should go tell the guy who told her that she was only worth $150 that she had a girl who would take care of him at that price and walk him over and introduce him to Freeky Geek in drag.

She didn't want to do it because she was afraid she would get in trouble.  I offered her $100 to do it.  She still was afraid.  I told her I would pay any fines if she got them (I don't even know if the moonlight has fines). 

She asked me what if she got fired.  I told her that would not happen and if it did I would become her sugar daddy (something I later realized I could not possibly afford so I really should not have offered it.)

She agreed to do it, but just then the bell rang for a lineup.  The guy she walked was ready to leave, so I went up to him and told him that the girl had someone for his budget. He asked me who, I said I wasn't sure but the young lady who had just walked him knew.  So the young lady led the guy to the bar with me following just in case things got out of hand.  Freeky was there with his back to us, so all you saw was long dark hair in a Rocky Horror Picture show type outfit.  It could not have been more perfect.  The lady reluctantly tapped Freeky on the back and Freeky turned around.  Mr. "You're not worth more than $150" took one look at Freeky and blanched and turned away and left.

We then filled Freeky in on what was going on.

It was the funniest experience I have ever had in a brothel.  Definitely worth the $100.

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:20 am
by RunningSquirrel
Lexie James link wrote: I feel like the houses in the cul de sac don't get a "more affordable, and varied" reputation in contrast to MBR, but rather a cheap hole reputation, at least with the locals...[/size]

Wow., I know it's all fun being in the "Bunny Board bubble," but have never ever thought or heard that of the cul-de-sac ranches. Great story by NGE! Perhaps FG can don his get-up whenever a similar situation arises kinda like Batman (or Bat "Woman").

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:10 am
by Midwest Couple
SixT9er link wrote:
My concern that I see harming the industry is that these two are the most known along with the Mustang but the Mustang is a lot less "Vocal" than the other two that get the headlines they also put out the reputation that going to a Brothel is cost prohibitive to many. The Mustang offers a variety of Ladies and due to it's location without any direct competition it does well and isn't as affected overall by the others.

I wonder what effect the reputation of these two houses has on the houses that are near by such as Chicken Ranch in the south and the 3 houses in the Cul de sac across the street from the Bunny Ranch in Mound House? Are these houses that offer more affordable party alternatives losing out because of the reputations of the other two houses scaring off potential customers? I these houses starting to fall into the category of Whale hunting too?

There will always be the guys who value safety over all else but are there enough of them with enough money to keep LPIN afloat in its current trending climate?

As in any business, the prices will adjust to the demand and willingness to pay. 

Our fear is NOT for "the industry" and what's going to happen when/if they realize the whale mentality is unsistainable .... the answer is simple; they'll adjust their business model and lower the prices to stay in business! 

Or fear is for us, and the monger community.  What if they ARE RIGHT?  What if the business is sustainable with the whale mentality?  What if we are forced to accept that there's plenty of people in the market who feel a $$$$+ party is a good value to them?  What if some of us are destined to tell "sidewinder" type of stories about how awesome Lexie, & Kitti, & Elko's monger specials "use to be back in the day"?

That's what concerns us. We don't have enough experience to be valuable at all if that happens! 

ps.... "simply a hole" is disgusting!  Mrs MWC has no interest in "simply a hole", however we have our budget.  Our budget has NOTHING to do with the value we feel the services are worth, just what we are willing to pay for those services.  If/when they don't match up - we wish everyone the best.  It's not a competition, it's a business! 

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:03 am
by MrTShirt
Midwest Couple link wrote:
ps.... "simply a hole" is disgusting!  Mrs MWC has no interest in "simply a hole", however we have our budget....
What the guys forget is what they have is "simply a pole".  The ladies could go buy a dildo.  It doesn't complain, have STDs, get limp or forget to shave.

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 11:08 am
by niceguy eddie
MrTShirt link wrote: What the guys forget is what they have is "simply a pole".  The ladies could go buy a dildo.  It doesn't complain, have STDs, get limp or forget to shave.

Yes, but the ladies would not be making any money if they adopted that approach.

In LPIN the ladies are--for lack of a better description--the item or person of value.

By paying them money the client gets to have sex with women that they otherwise would otherwise *likely* never have sex with, much less even get to meet.

The houses post pictures of who is available and include some info on them; ladies advertise on messageboards and twitter accounts and post additional pictures.  They also participate and interact on various message boards so you get a feel for their personality.  Without all of this, you would never get to encounter them much less get into a position to where you could pay them to have sex.

