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Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 6:47 am
by ColtsFan
A. Partying with a new lady you really want to party with, and getting a bad party.
B. Having a lady you want to party with leave the business before you get a chance to party with her.

Also, how do the potential downsides of these two options affect how you choose to spend your time at brothels?

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:53 am
by SixT9er
Chuckar chaser link wrote: A bad party is worse.
At any given time there are several ladies I would like to party with so the chances of all leaving are small.
What he said! Lol

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:19 am
by Dr. Who
ColtsFan link wrote: A. Partying with a new lady you really want to party with, and getting a bad party.
B. Having a lady you want to party with leave the business before you get a chance to party with her.

Also, how do the potential downsides of these two options affect how you choose to spend your time at brothels?
"A" is worse and sometimes unavoidable.  Even if you both "click" while chatting in the parlor/bar, you never know if that will carry over to the bedroom. :o

"B" seems to happen quite often, since I live too far from the brothels and ladies schedules don't always match up during my trips. :(

Needless to say, I always have an alternate plan when things don't work out.  ;D

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:51 am
by isurfer
ColtsFan link wrote: A. Partying with a new lady you really want to party with, and getting a bad party.
B. Having a lady you want to party with leave the business before you get a chance to party with her.

Also, how do the potential downsides of these two options affect how you choose to spend your time at brothels?
I agree with the previous posters, A is worse. Money spent on a bad party is wasted, and the last time for me was at MLBR back in March 2014. I'm glad she's no longer at the brothels, she left that year. I have changed the way I pick a lady to party with now because of that bad party. I'm one of those guys now that wants to have a connection or chemistry. All of my brothel trips now are scouting missions or "interviews" on seeing who I might want to party with later on. I never party on a first meeting anymore, I need to feel a desire or vibe and want to come back later sometime to party and not act on immediate impulse. Sometimes I just talk to her some more on subsequent visits if I still have an interest in partying with her. If she doesn't mind me wasting her time for a possible future party, we can discuss price/activities/time when I meet her and hopefully read her body language and choice of words and see if she wants to really party with me. If I get the gut feeling that she really doesn't want to party with me or only wants to party because of the money or tries to upsell, I won't ask her to party. Last week I had a good time with Desert Rose at Sagebrush, my first party with her so far. I've known Desert Rose since she started working at Love Ranch North two years ago and didn't get around to partying with her until now, she was patient, lol. There are other ladies on my to do list, many new ladies added all the time, and ladies that I want to have repeat parties with so I always seem to have other options if a lady leaves.

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 2:29 pm
by ShyKyle87
I've gotten used to B happening, because every time I become interested in a lady, she leaves the business, lol.  So A would be worse, because you might not even see it coming.

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:01 pm
by Mikey
A would be worse because you've wasted the money on a bad party that you could have spent on a good one. B just happens all the time, since they all "retire" at some point, and you just can't party with them all.

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 1:06 am
by Chicagobob
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get!  A bad party once in a while is just part of the game.  No matter how long you've been mongering, its bound to happen. 

I've also learned that you can't judge a book by its cover... it can work both ways too. I've been sceptical with some ladies only to be blown away once the party starts. 

To me, missed opportunities are worse than a bad party.  So many women, so little time, haha!

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 6:03 am
by georoc01
ColtsFan link wrote: A. Partying with a new lady you really want to party with, and getting a bad party.
B. Having a lady you want to party with leave the business before you get a chance to party with her.

Also, how do the potential downsides of these two options affect how you choose to spend your time at brothels?

A is always a bad thing. B is just a part of the business. Ladies will always be coming and going. This is more of a job than a career.

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 7:29 am
by ColtsFan
I guess Bob is the only other one who has my viewpoint that missed opportunities are worse than a bad party.  I've had two ladies leave the business before I had a chance to party with them, and that bothered me worse than the bad/mediocre parties I've had.

That other point is really true too, as my best parties have been with girls I was a bit skeptical with at first.

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:58 am
by RoxyGold
I think it’s circumstantial and depends on each gent’s feelings and vestment. For the lady who left before getting a chance to party with her, there might have been a lot of planning for something like a 2-day outdate with deposits and hotel reservations in place, then poof, never to be seen or heard from again. This is much harsher than if a gal was on your radar for a while (but your dance card was full) and the gaps where you missed each other get bigger and bigger until no really, she’s moved on. For the bad party, there is a big difference between “we didn’t click the way I hoped, but there are plenty of fish in the sea” and a party that went so awry that you question if LPIN is even the thing for you. And there is everything in between those extremes. What’s worse? Whatever you personally had happen to you that you felt slighted by.

Good luck to everyone to have only the BEST parties with the ladies who are perfect for them! <3

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 5:54 pm
by Ironman
ColtsFan link wrote: A. Partying with a new lady you really want to party with, and getting a bad party.
B. Having a lady you want to party with leave the business before you get a chance to party with her.

Also, how do the potential downsides of these two options affect how you choose to spend your time at brothels?
Depends which one are you going to regret more?  We are only here for a little while.

You can't go through your entire life with zero regrets but you can have as few as possible, and try to make peace with the ones you do have before your time in this life and world is over.

