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BrothelLife • A higher standard for the adult industry
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Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:20 am
by FumbleNutts
Many of us would like to see the industry accepted mainstream, but to look legit those that run it need to act legit.

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:05 pm
by Mikey
For Christ sake we have a president whose standards are an all time low, even for a politician. Besides which there will always be religious types that will want it illegal for "moral" reasons. There is apparently talk of regulating "obscenity" on the internet, oh boy.

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:07 pm
by rachelvarga
You can't have any kind of cohesion between the brothels because of people like Hof. Narcissism does not play well with others.

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:24 pm
by Dr. Who
Mikey link wrote: For Christ sake we have a president whose standards are an all time low, even for a politician. Besides which there will always be religious types that will want it illegal for "moral" reasons. There is apparently talk of regulating "obscenity" on the internet, oh boy.
Microsoft has already started regulating "obscenity" on X-Box live, Skype, Outlook, since the SESTA/FOSTA started up, so it's already begun.

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:28 pm
by Cobia
Mikey link wrote: For Christ sake we have a president whose standards are an all time low, even for a politician. Besides which there will always be religious types that will want it illegal for "moral" reasons. There is apparently talk of regulating "obscenity" on the internet, oh boy.

I was hoping there was NO POLITICAL SHIT on this board !!!

Come on Rachel....keep it nice !!!

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:35 pm
by niceguy eddie
Cobia link wrote:
I was hoping there was NO POLITICAL SHIT on this board !!!

Come on Rachel....keep it nice !!!
I agree. 

One thing I really hated about the other board was the Fight Club section where people wailed on each other about political disagreements.  I rarely looked there and when I did I was usually because the subject of the first thread that was displayed along with the title of the section caught my attention.

If there are going to be debates (which is fine) they should be about LPIN issues.

To me an LPIN board should be about discussing LPIN and getting to know the Ladies.  It should be about our common interests rather than our political differences.I realize that we all have things that we are passionate about, but when I find myself spending far more time debating politics than reading and posting about LPIN I think it is time to reconsider my participation in these boards.[/size]  [/size]

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:50 pm
by niceguy eddie
As for a higher standard for the adult industry that is a broad area--especially if you are considering everything from the porn industry to LPIN where there is quite a difference. 

As a whole there are some great people involved.  But unfortunately there are also some bad elements drawn to it--especially the adult film industry.  Look at John Holmes and the Wonderland Killings, to name one.  The number of adult film performers who OD'ed, had drug and legal problems, and led screwed up lives.

No Mormans that I know of work as bartenders at brothels--although all of the brothel bartenders that I have encountered struck me as decent people.  But I was never in the brothel where the guy got busted for drugs and resulted in problems for that brothel.

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:56 pm
by rachelvarga
A bunch of you keep sending messages about "political" stuff being posted. I haven't seen anyone attack anyone. I am not going to sit and moderate between people about politics. If someone is getting out of hand I will talk to them but right now it's just a pissing match between old rivals and frankly guys I have better things to do than referee this kind of nonsense.

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 8:35 pm
by niceguy eddie
Okay, at risk of unleashing a shitstorm.

In this thread there are comments about the president from a member who left many sore spots with other members regarding political differences given his frequent political rants in the fightclub section of SIN.  Those members took that poster to task on it. 

We also have an anti-gun thread that sparked a lot of debate here:http://brothellife.com/off-topic-threads/march-for-our-lives/

In it the person who started the thread claimed that he was only posting about his attendance at a march against AR-15s and similar firearms and was inviting people to join him, and he was not looking to start a debate.  That may have been the case.

However, if someone posted that they were going to a march against abortion could they really expect the pro-choice ladies of LPIN to keep quiet and not voice their objection?  (BTW, I am using this as an example; I am pro-choice).

I am talking about divisive political issues and candidates and such, not things like SESTA/FOSTA or referendums to ban LPIN which we are all clearly against.

Here is something that I saw posted on a non-LPIN board that I think sums it up nicely:

"While fans have many things in common they can still be at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Because political discussions can quickly escalate into heated arguments which only cause division and quickly turn camaraderie into chaos, we ask that no political subjects will be discussed here. All topics or posts containing specific political comments will be removed without notice in the general interest of the forum."

I think this is a good policy since it would keep the focus of the board on our common interests that bring a diverse bunch of people together rather than the things that drive us apart and often lead to heated debates.  There are plenty of places on the internet for people who want to debate politics.  I think a lot of us would rather this stay a serene pool of LPIN.


Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:55 am
by Cobia
I agree niceguy eddie !!

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:10 am
by SixT9er
It’s great you agree. Now make sure you don’t do it.
If someone else makes a political jab don’t take the bait, don’t report to moderator just ignore it. As Rachel stated she’s got better things to do than monitor this board.

Save the report to moderator for important things that can really harm this board and subsequently Rachel because she owns it. Report any posts referring to illegal activities.

If we all police ourselves before we hit post the chances of this board surviving this new Post FOSTA world will increase

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:15 am
by FumbleNutts
That's right Six! Don't think I've ever hit that button on any board unless it was a recognized psycho. It's like our media nowadays.....I don't watch or turn the channel  :) I'm guilty at times of letting my blood pressure rise when I read or see something, and take it too personal.

You're right too, Six - I type and post how I talk, so we've got to be conscious of what we're saying.

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:01 am
by SixT9er
To further clarify my statement

First be an adult and understand this is not a board for political commentary so don’t take political jabs at whoever. No jab no problem

Second if a dumbass can’t follow the above and takes the political jab don’t take the bait and don’t respond! Also don’t report it to the moderator

No response keeps things calm and civil. It’s very easy.

I believe there’s at least one other board out there that you can go to to fight about all things political.

In Agent J’s immortal words from Men in Black: “Don’t start nothin wont be nothin”

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:17 am
by SixT9er
I don’t care about pissing Mikey off

My counter to you is why can’t we all just be adults and then we don’t need a posted rule that Rachel has to deal with someone breaking and have to get whiny pm’s from the people who don’t like what was posted so the report to moderator?

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:41 am
by niceguy eddie
SixT9er link wrote: It’s great you agree. Now make sure you don’t do it.
If someone else makes a political jab don’t take the bait, don’t report to moderator just ignore it. As Rachel stated she’s got better things to do than monitor this board.

It is not fair to have to sit back and ignore someone who posts political things that you are passionately against.[/size]

[/size]My personal thoughts is that politics, other than those that are directed at LPIN  like fosta/sesta or the the nolittlegirl, should be a forbidden topic on this board.  Besides, those are things that we are pretty much united against so there is not going to be any arguments.

[/size]I would like the board to be a mellow place to read about and discuss LPIN, not a place where you have to hea[/size]
My personal thoughts is that politics, other than those that are directed at LPIN  like fosta/sesta or the the nolittlegirl, should be a forbidden topic on this board.  Besides, those are things that we are pretty much united against so there is not going to be any arguments.[/size]

To quote from the other board again, the rationale is:[/size]

"While fans have many things in common they can still be at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Because political discussions can quickly escalate into heated arguments which only cause division and quickly turn camaraderie into chaos, we ask that no political subjects will be discussed here. All topics or posts containing specific political comments will be removed without notice in the general interest of the forum."[/size]

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:35 am
by SixT9er
So the solution is to ban it?

OK, say Rachel bans any political comments of any type. Then what happens when someone makes a comment you deem political? You are going to hit “Report to moderator” and whine that jackass posted a political comment.
What if the mod staff determines in their opinion it’s not a political comment and then does nothing?
You report again and again? Are you the political opinion police?
All this time wasting the mod staffs time because you and the jackass who posted can’t check your own political opinions at the door before entering this board!

Try being the bigger person

You all should be thankful Rachel owns this board and not me. If I got a bunch of whiny pm’s about butt hurt feelings on political or any other topics i’d Just shut the whole thing down. Between whiners and FOSTA it’s not worth the time, stress and unappreciated effort as nothing is ever good enough.

Just act like adults and suck it up once in awhile. This is a message board, you won’t change the world here.

Making a rule forbidding something only then means it has to be enforced and it will never be agreed upon that the enforcement is equally dispersed, it’s a no win so as I said try being an adult and checking your political opinions at the door before entering the board.

Remember being hurt or offended by someone else’s words is your choice. If you choose to be upset by them that’s your choice

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:12 am
by Cobia
There are no political post allowed on house forms and that keeps the site nice and calm.

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:44 am
by MrTShirt
Regardless where this ends up, consider the work load for the brothellife.com administrator.

Re: A higher standard for the adult industry

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:48 am
by SixT9er
MrTShirt link wrote: Regardless where this ends up, consider the work load for the brothellife.com administrator.