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Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 6:09 am
by SixT9er
What are some of the things that drive you nuts about this business?

For me the fact that the Ladies are independent contractors yet get sudjicated to house minimums etc. if a Lady wants to give a guy a break for whatever reason she should be allowed to. The house should not block an agreed upon price they feel is too low. The Lady is an adult independent contractor and should be allowed to charge what she wants. I’ve never heard of a house turning down a offer for being too high! Maybe it’s happened....

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 6:25 am
by FumbleNutts
Hmmmm, let's see...…
-My BIGGEST is the PA (Personal Assistant)issue. Letting someone else see intimate details of a conversation, access to PM's, answering for the lady, posting for the lady, etc.
- Posting a lady's at the brothel,but isn't. On the same token, posting a lady there then she don't make back ground check, and doesn't at least say it didn't work out.
- Pushing a line up when I say I don't want one.
- Carding me when I'm over 2 1/2 times the legal age to drink. I really don't give a shit what you think of it, it is an issue and more than just me worries about it. I've a large family to worry about.
- The ICissue is big too. The lady should be able to run her business as she sees fit.

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:58 pm
by RoxyGold
That bad weather can make traveling to the brothels difficult. Though that’s more of a beef with Mother Nature than the business itself :)

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 12:28 am
by Chicagobob
I have three and they are all related to pricing...

1) Repeating with a lady multiple times, then she raises her price just because she became more popular or changed houses.
2) Being blocked/questioned by the cashier after I have already made a deal with the lady.
3) Being charged higher prices for the "ladies drinks"

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 1:49 am
by ShyKyle87
High initial price quotes and selfies with snapchat filters.

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 2:51 am
by Midwest Couple
From the patrons - deceptive profiles and posters with specific agendas but closed minds make us crazy. 

From the ladies - calling anyone besides your father "Daddy" is just creepy to us. 

Everything else in this strange, amazing and fascinating world you've welcomed us into is wonderful! 

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 2:54 am
by Cobia
My pet peeve is !!  LOUD NMUSIC !!…..


once you have a ATF other ladies seem not to talk to you.

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 3:28 am
by SixT9er
MWC I’m right there with you on the “Daddy” reference, makes my skin crawl and even worse when done in a little girl voice!

Cobia right on about the music. It’s ridiculous to have to yell at the Lady sitting next to you for her to hear you

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 5:31 am
by CoriCooper
Ugh..the whole "daddy" thing just gives me the creeps on every conceivable level. 

For me, a big one is just the games people play.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Its as simple as that.

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 5:33 am
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote:
My pet peeve is !!  LOUD NMUSIC !!…..


once you have a ATF other ladies seem not to talk to you.

I agree with you on the music. Even music I like I don't play to loud.

As for the ladies not talking to you when you have your ATF in the building.

I wouldn't read too much into that.

That is just the ladies trying to not want to step on another girls toes

Its been several years at this point. I an in a different situation now But back in 07 a certain  lady whom I won't name because she is still active in lpin got in a fight with another girl over my wallet basically. Back in 07 I hadn't even met the girl that would eventually become my ATF you guys already know who she is and that she retired in 13.

So my point back in 07 I had no ATF I was doing a lot of 1 party and done deals I think between 02 and 07 I only had done one repeat with a lady I booked before 5 or 6 girls at that point or maybe it was 7 I forget.?

Anyway I found out after the fact a certain lady got into it with another lady at the cashier window at the mustang.

She assumed I was there for her when in reality I was there for whomever I had booked with the lady a grand total of once back in 05 two years later she sees me walking back with another lady apparently while I was hanging out in the room of the girl I went back with the big rukus started. That was strike one with the lady that started the argument. There were a few similar instances a few years later.

My point here is if you are a regular client of a girl some ladies will avoid you because they don't want to create a problem with the girl you are there to see.

Some girls get very possessive of there regulars. Sometimes its about not wanting to loose out on the money you would give them sometimes they might have a deal fondness for you and if you go to another girl they get a bit of a complex and wonder if you have lost interest in them are they not good enough for you anymore?

Sometimes its a little bit of both.

The relationship you have with a lady if you are doing business with them regularly is at times a strange and complicated one. Rather she is just your current favorite go to girl or your ATF which can get really even more complicated if she knows she is your ATF.

So if girls are avoiding you because you have a lady you see regularly its not you guys they just don't want any drama with your brothel girl friend. If she is your ATF then they don't want drama with your brothel wife/brothel soul mate.

I when all was said and done. Didn't have to worry about that by the time my ATF set up shop at Mustang in the twilight of her career all the ladies except for maybe 1.? Knew Kristine was the reason I was there. But it was OK to talk to me if Kristine called a night and I went back to the bar. Kristine all maybe would have preferred if I had not booked with other girls understood I was going to be up all night anyways. So she was OK with me going to another girl at 3 or 4 am once she went to bed usually it was Kassie now going by Whitney. But the one Rule if I was going to book with more then just her on that night she had to go first, and not so she could then go to bed.

