Northern Nevada Walkabout

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Dirk Diggler
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Northern Nevada Walkabout


Post by Dirk Diggler »

I had a chance recently to take a walkabout through northern Nevada and it was pretty much a flawless trip. I stopped by the Mustang Ranch first and finally was able to spend some quality time with Ayana. We had conversed some in the bar awhile back and I felt a really good vibe and connection with her. I really enjoyed the extra curricular activities and she struck a perfect balance in being dominant yet submissive exactly to my taste. What a great party that was!

I also had a chance to talk with Saige and regrettably didn't have time for more, but she has a vibrant and warm personality and I've no doubt she provides great parties as well. On that note, the MR has slowly become my house of choice in the Reno/Carson area as all my parties there have been good to great and I see no reason anymore to go elsewhere unless I'm having a repeat party. Why roll the dice when you can bet on a sure thing?

I really wanted to stop by the Dovetail Ranch and possibly Donna's too, but the days ended up being long so I chose instead to check out Sue's Fantasy Ranch for the first time.
You can't beat the price of course, but I had a really good party and fantastic massage after. I opted for a 30 minute party for the first time ever and it was liberating in that I didn't have to be concerned about performing and holding out for 60-120 minutes which can be draining at times.

Finally, I was able to spend time with Lexie again at the LRN which is always great as I've attested to in numerous reviews.

I wish I could take similar trips more often, I feel completely rejuvenated, and much better after the disasterous party I had several months prior.

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Post by HD »

Now that’s what they call a Success! Great Success!

Congrats on your trip.
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