So I end by saying again which one is going to bother you more tomorrow or years down the road of life?

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 4:51 am
by isurfer
It is like the quantity vs quality difference. Some guys want to party with as many different ladies as they can during brothel visits. Nothing wrong with that, it is what they are looking for. Those guys are willing to take chances on an occasional bad or lackluster party since they know that not all parties will be the same. It's Nevada, it is gambling but the odds are in your favor of having a good party.

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:14 am
by SexyLexieJames
Just to give an alternative perspective as I am soon to be the lady in scenario B, its kind of a catch 22...Now that I have announced my retirement, I am getting SO MANY messages from people saying they wish they had partied with me when they had the chance, including guys that have come to town, met me, live locally etc. [/size]
The hard part for me is that if all of those guys, however well-intentioned, are actually part of my decision to leave. I haven't been able to stay busy, or even occupied at all over the last 16 months of the 22 months I have been working here. No matter how much interest is expressed, many guys who have come in and met me, even when a connection was built have decided to go for the new and shiny and said they would catch me on their next trip. I waited and waited for the next trip, and it would either not happen or come and go and again they would go for someone newer and shinier. [/size]
I try to give a really genuine and passionate experience to everyone I meet but sometimes its just not enough and that's ok. It was one of the hardest things I learned on this journey. It's the natural course of things when you make yourself more readily available. People just assume you'll always be there as backup when they are finally ready. [/size]
So I guess what I am trying to say is, don't let the opportunity to party with a girl you are interested in pass you by. They may leave for personal reasons, or they may leave because they are "that girl in scenario B" to 75% of the people who reach out to them and can't sustain a living on "should haves and next times."[/size]
(sorry if that sounds bitter... just food for thought.)[/size]

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:34 am
by MrTShirt
Lexie, you have to do what you see is best.  Regardless of the comments of regrets from the guys, either they selected you or they didn't.  If you stayed another 6 months, and then announced your retirement, you wuld likely hear and see the same situation.
Take care and wish you the best in your new phase.

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:05 pm
by ColtsFan
That doesn't sound bitter at all Lexie, and I agree with your assessment.  It actually might be too nice for some of the guys who might have strung you along this whole time with no intention of partying with you. 

For what it's worth, you did seem really honest, and I think that were a valuable contributor to these boards.  Best of luck wherever you go.

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:31 pm
by SixT9er
Lexie is a sweetheart and a great party!

Anyone who took her for granted and missed out on the opportunity should be kicking themselves in the ass!

You’ll be missed sweet sexy Lady

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:32 pm
by georoc01
RoxyGold link wrote: I think it’s circumstantial and depends on each gent’s feelings and vestment. For the lady who left before getting a chance to party with her, there might have been a lot of planning for something like a 2-day outdate with deposits and hotel reservations in place, then poof, never to be seen or heard from again. This is much harsher than if a gal was on your radar for a while (but your dance card was full) and the gaps where you missed each other get bigger and bigger until no really, she’s moved on. For the bad party, there is a big difference between “we didn’t click the way I hoped, but there are plenty of fish in the sea” and a party that went so awry that you question if LPIN is even the thing for you. And there is everything in between those extremes. What’s worse? Whatever you personally had happen to you that you felt slighted by.

Good luck to everyone to have only the BEST parties with the ladies who are perfect for them! <3

Ok, I've had that circumstance happen. It was for 40th birthday. As you said all of that was done and then poof. The lady they came back in January and offered to make it up to me. I walked into the MLBR and she was sitting chatting to Fred T. Went back with me instead and the term "Geo'd" became part of the vernacular every since.

Re: Which of the following is worse?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:12 pm
by Ironman
Lexie James link wrote: Just to give an alternative perspective as I am soon to be the lady in scenario B, its kind of a catch 22...Now that I have announced my retirement, I am getting SO MANY messages from people saying they wish they had partied with me when they had the chance, including guys that have come to town, met me, live locally etc. [/size]
The hard part for me is that if all of those guys, however well-intentioned, are actually part of my decision to leave. I haven't been able to stay busy, or even occupied at all over the last 16 months of the 22 months I have been working here. No matter how much interest is expressed, many guys who have come in and met me, even when a connection was built have decided to go for the new and shiny and said they would catch me on their next trip. I waited and waited for the next trip, and it would either not happen or come and go and again they would go for someone newer and shinier. [/size]
I try to give a really genuine and passionate experience to everyone I meet but sometimes its just not enough and that's ok. It was one of the hardest things I learned on this journey. It's the natural course of things when you make yourself more readily available. People just assume you'll always be there as backup when they are finally ready. [/size]
So I guess what I am trying to say is, don't let the opportunity to party with a girl you are interested in pass you by. They may leave for personal reasons, or they may leave because they are "that girl in scenario B" to 75% of the people who reach out to them and can't sustain a living on "should haves and next times."[/size]
(sorry if that sounds bitter... just food for thought.)[/size]

Their loss not yours Lexi You snooze you lose! If they are regretting it now when they had multiple chances and their only reason for not following through was always choosing someone else that is on them.