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She Looks Expensive

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 12:59 pm
by rachelvarga
She looks expensive. I hate to hear that because I know that someone lost out on a really good time because they thought they couldn't afford it. This happens to a lot of girls. So what do you? Dress up like a bag lady and push a shopping cart around the bar so people think you aren't too expensive? Lol. Of course not. We always look good and should.

There's a lot of reasons you might think this. Sometimes it's your mind telling you things because you are too nervous to approach us. It could be you have had some really bad rejection and worry it will happen again. You may be on a tight budget and don't want to look cheap to us. Just remember, we are not some girl in a bar or an online date. We are professionals that happen to have the greatest job in the world. Making people happy through the greatest thing ever. Sex.

We all know that many guys are nervous and we aren't going to say anything to make it worse. We are there to have fun with you, not slaughter your self confidence. If we don't work out a price it doesn't mean rejection and you do not look cheap. That has never gone through my head once. Many girls will help you find another one that she thinks might be what you are looking for. We want you to have fun and come back.

We are here to make your dreams come true, so never think a girl is too expensive. Give her a chance because she just might surprise you.

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 1:25 pm
by FumbleNutts
I appreciate what you've written here, and yes, we shouldn't apply the thought - "Past experiences predict future outcomes," but I'm guilty of it sometimes. I remember something a lady told me from the BR one time, "You go back down in the Cul-de-sac and have your parties for $XXX, not going to happen here with me." So, I've been to the BR exactly one time in the last 4 years. You know who got me to come there for that one party  ;) Rejection is a SOB, even where $ is involved. I know many guys won't admit it, but it hurts when you've given an offer for one hour that was a half a weeks pay when I was employed. I'm workin' on myself though....thought processes are hard to change sometimes  :)

Now the Mustang. I'm wanting to come there in the worst way, but I've never in the near 10 years of LPINing and 15 brothels that I've visited, have I needed to show an ID. I don't take that serious for me, but I do for my family. It's not unlike ladies that are working.

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 2:42 pm
by FumbleNutts
Chuckar chaser link wrote: I trust my information being private at the Mustang. Hof is the one with a history of outing people. Also all the ladies and customers with there cell phones out bothers me more than showing my IS to a security guard.
Obviously, I know of the issue with carding at Mustang because other Mongers were/are concerned about this, brother. 6 of the 15 brothels I've been to are owned by Hof. I've no beef with Hof, so pointing him out as the devil once again is not an answer. I'm just telling what's making me leery of visiting Mustang. I don't have that same sense of trust you have, because you've frequented them many times. Maybe my mind will change, maybe it won't?

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 2:45 pm
by SixT9er
The carding is outside on the steps if at all. They don’t look at your name they just look at your birthday and face. Last few times I move been there they didn’t card

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 3:22 pm
by Banginit
Rachel Varga link wrote: She looks expensive. I hate to hear that because I know that someone lost out on a really good time because they thought they couldn't afford it. This happens to a lot of girls. So what do you? Dress up like a bag lady and push a shopping cart around the bar so people think you aren't too expensive? Lol. Of course not. We always look good and should.

There's a lot of reasons you might think this. Sometimes it's your mind telling you things because you are too nervous to approach us. It could be you have had some really bad rejection and worry it will happen again. You may be on a tight budget and don't want to look cheap to us. Just remember, we are not some girl in a bar or an online date. We are professionals that happen to have the greatest job in the world. Making people happy through the greatest thing ever. Sex.

We all know that many guys are nervous and we aren't going to say anything to make it worse. We are there to have fun with you, not slaughter your self confidence. If we don't work out a price it doesn't mean rejection and you do not look cheap. That has never gone through my head once. Many girls will help you find another one that she thinks might be what you are looking for. We want you to have fun and come back.

We are here to make your dreams come true, so never think a girl is too expensive. Give her a chance because she just might surprise you.
  thank you for this great post...funny how u can think sim times...Bang

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 4:16 pm
by Dr. Who
I rarely judge how expensive a lady might be based solely on her looks.  Although, there are other indicators that might give me a gut feeling that a lady could be expensive.  8)

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 4:22 pm
by MrTShirt
Rachel Varga link wrote: She looks expensive. I hate to hear that because I know that someone lost out on a really good time because they thought they couldn't afford it. This happens to a lot of girls. So what do you? Dress up like a bag lady and push a shopping cart around the bar so people think you aren't too expensive? Lol. Of course not. We always look good and should.

