Jet Engine Failure Update

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Jet Engine Failure Update


Post by MrTShirt »

For those who follow aviation activities: ... cid=128193
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raving loon
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Post by raving loon »

And shit's only going to spiral downhill from there. Usually when stuff like this happens, the investigation always turns up something else that's at least just as bad. So I'm waiting to see what else they find with this.
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Post by rachelvarga »

I always fly Southwest. When you look at the millions of flights all these planes together make over the years it is actually really rare. Plus they are inspecting them all and will be checking them thoroughly. Southwest has only had two fatalities. One was at Midway when the plane slid off the end of the runway hitting a car. Killed a little 6 year old and this passenger. Both are not standard aviation deaths.

I fell bad for the parent of that little boy. Just sitting at the light and a plane hits you. The Universe is cold hearted.