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Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:43 am
by SixT9er
We all know this business in the sense that it’s the Ladies job and if things are going good for her she is seeing “many” clients. It is also a job that requires intamacy some just physical others emotional and still others both.
With the above understanding it’s only logical that both clients and Ladies develop a type of “emotional” connection with those they see often because we are human and I believe it’s in our makeup to do so for most of us.

To the question(s)
Clients: Does it bother you when you are in the house and see your favorite go to party with someone else?
Ladies: Does it bother you when your “regular” chooses to see other Ladies in your house?

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:40 am
by georoc01
In general as you described it, no I have no problem.

What's tough is when you make plans with a lady and she gets a whale that books an extended party and you lose your time with her. Its an effort to get out there, and even though I know I don't have a whale's budget, but I respect that the lady is not there to see me, but to make money. Its the reality of the business.

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:26 am
by Chicagobob
It doesn't bother me at all... I'll take sloppy seconds!  :P

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:29 am
by wayne208
Not One bit does it Bother Me as Then I know She is doing Good for herself  ..

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:06 am
by ColtsFan
If I'm in the house, I'm usually partying, so I've never seen a favorite go off with someone else.  I wouldn't care though.

I doubt any ladies actually care if their regulars party with someone else either.

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:14 pm
by Dr. Who
It's no big deal.  I often try to throw more business to my favorites as well, by recommending them to my friends.

So far, all of my favorites throughout the years have no problems with me partying with other ladies.  They all know that I like variety ...LOL.  In fact, they have even recommended other ladies who they thought I might be interested in partying with.  Although in the past, I have heard a few stories about ladies who would get possessive of their regulars, so other ladies in her house would not approach them.

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:37 pm
by Bigfoot
I've always seen it as friends with benefits, so I'm happy for my friends when they're making money. Like Dr. Who, I like variety also so I usually will tell the girl that at the end of the party, so if I don't party with her the next day/trip she doesn't take it as I sign I didn't have a good time.  I also like it when my regulars will recommend other girls. The last time at the Mustang my birthday buddy was trying to hook me up with her extremely hot amazingly beautiful blonde friend but I was running low on funds, even though a "team 69" party did sound like a lot of fun. =)

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:39 pm
by Crappie1
Not in the least, that's what the reviews and other support is all about, keeping the ladies busy and happy.

Unless it was with one of the KSF's I'm taking instruction from, then I would feel sorry for the lady.  :o :o

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:07 pm
by Ironman
Shortish answer for me anyway. With Kristine it would probably most definitely would have.  But we never put ourselves in that situation. Early on in my time with her. I always left when we were done. Given it was late at night she probably went to bed.  But if someone did roll in to see her shortly after me I was not there to see it.

Towards the end of our time she was taking me as an off shift appointment. So I was the last one before she went to bed.  So if I hung around she was off the floor and done for the night.

Now taking her out of the equation the answer is a little more complicated.  It depended on who the girl was and who the guy was.

Anyone on these forums knows Kristine was my ATF always will be even in her retirement she took that title with her when she rode off into the sunset so to speak.

But there have been several other ladies I have had a special fondness for over the years.

Kassie (Whitney) now. I have watched her walk lots of guys back even helped convince a guy back in 2012 at the original mustang building before it was closed as brothel to take the plunge and book with her.

However given the right set of variables things could get a little weird for lack of a better way of putting it.  2015 my buddy in November of that year drove himself up to reno for a concert. I don't remember who the band was other then it was a fairly well known rock band.

So around 1 or 2 am maybe it was 3 am. I get a text from my buddy while I am at work saying concert was good. I am still awake I am thinking about getting a uber over to mustang he couldn't drive over at that point because of the beer. So he says any recommendation.

So I just naturally with out even thinking about it respond back Kassie tell her I said hi..

Of course he was going to like her we are attracted to a similar overall look and body type.

Three weeks later we are up in Reno for a bowling thing.

Sled gave me a one way ride over to Mustang so Whitney and I renew old relations. Shortly after we are done my buddy rolls in via uber to see Whitney we already discussed it we all knew this was how it was going to be.

That being said it was weird watching them both go behind the green door.

Its not so much that it bothered me, but it was weird awkward its just different when the guy walking back with the girl is a close friend.