There's a lot of reasons you might think this. Sometimes it's your mind telling you things because you are too nervous to approach us. It could be you have had some really bad rejection and worry it will happen again. You may be on a tight budget and don't want to look cheap to us. Just remember, we are not some girl in a bar or an online date. We are professionals that happen to have the greatest job in the world. Making people happy through the greatest thing ever. Sex.

We all know that many guys are nervous and we aren't going to say anything to make it worse. We are there to have fun with you, not slaughter your self confidence. If we don't work out a price it doesn't mean rejection and you do not look cheap. That has never gone through my head once. Many girls will help you find another one that she thinks might be what you are looking for. We want you to have fun and come back.

We are here to make your dreams come true, so never think a girl is too expensive. Give her a chance because she just might surprise you.
I would agree that the guys deal with:

1) Nervousness, so use "expensive" as an excuse not to ask the girl;
2)  Past "Bad rejection" so don't go further with another girl;
3)  Small budget so don't want to appear as "cheap" or "unsuccessful in life", so stop asking a girl.

Unfortunately, some of the guys first run across the dollar sign girls, dollar sign houses, and other mongers that hate women.
The newbie is off to a bad start.
These stigmas then become an uphill battle for the girls who are considerate of their customers.

The benefit of forums such as this is it gives the newbie guidance as far as which girls to seek out, and what to pay.

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 6:12 pm
by SixT9er
I think the “She looks too expensive” excuse is often used as a convient excuse for the real one that guys don’t want to admit and that is “She’s out of my League” mentality.
This comes from what many of us are taught real or not that the Ladies we find beautiful wouldn’t go for us in the “real” world so that carries over into the “Brothel” world. This even tho we can tell ourselves what Rachel has said about the Ladies being their for us is the reality in a Brothel our “real” world thought process is so ingrained it is hard to get past.
I know I’ve struggled with this thinking “why would this Gorgeous Lady be willing to spend time with me even if I am paying her what to me is a large sum of money?” Once your thought process goes there our ego’s take over and tell us “she’s too expensive anyway” so we lower our sites/expectations to Ladies who we still find attractive but not at the top of our scale because we think we don’t deserve them.
The human mind has great power especially when we have been conditioned over the years thru various media that only Handsome guys get the Beautiful Ladies. 
If we could mentally switch our brains to Brothel mode from real world thought mode I believe the worry that “She is too expensive” would dwindle significantly and the hope that “I can really be with this incredible Lady” would lead to many more guys partying with their first choice.
I think for me the way I got past this thought process was my making a connection prior to meeting the Ladies in person. This made me feel like my looks weren’t as important because we had made a connection not based on appearances. I’ve said many times the majority of my parties have been with Ladies I met thru the boards first.

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 1:55 am
by Chicagobob
I've learned that you can't judge a book by its cover.  I have partied many times, at some of the more "expensive" houses, with some of the hottest babes, on my meager budget. It just depends on the planets aligning in the right way.

My advice?  Talk to her... you just might be surprised! ;)

On the issue of "carding" at Mustang... I've only been carded once by a new bouncer.  Most of them will recognize you and just say hello. 

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 2:14 am
by Cobia
What's the big deal about being "carded".  Damn it isn't like they are posting it somewhere.

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 2:29 am
by Prospector Bob
SixT9er link wrote: I think the “She looks too expensive” excuse is often used as a convient excuse for the real one that guys don’t want to admit and that is “She’s out of my League” mentality.
This comes from what many of us are taught real or not that the Ladies we find beautiful wouldn’t go for us in the “real” world so that carries over into the “Brothel” world. This even tho we can tell ourselves what Rachel has said about the Ladies being their for us is the reality in a Brothel our “real” world thought process is so ingrained it is hard to get past.
I know I’ve struggled with this thinking “why would this Gorgeous Lady be willing to spend time with me even if I am paying her what to me is a large sum of money?” Once your thought process goes there our ego’s take over and tell us “she’s too expensive anyway” so we lower our sites/expectations to Ladies who we still find attractive but not at the top of our scale because we think we don’t deserve them.
The human mind has great power especially when we have been conditioned over the years thru various media that only Handsome guys get the Beautiful Ladies. 
If we could mentally switch our brains to Brothel mode from real world thought mode I believe the worry that “She is too expensive” would dwindle significantly and the hope that “I can really be with this incredible Lady” would lead to many more guys partying with their first choice.
I think for me the way I got past this thought process was my making a connection prior to meeting the Ladies in person. This made me feel like my looks weren’t as important because we had made a connection not based on appearances. I’ve said many times the majority of my parties have been with Ladies I met thru the boards first.
Some might equate "out of my league" with "she looks too expensive." It goes along with being intimidated by beautiful women & expecting a heavy price to be able to party with them.

