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3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 4:21 am
by SixT9er
As has been mentioned by many the biggest consideration is the Ladies but after that what will lead you to one house over another?

Some potential reasons why you'd pick one house over another:
Travel Cost
Party Cost
Smoking/Non Smoking
House Rules
House vibe
Bar area
Ability to mingle before the party
How Active are the Ladies on the net
Others as you see

As an example of house rules being a reason. Say you are into Anal Sex so a house that doesn't allow that would be one you wouldn't consider and thus one that does allow it would probably be in your top three

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 4:29 am
by Zylar
Assuming ladies aren't allowed to be in our priority list  ;)   mine would be:

1) Non-smoking - am deathly allergic so... I can't die... this takes a far lead over the other two...

2) Ability to mingle before party - this one is very important to me, a lineup just isn't personal enough and a woman's mind is a very sexy thing and does as much if not more for my arousal than her body.

3) Bar/Food as these are mostly combined from what I've seen.  Important to have that be a comfortable setting and I feel that if a house invests into this area it says good things about the establishment and makes it someplace comfortable that you want to spend more time and money at.

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 4:40 am
by SixT9er

Yes as we all know the Lady is number ONE. I’d follow my ATF to any house she chose regardless of all the other considerations

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 4:42 am
by georoc01
LocationParty Cost
House Vibe

would be my big 3 after the lady. But if you don't have the ladies, the rest is pretty much irrelevant. They drive the business and its their reaction of the other factors in where they chose to work that lead to where I go to party.

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 5:04 am
by Ironman
Really there was only one for me. But since you said besides the lady.

Assuming I felt I had enough money to get what I wanted. Location to where I was staying at. Closest brothel to my hotel would win.

Unless it was about the girl then it was whichever brothel the lady I was focused on for that trip was working at.

The Majority of my bookings were at Mustang. But that was because after 07 Exit 28 was the closest brothel to Reno so a lot of my parties at Mustang and WH at the time between 07 and 11 in particular were because of it being close to town. Mu sparadic bookings since 13 when a certain brunette retired.?? Have. been all at mustang because of location and there are still a few ladies there that remember me from my short lived prime so of it I make a fair offer they will dance with me so to speak for old time sake. Problem is it is getting more difficult to come up with what I feel is fair hence the reason I have only booked maybe 3 times since a certain brunette called a career in 13.? If the money ain't there! It ain't there!!!!???

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 9:04 am
by FumbleNutts
-House Vibe  :D
-Don't bullshit me. If I call or get in touch and am told a certain lady's there well......  > :(
Zylar hit on an important one to me, too - the ability to mingle for a bit with a lady, especially meeting for the first time  :)

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:29 am
by ShyKyle87
Party prices
Reputation of house amongst trusted sources (like you guys)
Non smoking

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:48 am
by Chicagobob
No smoking
No ATM fees
Ladies allowed to mingle

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 3:31 pm
by Dirk Diggler
House minimums-average price quote when negotiations begin
House vibe

The third I will ignore if it's for the right lady. If the first two aren't to my standards and budgetary needs I won't go back to that house regardless of who is there. Unfortunately the longer I do this the more places are getting crossed off. Makes things simpler for me though I suppose.


Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 4:47 pm
by Dr. Who
Location, Cost, and House Vibe...

I often travel to Nevada for different reasons such as for work, visit family/friends, and/or vacation.  So, that usually determines what part of Nevada I visit.  I think most of us look for value when it comes to partying, so you don't go broke ...LOL  ;D  I also like a house with a good "vibe" where you can at least chat with the ladies for awhile to see if you "click", before heading to her room.  8)

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 6:18 pm
by wayne208
1 House Vibe is a Big one
2 Cost is another
3 No Smoking
  All Joking aside No Ladies I want there why bother stopping There  ?

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 10:39 pm
by NavySteve
After a visit to the Chicken Ranch in Dec 2010 and being overwhelmed with an approx. 20 lady line-up, I decided to stick with the smaller houses. The second thing I look for is activity on social media which gives me an insight to their personality and if we will click in person.  Being able to mingle prior to a tour saves time and ability to avoid a waste of her time on a tour.

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 2:09 am
by raving loon
1.) Location/Ease of travel to and from the house.(Probably why I haven't been to place like Mina, Ely, or Elko yet, pain to get to at times)
2.) Conduct of house staff (Do they make me feel welcome; Are they generally honest with me?)
3.) Overall house vibe and atmosphere.

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 3:46 am
by Mikey
1) Distance from my home, as I live in SF Bay Area, and drive to NV.

2) Number of ladies available.

3) A comfortable parlor to spend time in before and after the party.

Re: 3 Biggest considerations Besides the Lady when deciding where to party?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 8:31 am
by Lomez
1) Being treated like a customer/client instead of being treated like a number

2) Unrushed atmosphere in parlor before and after

3) Flight schedules in/out (really, they change in time and price so often)