Hof Propganda / Goebbels Would Be Proud

Everything about the brothel life is here.
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Hof Propganda / Goebbels Would Be Proud


Post by rachelvarga »


"The passage of SESTA isn’t going to curb anyone’s first amendment right to protected free speech, but it will police the law as it pertains to online criminal enterprises, no differently than a publisher being held accountable for hosting an ad that offers the illegal services of a loan shark or a contract killer."[/size]
This entire article flies in the face of reasoning. Do she even know what SESTA is? God I hope she didn't write this because what she says shows an extreme lack of knowledge on how law works and an extreme lack of critical thinking skills.[/size]
if sex workers can’t meet the qualifications for licensing, they won’t be “forced out onto the streets”. They may be forced into another line of work, but that is no different than a public transit operator who gets convicted of a DWI and is “forced” into a profession that doesn’t involve operating a motor vehicle. [/size]
Did she just say that? That sex workers won't be forced on the street? Yeah sure they'll just sharpen up their resumes and get into the work force. No problem. Wtf?[/size]

This is why Dennis is pro FOSTA. He thinks it will help legalize prostitution. No dummy! It will give ammunition to the anti-prostitution groups! It emboldens the opposition!!! Don't you see that now that residents are trying to get a referendum to remove all your brothels. It's not a coincidence! [/size]

He is willing to support a bill that clearly violates the first amendment, pushes thousands of girls out on the streets and takes away their ability to screen out predators. All so he can build more brothels. The savior of working girls everywhere. The Messiah is on his way. Just let him get his clown car started.[/size]
Last edited by rachelvarga on Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mikey »

Well he's obviously looking at the elimination of a way for indies to advertise as increasing his business indirectly, by jumping on the bandwagon. But it will certainly be bad for working girls in every way. That said nobody is going to change their mind because of his advertising ploy.
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Post by SixT9er »

Dennis being an idiot? Boy no one saw that coming! I’m sure you’re right Rach that he doesn’t see the correlation between the anti Brothel petition and FOSTA and himself.
Lance nailed on the head when he basically said people are fine with Brothels as long as you keep them on the DL. You bring all this attention to them and then you get people who start thinking that tax base isn’t worth the bad publicity that Dennis brings.
There is such a thing as bad publicity and Dennis is proving it and he’s going to take the whole industry down with him while proving it!
I saw several weeks ago where he was spouting off about the benefits of the new laws and was very obvious then he had no clue what the hell was going on!
He’ll get a clue when they at min make him remove all those ads from th Bunny site and at worse shut the whole thing down on him!
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Post by CoriCooper »

She is one of many girls there that does not write her own blog posts....  pretty sure I know exactly which tech monkey wrote that one.
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Post by rachelvarga »

JJ Walker?!?!?![/size]