That's where forums like this one & posts by our beloved Rachel could go along way toward changing minds of men who do see beautiful women as intimidating. Perhaps they will learn to see those women are actually accommodating & really wanting you to have a most wonderful experience.

To be truthful, I still see some beautiful women as intimidating but I'm getting over it.  ;)

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 2:34 am
by Cobia
Prospector Bob link wrote: Some might equate "out of my league" with "she looks too expensive." It goes along with being intimidated by beautiful women & expecting a heavy price to be able to party with them.

That's where forums like this one & posts by our beloved Rachel could go along way toward changing minds of men who do see beautiful women as intimidating. Perhaps they will learn to see those women are actually accommodating & really wanting you to have a most wonderful experience.

To be truthful, I still see some beautiful women as intimidating but I'm getting over it.  ;)

I am intimidated by beautiful ladies also.  I knew Demi 2 years before I would party with her. They still scare the hell out of me.

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 3:17 am
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote:

I am intimidated by beautiful ladies also.  I knew Demi 2 years before I would party with her. They still scare the hell out of me.

Cobia Dude!? Your best friends in school were Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble. Your first mode of Transportation was a damn T Rex if you are getting intimidated by the ladies after Millions of years on this earth what hope does a regular human have.?


As for you PB buddy just tell the ladies you will tip them in gold nuggets they will love you forever or at least till the end of the hour, or however long you two agreed upon.??

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 3:26 am
by SixT9er
Cobia link wrote: What's the big deal about being "carded".  Damn it isn't like they are posting it somewhere.
Exactly, they don’t scan it or take a picture. They barely glance at it when they look at all

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 3:33 am
by Ironman
SixT9er link wrote: Exactly, they don’t scan it or take a picture. They barely glance at it when they look at all

They card you at the mustang??

I will show them my old middle school ID. I was less fuggly back in those days. Not all my fur had grown in yet!?

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 3:55 am
by Prospector Bob
Ironman link wrote:
As for you PB buddy just tell the ladies you will tip them in gold nuggets they will love you forever or at least till the end of the hour, or however long you two agreed upon.??
Tip them in nuggets? Yeah, I've done that. And they do love me... at the end of the party.  ;D

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 4:28 am
by Ironman
Chuckar chaser link wrote: I think I have been carded there twice. I am not sure if they do at all anymore.

I think if they know you they don't bother in all honesty. The last 4 times I been out there the same security people were working.  Big guy badge and the gun, and the lady Reagan or something like that she remembered me right away. She knew my forum handle even though I don't advertise it. She also remembered who I booked with in the recent past even though I have only booked maybe 3 or 4 times in the last 4 years and nothing since 2016.

She obviously is good at her job.?

Anyway as often as you go in there Chuck they ain't going to card you. They know you.

They ain't going to card a guys like Cobia or 9er either. Unless you catch a rookie working security because you are a regular.

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 4:33 am
by Ironman
Prospector Bob link wrote: Tip them in nuggets? Yeah, I've done that. And they do love me... at the end of the party.  ;D

There you go now get your kiester out there. Its time for PB to come out of retirement at least temporarily. When was your last Rodeo at Mustang? 13? Whitney and Alexia are still there. Bet they would love to be tipped a gold nugget or 2.??

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 6:14 am
by Midwest Couple
Great post, and great advice. 

Brothels are like any other adventure, you try and gauge what you feel you can get on your personal budget and plan for the best time you can.  We are absolutely guilty of assuming that our budget wouldn't wort with certain ladies based mostly on their appearance and how they carry themselves. 

Now, when we are in the Mustang during our LPIN awards tour we'll be more open. 

Re: She Looks Expensive

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 6:34 am
by FumbleNutts
Cobia link wrote: What's the big deal about being "carded".  Damn it isn't like they are posting it somewhere.
Maybe it's not for you, brother, but it is for me  :) I may make a pit stop there very soon, and if it's the case, I'll just say nice to meet you and go on down the road my merry way  ;) Remember, and Rachel should know this, just a tidbit of info gets you a long way on the internet.....even right to your doorstep. That's a headache I don't need  :o