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hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:33 am
by strike one
there were 2 threads on sin talking about bad hof stuff. both locked quick. they use to delete posts or say stay on topic. but let threads continue. they let arguments on pricing go. they let everyone talk bad about sheris. sin admis are pro hof and cant talk bad about hof houses? i would ask on sin but dont know what happens if i do. allowed to talk about bad hof stuff here?

sorry if this should go in off topic board instead of general discussion

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:39 am
by SixT9er
It’s Rachel’s call of course but to my knowledge discussion of houses good or bad is allowed here. I think the standard rule applies that it must be done without getting rude or blaming Ladies for house policies etc

Discussion of another board I think should be in Off Topic, again Rachel’s call.

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:50 am
by Ironman
You haven't been around very long have you. There have been plenty of negative things said about Hof over there that have been allowed to continue.

If the thread was locked and post were deleted they probably were violating one of the fourm rules.

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 8:01 am
by rachelvarga
I can't really say not to talk about Hof because I'm doing it. Anyone that is championing legislation that they admit hurts girls business should be under scrutiny. He is not a friend of the community. He is a narcissistic old man that has done more damage than good to legal prostitution. That's my opinion, and opinion isn't libel.

Don't let it get out of hand and turn into insults but criticizing his positions on this issue is fine.

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:16 am
by FumbleNutts
I saw the said thread, and was just about to post on it when it was locked. It really wasn't anything anyone doesn't already know about Hof. The OP was just talking about integrity of the lady that works for him, and if 'we'd' party with a lady that supports his behavior. The OP supplied links to LiveStreams and how far in the videos the actions the OP deemed inappropriate. Guess it's either the climate right now or they saw the writing on the wall with that thread and decided to pull out a rule.

For the record - I party with all ladies at all locations. It took some thought for me to separate the management from the lady. If the lady feels that she has to tow the line, then that's her decision and I'm not going to question it going forward nor will it preclude me from partying with her. I can only control how I treat the lady with respect.

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:38 am
by MrTShirt
Partying with all the girls in all locations give all the girls the financial resources to be successful where ever they are.  (Or where ever they wish to move to.)

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 1:58 pm
by Dr. Who
I feel the same as Rachel when it comes to Hof.  Although, I hate to penalize some of the ladies that work for him by not partying with them because of their boss.  Considering there are a limited number of brothels (and owners), some ladies probably have no other choice than to work at one of Hof's houses, if they want to work legal and earn a living.

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 4:44 pm
by TC
The reason I personally don’t feel Hof is a good person is that he used his twitter account to announce the real names of Krissy Summer and Cami Parker. In Cami’s case he linked to her personal Facebook account, and with Krissy he basically posted revenge porn—nude pictures of her with captions like “My ex [real name] from [real city and state] aka Krissy Summers catfishing bitch”—so much that if you were to google her real name, her bunny pictures on his twitter will still to this day come up. Being topless in a tub with Ron Jeremy is nothing she wants potential employers to see, I’m sure.

This is not personal or an insult to him, it is simply an unflattering reality. I literally watched it unfold when I used to follow him on twitter and ultimately chose to block him. However, I wouldn’t hold it against a lady for working with him. He is an excellent salesman. If for her the pros of working with Hof outweigh the cons it’s her choice and IMO not a matter of integrity.

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 4:52 pm
by SixT9er
For a while I wouldn’t go to Hof houses because I hated the thought of him getting half my money. After a while I decided I was only punishing myself by keeping away from Ladies I was interested in so I decided to go see the Ladies and just told myself I’m helping them.
Not ideal and I still avoid the Bunny Ranch because I don’t want to run into him. I’ve seen him there a couple times and he flat out disgusts me when I look at him I see the asshole who outs Ladies among other things

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 4:57 pm
by rachelvarga
I don't think Q is letting Hof on SIN. Probably just stopping the thread before it goes nuclear.

Did he turn off the pm system? We will have to if the bill is signed.

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:04 pm
by Dirk Diggler
strike one link wrote: there were 2 threads on sin talking about bad hof stuff. both locked quick. they use to delete posts or say stay on topic. but let threads continue. they let arguments on pricing go. they let everyone talk bad about sheris. sin admis are pro hof and cant talk bad about hof houses? i would ask on sin but dont know what happens if i do. allowed to talk about bad hof stuff here?

sorry if this should go in off topic board instead of general discussion

They chose to only enforce forum rules over there when it falls outside of their narrative or threatens potential profits and kickbacks. I can't recall the last time I visited there and I'm not missing it a bit.
As far as ladies go, I don't judge them based on where they work or who they work for...I've found a wonderful lady(s) at every house I've visited.

Speaking of Sheri's I don't think it's a bad place at all and the girls there are very friendly and nice in my experience. You just have to understand the demographic they primarily cater to and if you fall in that or not. I unfortunately do not, but it doesn't mean I think any less of them.


Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:20 am
by georoc01
BTW, I think the original thread the OP is referring is still active, just moved to fight club. Which is probably where it belongs over on SIN, given the relationship in the past between the OP and Hof.

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:13 am
by strike one
i knew some people hated hof. i thought it for harassment that was only sexual harassment and having sex with the girls without a condom. i didnt know about the revenge porn and publishing real names. makes more sense to me now why some people hate him so much.

Re: hof policy at sin?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:08 pm
by rachelvarga
strike one link wrote: i knew some people hated hof. i thought it for harassment that was only sexual harassment and having sex with the girls without a condom. i didnt know about the revenge porn and publishing real names. makes more sense to me now why some people hate him so much.
The list is a mile long.