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:44 pm
by Sable Renae
Lexi's recollection of her experiences are spot on. However I have come across a dilemma that is 180 degrees in the oppisite direction. I very frequently get overlooked, bypassed, and outright avoided by Guests and recently I was advised by a "well known" guest as to why. I was told I look like I am too expensive which was why for 3 years plus he hasn't given me the time of day. When we talked in my room I dispelled that notion to the point that if he hadn't blown his entire budget on other ladies who charge a good deal more than me he found that he could have had more time with me than what he paid for with them and he was pretty sure he would have had the same if not better experience. Now that made me question and is part of the reason why I am having some difficulty with what I see. If I "dress down" would I get more traffic but get into a tussel with managementt. Or continue to appear in part as myself 'cause I do "dress for the occasion" and keep management happy only to be seen as "too expensive" when really I'm not. Yes there are girls that have that "whale" mentality. But not me. Even if I may appear to look that part.[/size]

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:33 am
by SixT9er

Any guy who doesn’t try a negotiation with a Lady because she “looks expensive” is doing so because he’s afraid of a failed negotiation that causes hard feelings or can’t handle rejection.
Never dress down. Always be yourself

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:39 pm
by Cobia
I have and still by pass some ladies because they look expensive. 

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:51 pm
by Sable Renae
You know the old saying "Never Judge a Book By the Cover".... maybe the one you by pass is the one you really want ;) ;) [/size]

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:37 pm
by Cobia
Sable Renae link wrote: You know the old saying "Never Judge a Book By the Cover".... maybe the one you by pass is the one you really want ;) ;) [/size]

That's very true.  It's just that I am shy mostly.

In the past I passed up a lady for 2 yrs. before I would even talk to her.  Turned out we had 16 great parties together and still stay in touch.

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:40 pm
by Sable Renae
Cobia link wrote:

That's very true.  It's just that I am shy mostly.

In the past I passed up a lady for 2 yrs. before I would even talk to her.  Turned out we had 16 great parties together and still stay in touch.
I wish I could frame this comment 'cause I really REALLY luv it[/size]

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:03 pm
by FumbleNutts
I cringe many times when I hear things like, "Whale," "just a hole," "dick with a wallet," "Cheap/Platinum pussy," etc. Problem is that both the clients and the ladies have people that partake that fit the mold, and then the broad brush starts painting. It's the system. If it would evolve it would help the ladies profit, and the clients save n have better experiences. As it's set up, both sides feel distrust, cynicism, skepticism, and various forms of deception. I wish the ladies were more empowered, in that they could really run their own business. I'm sorry, this 50/50 split stuff is crazy. The ladies have to pay, pay, pay, and pay again (R&B, food, toiletries, license, med test, etc.). It's a pyramid scheme with them taking all the risks and the guy on top reaping the bennies.

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:12 pm
by wayne208
I agree with Nutts as is the Usual for Him and I . I Like his style and am looking forward to meeting him some day .

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:41 am
by Duck11
I agree with FumbleNutts as well. The ladies are what makes the house, so the majority of the negotiated price should go to the ladies.
I do not know the amount of money or the number of clients that go into any brothel at any given time, however I would think that whales do not have to go to brothels anymore. The party would go to wherever the whale wants it to happen.

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 1:59 am
by Chicagobob
I don't think house price perceptions are a concern to LPIN in general, but to the many "regulars" word gets around.  I'm not sure if the one and done tourist even has a perception of the houses other than its a brothel. 

Re: House price perceptions, are they a concern to LPIN's future?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 10:27 pm
by RoxyGold
Perceptions are just that; a way of regarding or interpreting something. Everyone has a different view. Some perceive that pricing hasn’t changed since 1962, some perceive that they could never afford to visit a brothel, and there is everything in between. It’s a part of life.

I could perceive that fancy restaurants are not for me because manners are terrifying and if I use the wrong fork the world will end. If I order the wrong thing, it will be revolting and I will have to eat it anyway. (What if I accidentally order BRAINS? ??? ) If I wanted to change this perception, I could learn more about etiquette and cuisine, and decide if it’s interesting enough to step out of my comfort zone and go to one. Order something I can hardly pronounce, and it’s delicious! I drop one of the fancy forks (didn’t expect the thing to be cold! Sorry!), but no one seems to mind. Dessert comes, and it’s ON FIRE! How delightful! I pay the bill happily, I have had a wonderful time. Happy to have experienced something for myself instead of going by my perception alone, and will try it again when the time is right. :)