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Re: Parlor Marketing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:00 pm
by Dr. Who
I enjoy mingling with the ladies in the bar for the same reasons that Midwest Couple pointed out.  I also try not to take up the ladies time like some of the lookie loos tourists who have no intentions of partying. :)   In the past, I've also been to a few houses where you can be sitting at the bar and be completely ignored by the ladies. :o  They would be sitting in their own little groups talking while potential customers (like me ...LOL) will be sitting at the bar.  Usually when that happens, I leave and visit another house.

Sheri's gets a lot of heat for their "10 minute rule", but I think it actually works out okay, since it gives the customers as well as the ladies an easy out, but you still have the option of talking to the ladies longer if you feel a good vibe from them.

Anywho, I enjoy being approached by the ladies, even if they just take a minute to come over to introduce themselves, since I'm not the type of guy who will just walk up to any lady that I never met before.  Also, getting to know the ladies on these boards is a good ice-breaker too when you get to meet them in person, so it's not like you're meeting a complete stranger.  :D

Parlor Marketing

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:57 am
by SixT9er
I've noticed a lot of Ladies on Twitter who make comments that basically say if you aren't paying me I'm not giving you my time. I get this when it comes you electronic communications with guys they have never met but what about the potential new client in the parlor?

I can only think of 2 occasions when I spent any significant time (more than 10 min) with a Lady in the parlor talking when I didn't book with them or at least try to. Once with a Lady I find incredibly attractive so was trying really hard to make some kind of connection, after about 20 min or so it was obvious it wasn't going anywhere so departed. In this case I wasn't keeping her from other customers as the house wasn't busy. The other time has been a couple times and it's with a Lady that has become a "Brothel Friend"
We'll chat for awhile but she knows it's not leading anywhere and thus she also knows I won't be offended if she goes to a potential customer.

How do the Ladies feel about chatting up potential clients with no guarantee of a booking? I'm not talking about someone you know and have partied with before but someone you don't know. Do you see it as beneficial or a waste of time? Do you limit yourself to a specific amount of time and if they haven't suggested they want to party you leave?

I feel parlor marketing is a crucial part of the business as you never know if the guy you chatted up today but didn't party with might be back tomorrow or a month later and book.

Re: Parlor Marketing

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:40 am
by MrTShirt
When I visit with a lady I make a point of asking her if I am keeping her from real customers.

Re: Parlor Marketing

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:14 pm
by SexyLexieJames
I never mind giving my time in the parlor if I am chosen out of lineup or requested. I think its important to build a connection that could lead to a regular ongoing relationship. It is an important part of the job. [/size]
What I know I am not good at is the "bar hustle." To me it just feels forced and unnatural because I don't drink very often and if you haven't expressed some interest, I feel more like I am wasting your time than mine by sitting with you. You may have had your eye on someone specific and I could be hindering that possibility. I may sit for a few minutes and ask what your interests are to see if we may jive or if I should recommend someone for you. [/size]
I am also a bit nervous when it comes to bar hustling as there is sometimes the danger of being physically pushed out of the way or knocked down by our most "assertive" bar hustler and given that I felt her physical wrath just so she could beat me to lineup once, I have no desire to get in her way on the way to the bar. lol[/size] 8)

Re: Parlor Marketing

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:24 am
by FumbleNutts
As long as I can say to myself that I've given more than I received, then I'm a happy man, and have no regrets. There's nothing we can do about the knuckleheads that consume a lot of the lady's time and want more, but we can control how mindful we are about their time. I make it known who I'm there to party with, but have sat and chatted with other ladies. I'm always impressed with the ladies that are just friendly and won't abrubtly get up when they find out who I'm there to party with.

I've had many occasions where the lady has spent more than 10 minutes with me, but it was the lady's choice because I've made my intentions known up front. Just be a gentleman and buy them a drink; Wish them luck if they have to go for a line up; don't be upset if they don't come back - especially if there's other patrons there to tend to. I don't call it hustling either, unless it has a rudeness about it. I'm always making mental notes for future parties  :)

Re: Parlor Marketing

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:33 am
by MrTShirt
FumbleNutts link wrote: ...I'm always making mental notes for future parties  :)
Me too.  Plus, if I see a lady that tries to push around other ladies (or customers) she is off my list.

Re: Parlor Marketing

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:47 am
by Midwest Couple
We really like the parlor marketing as we really DON'T like the idea of a line up.  It's terrifying to us, and looks alone are never much of what we are after.  Our only real option to find out if the lady is a good match for our type of party is to have a few minutes to chat.  We think of it more like "Speed Dating" than a "Bar Hustle"! We do understand that the ladies time is valuable however, so maybe it's not the perfect system.  On a trip to a certain brothel, we were completely ignored in the bar from the ladies that were sitting drinking.  We had no idea that some places didn't do the "bar hustle" at all and decided never to go back.  Thanks again to you fine people - we've learned more what to expect. 