She stayed up late plenty of times for me if she was the only one I was seeing that night. But if she knew I might book again usually that first night of a 2 or 3 night trip she had to go first.

She knew it was a given the final dance of every trip would always be hers. The final dance was also when I would exhaust what was left of my trip funds. I always held back at least a little extra for the closing act of any given trip with her.

The moral of this story for you newbies that might have read this or those of you that don't have a favorite or ATF yet. Make sure you establish the ground rules with her so that all drama is avoided.

Yes you are paying her. But it can still be a complicated arrangement at times.

Money is and always will be a factor, but its not the only one sometimes its not even the biggest one.

Like I said it is complicated times that by a factor of at least a 100 if she is a favorite.

If she is actually your ATF even the best mathematicians in the world can not solve that.?

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 9:52 am
by georoc01
Appointments and mandatory deposits.

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 10:20 am
by CoriCooper
I don't mind appointments... but I also don't ask for deposits.  On occasion it bites me in the butt-- but for the most part, I've had no issues. 

Side note though-- if you do make an appointment with a lady and have to cancel... do let her know in advance.  I had two appointments this last trip that had to cancel-- one let me know and the other didn't bother.  That's why so many ladies want deposits.. because its so easy to lose your manners when you have no skin in the game. 

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 10:56 am
by MrTShirt
CoriCooper link wrote: I don't mind appointments... but I also don't ask for deposits.  On occasion it bites me in the butt-- but for the most part, I've had no issues. 

Side note though-- if you do make an appointment with a lady and have to cancel... do let her know in advance.  I had two appointments this last trip that had to cancel-- one let me know and the other didn't bother.  That's why so many ladies want deposits.. because its so easy to lose your manners when you have no skin in the game.
Whether a brothel or doctor or dentist or lawyer or date or whatever, same principle applies.

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 1:24 pm
by Rand McNally
CoriCooper link wrote: Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Know what movie that is a quote from?

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 3:22 pm
by CoriCooper
Alice in Wonderland

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 6:25 pm
by wayne208
The Ladies are IC's let them do their thing
If You like playing Games do not come near Me
Why the loud Music this is not a Concert
Daddy is Creepy to say the Least  : :)

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 6:59 pm
by Dr. Who
Cobia link wrote:
My pet peeve is !!  LOUD NMUSIC !!…..


once you have a ATF other ladies seem not to talk to you.
I've had the same thing happen to me back when I had an ATF or two.  Sometimes when the other ladies in the house know that you party with an ATF every time you visit, some figure that you're there to party with her and they won't approach and talk to you.  During a visit to the MR several years ago, I've overheard a couple of ladies talking while I was sitting at the bar.  They apparently knew that Candace was my ATF and figured I was there to see her, so they didn't bother to come over to talk.

In the past, I've also heard stories that sometime a lady might get possessive of her regular customer and warn other ladies in the house to stay away from him.  I don't think that happens often, but I wouldn't doubt that it could happen.

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 2:51 am
by Ironman
Dr. Who link wrote: In the past, I've also heard stories that sometime a lady might get possessive of her regular customer and warn other ladies in the house to stay away from him.  I don't think that happens often, but I wouldn't doubt that it could happen.

Happens more then it should Doc.?

Kristine was not that way at all.

However a couple of other ladies I repeated with were one in particular.

I had to make like commisioner Goodell & place her on indefinite suspension back in 2011. But we had two face to face meetings since December of 2013. I told her for the right price if she is willing to play by certain rules out in the bar I would revist reinstating her on my list as early as 2019. But no promises because me and spending money are not really on good terms anymore.

But behind closed doors one on one she is a good time. So its not a permanent ban but an indefinite suspension. If I can scrape together I still have a interest in Charlotte at Mustang & Kassie (Whitney) can still get my attention if she wants it.

That Tori girl looks pretty good to I really need to hit it big in the power ball!?

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 4:08 am
by SixT9er
Chuckar chaser link wrote: Have you seen Charlotte's new video?
Yeah on Tori but you knew my opinion on her lol.
I have and DAMN!
I bet that train engineer had a smile for awhile!

Re: Brothel/LPIN pet peeves

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 4:36 am
by Ironman
Chuckar chaser link wrote: Have you seen Charlotte's new video?
Yeah on Tori but you knew my opinion on her lol.

I will be checking it out probably as soon as tomorrow night don't need that  kinda visual stimulation less then 3 hours,before bed time for me.

Soda no big deal but a video of Charlotte might keep me up past noon or 2 pm and I got to work tonight.?