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Ladies who are obvious it’s all about the $

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 2:22 pm
by SixT9er
What are your thoughts on Ladies who are always making comments about getting paid?

Yes we all know the Ladies are in the business to make money and we’re all good with that because we participate.

I’m referring to the Ladies who don’t even pretend to care about their clients. There are Ladies I follow on twitter who are so blatant about being paid or they have no time for you.

I admit on one hand I have to give them some respect as they are not leading anyone on. On the other hand I could never be involved with a Lady who looks at me so obviously as a breathing ATM

Re: Ladies who are obvious it’s all about the $

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 3:30 pm
by FumbleNutts
You know, I've said in the past that I'd not party with them. Then I got to thinking. This is their business. So, I decided to treat them like I treat every other lady that I'm interested in. Contact them of my interest, and if they're respectful and polite during our exchange I may party with them. I believe many lash out on Twitter because there are a lot of time wasters, so I'm trying to overlook some of that. Yes, it makes me cringe at what they say sometimes, but I'm trying to understand it. If they provide a nice experience all that is just noise......

What's the problem with paying it forward to those that help make you happy and whole? If I've had some exchange, I've called in $50 on R&B for some ladies or sent Gift Cards. Nothing that would hurt me financially, and no more than I'd spend on myself at a bar or the like. I agree with you too, that I've respect for them that they don't hide it, but if I got a fiery message of the sort, then I think I'd be a little leery  :)

Re: Ladies who are obvious it’s all about the $

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 6:49 am
by Just Another Guy
It really is all about the money.  It is for her.  It is for him.  BUT- Even an hour-long regular romp- I am all about the fantasy.  I try to forget about the money for the time in fantasy.  If the fantasy is that a super-hot lady really cares about me, all is good at that point.  But if she sours it even afterward, I won't be back.  Simple as that.

Being all about the money would be the same to me.  While I will leave out the name of the brothel near Vegas, I never partied there because it was clearly all about the money for the first lady I talked to.  It wasn't a decent back-and-forth negotiation.  She started extremely high and I started in 3 figures (at an amount I had partied elsewhere for). Then it went right to: "Nobody will be allowed to do it for that amount.  Maybe you can get a 10-minute handjob or a tantric session for that."  It wasn't true, but it was damaging enough  I am sure I won't be back to talk with her.

Re: Ladies who are obvious it’s all about the $

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 11:54 am
by ShyKyle87
My preference would be for ladies who like to build relationships and give great parties that turn one-time customers into repeat customers. I remember reading somewhere, either this board or another board, that repeat business is good for the ladies success.  Of course, all ladies want to get paid, or else they wouldn't be in this industry.  But you need good customer service skills to get there.  Telling everyone who sends you a tweet that you have to send them money or a gift card for tweeting at them isn't going to win a lot of people over.  If it works for those ladies, good for them.  But I'm going to give another lady my business.

Re: Ladies who are obvious it’s all about the $

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 12:11 pm
by Chicagobob
I enjoy a good rapport with most of the ladies.  Like you said above, the ladies that are "real" get the repeat customers.  During my last trip I partied with Roxy at Dovetail 5 nights in a row if that says anything. 

Some ladies don't consider that its the same money whether its 1 big six hour $3,000 party, or 6 one hour parties.  A little fish like me can be a big whale if the lady treats me right. 

Re: Ladies who are obvious it’s all about the $

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 10:26 pm
by RoxyGold
FumbleNutts link wrote: You know, I've said in the past that I'd not party with them. Then I got to thinking. This is their business. So, I decided to treat them like I treat every other lady that I'm interested in. Contact them of my interest, and if they're respectful and polite during our exchange I may party with them. I believe many lash out on Twitter because there are a lot of time wasters, so I'm trying to overlook some of that. Yes, it makes me cringe at what they say sometimes, but I'm trying to understand it. If they provide a nice experience all that is just noise......

What's the problem with paying it forward to those that help make you happy and whole? If I've had some exchange, I've called in $50 on R&B for some ladies or sent Gift Cards. Nothing that would hurt me financially, and no more than I'd spend on myself at a bar or the like. I agree with you too, that I've respect for them that they don't hide it, but if I got a fiery message of the sort, then I think I'd be a little leery  :)

I was so happy to read this, FN! Way to see a bigger picture :) Yes, it can be annoying to see “gimme gimme gimme” Online, but the persona can change once it’s the two of you talking via email or PM because it’s been proven that you’re not one of “those people” that the annoying security system was meant to keep out. Kudos, and your kindness and generosity is very much appreciated by all the ladies your affections have graced xo

Re: Ladies who are obvious it’s all about the $

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 3:02 am
by FumbleNutts
RoxyGold link wrote:
I was so happy to read this, FN! Way to see a bigger picture :) Yes, it can be annoying to see “gimme gimme gimme” Online, but the persona can change once it’s the two of you talking via email or PM because it’s been proven that you’re not one of “those people” that the annoying security system was meant to keep out. Kudos, and your kindness and generosity is very much appreciated by all the ladies your affections have graced xo
Thank you, sweetheart, that's really appreciated also  :) I really try to be open-minded about some things  :-*

Re: Ladies who are obvious it’s all about the $

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 3:46 am
by CoriCooper
Had a gentleman message me on Twitter about a potential visit in June.  After we had talked for maybe 5 minutes.. he was asking about a wish list or something so that he could prove he wasn't a time waster....
I had to tell him that if he wanted to send a gift card, he absolutely could-- but that I didn't think taking 5 minutes out of my day would be considered a "waste" even if our schedules couldn't line up.  I think that the whole "gimme gimme" if you want to email/DM/chat is a bit excessive.  If you can tell that someone is truly wasting your time... cease communication.  Its that simple. 

If I ever get jaded to the point where I expect payment to simply try to work out schedules... its time for me to hang up my heels. 

Re: Ladies who are obvious it’s all about the $

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 5:28 pm
by MrTShirt
It is simple:  A lady needs to spend enough free time to market herself.  But she needs to identify time wasters and drop them.
The time wasters will never be customers.  They are only looking for someone to stroke their ego.

Re: Ladies who are obvious it’s all about the $

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 4:52 pm
by rachelvarga
Gift giving in our business is really almost nothing compared to camming. I would get stacks of stuff. I get less gifts here but it's just a different business I guess. I really don't push it. Maybe I should. I only have four things on there. Hahaha

I don't put all this sexy lacy stuff on there. You can buy me panties but they will just go into a huge pile or donation box.

That big gift is really an amazon wishlist lottery ticket. You never know. Hahah