On a side note, it was surprising to read that Lexie doesn't like the "bar hustle".  She comes off as so genuine and appealing in both her social media posts and livestream, that we'd have guessed she'd be a natural at the parlor routine. 

Re: Parlor Marketing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:59 am
by SexyLexieJames
Midwest Couple link wrote: We really like the parlor marketing as we really DON'T like the idea of a line up.  It's terrifying to us, and looks alone are never much of what we are after.  Our only real option to find out if the lady is a good match for our type of party is to have a few minutes to chat.  We think of it more like "Speed Dating" than a "Bar Hustle"! We do understand that the ladies time is valuable however, so maybe it's not the perfect system.  On a trip to a certain brothel, we were completely ignored in the bar from the ladies that were sitting drinking.  We had no idea that some places didn't do the "bar hustle" at all and decided never to go back.  Thanks again to you fine people - we've learned more what to expect. 

On a side note, it was surprising to read that Lexie doesn't like the "bar hustle".  She comes off as so genuine and appealing in both her social media posts and livestream, that we'd have guessed she'd be a natural at the parlor routine.

That makes sense. I definitely don't mind hanging out with message board members or regulars in the parlor and chatting. I even like hanging out with guys that come and sit with us all on the parlor couches to chat...heck I will even invite them if they are solo at the bar after talking to a few ladies. I enjoy that social time getting to know people. I am just not huge on heading up to a walk in at the bar. I have definitely given it a try numerous times and it doesn't seem to be my thing. I guess it just feels a bit forced to me. I feel like they need a few minutes to relax and bum rushing them just feels unnatural. If they have chatted with a few girls and not clicked with them, I will sometimes go and chat and see if I can get an idea of what they are looking for to see if I can make sure they have a good time before leaving. [/size]

Re: Parlor Marketing

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:22 pm
by RoxyGold
I enjoy socializing in the parlor. I’m a lot more nervous chatting online, because I never can tell if my stupid jokes didn’t translate well into text and I might have upset or offended the person I’m talking to.

And the more drinks you have, the better looking I get.  ;D

Re: Parlor Marketing

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:51 am
by SixT9er
RoxyGold link wrote: I enjoy socializing in the parlor. I’m a lot more nervous chatting online, because I never can tell if my stupid jokes didn’t translate well into text and I might have upset or offended the person I’m talking to.

And the more drinks you have, the better looking I get.  ;D
You are very persanable in the parlor. Your outgoing personality comes thru nicely which I would think leads to trips back to your room

Re: Parlor Marketing

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:54 am
by isurfer
When I talk to a lady in person at the ranches, for the past 4 years or so I've told them that I want to talk to them to get to know them better, and that I'm not going to party with them right away but maybe later in the future. That lets them know where I'm coming from and my intentions and that they can move on and do something else or talk to other guests if they want to. I might eventually party with a lady, hours, days, months or even years later. It works for me, I've always had a good party doing things that way. I need to think about it for a while, and get the urge to want to party with a lady and build up some anticipation, maybe on her part too. It's nice to party with a lady that actually wants to party with me and is willing to wait. All of my ranch visits are also scouting trips to see who I might want to party with next time.

The length of time I talk to a lady isn't important, and often times I will talk many times on different visits with the same lady before I eventually get around to partying with her the first time. I don't bother her with a lot of messaging online or by phone prior to my visit. When I have an approximate day of my next ranch visit, I might contact her to see if she is available and what time or day might be good. Is talking in person a waste of her time? Not really if she isn't busy, and I don't keep her from talking with other guests or clients. I think too much online and phone communication can be a waste of her time. I guess the lady might think I'm wasting her time by talking to her in person, people are different. Some ladies ignore me for different reasons, I really don't mind. The only exception right now is my ATF Roxy Gold. I always keep wasting Roxy's time online via PM and in person at the ranch. It took me 3 months before I eventually had my first party with Roxy and it was my 3rd ranch visit talking to her and we've had 75 parties so far in the past 4 years, soon to be 76. For those of you that don't know, I don't have Roxy's phone number, I don't need it. If I want to talk to Roxy, I just call Sagebrush Ranch and someone hunts her down for me, she doesn't carry her smartphone around with her all the time like some ladies do. Why do I talk to Roxy on the phone? Almost always it is because I am ready to head to the ranch to see her and give her my ETA which is usually give or take around an hour. That also gives her time to warn everyone that I'm coming, lol. 

I don't do social media like Twitter, etc. for different reasons, and I think those would be a waste of MY time.