Things got even stranger weirder the next night when we basically followed the same game plan. I won't go any further into that just again to say when its your wingman its complicated.?

Fast forward to last December I had no money for Charlotte or not enough anyway.??

My buddy did walk back behind the green door with her. They wound up not booking he decided he wanted to wait for Atlantis instead she is essentially his version of a favorite. So they didn't book, but he did say asking price and time was not an issue he just decided another round with Atlantis was more important to him.

But when he walked back with Charlotte Alexia who was  there that weekend in 2015, and unlike  some of the other girls maybe because she knows me and booked with me herself twice. Knew and understood the weirdness or whatever you want to call it that was happening because of this arrangement my buddy and I were working with Whitney. So I think Alexia was looking to see my reaction I kinda just shrugged and told Alexia its OK I can't afford Charlotte or anyone else tonight. I have not booked with her yet and then just laughed a little and said this is not the first time we have had an interest in the same girl.??

That being said I think because he knows me so well he probably would have steered clear of Kristine because he knew I had a thing for her.

So that was the one girl he probably would have not gone too because of my freindship with him.?

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:58 pm
by Goldie
Just the opposite...I’m always really glad when my fav has lots of clients!! Last year during one of the C*MC evening events I was sitting at the Mustang bar and a potential client approached me as if I was working. I turned him right onto to Rachel  ;)

If I remember correctly they did party  :)

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:06 pm
by MrTShirt
Goldie link wrote: Just the opposite...I’m always really glad when my fav has lots of clients!! Last year during one of the C*MC evening events I was sitting at the Mustang bar and a potential client approached me as if I was working. I turned him right onto to Rachel  ;)

If I remember correctly they did party  :)
I remember the event, and I also believe he and Rachel partied.

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:11 am
by HD
Ironman link wrote: Shortish answer for me anyway.

you are the MAN ironman.
Surprised you didn't have "enough" money for some of these ladies, since you're so well known I thought they would party with you for free...[/size]

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:27 am
by Cobia
HD link wrote:
you are the MAN ironman.
Surprised you didn't have "enough" money for some of these ladies, since you're so well known I thought they would party with you for free...[/size]

I know.  He is a legend in his own time.  Just too modest to admit it.

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:19 pm
by Ironman
HD link wrote:
you are the MAN ironman.
Surprised you didn't have "enough" money for some of these ladies, since you're so well known I thought they would party with you for free...[/size]


Actually they might be willing to party with me for free, but they would still charge me for sex. When you as Fuggly as me ain't no woman in the known universe or any other universe for that matter going to have sex with me for free.

Even the ones that are willing to for a price would avoid looking directly at me. Whitney would always just automatically put herself in doggie position or mount up reverse CowGirl.

Now Kristine would always just close her eyes and fantazie I was someone else.

Except for one time. Poor girl forgot who she was with for a moment. She retired officially about 48 hours later.?


Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:27 pm
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote:

I know.  He is a legend in his own time.  Just too modest to admit it.

No you the legend buddy. You the one that went to school with Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble. Would. not shock me at all if you were the guy that invented cowboy boots, and Genes.??

An exercise in logic

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:48 am
by Rand McNally
If I like the lady, I want to see her again.
If I want to see her again, she needs to keep working.
If she is to keep working she needs to be making money.
And how doe she do that...?

Re: An exercise in logic

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:03 am
by SixT9er
Rand McNally link wrote: If I like the lady, I want to see her again.
If I want to see her again, she needs to keep working.
If she is to keep working she needs to be making money.
And how doe she do that...?
Agree with logic 100% but not all things are logical...
Being bothered by a situation has to do with emotion and emotions are not always or even often logical...

Re: An exercise in logic

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:12 am
by Rand McNally
SixT9er link wrote: Agree with logic 100% but not all things are logical...
Being bothered by a situation has to do with emotion and emotions are not always or even often logical...

True...if people acted logically the Chief Executive would be unable to reach a decision on anything.

So here's an anecdote. One day while staying in a comped room in a house, I passed my favorite provider's door. From the sounds within it was obvious she was working, and was intensely enjoying her job. It made me feel good, both that she was enjoying herself, and that  what I had heard did not make me pout.

Re: An exercise in logic

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:04 am
by SixT9er
Rand McNally link wrote:
True...if people acted logically the Chief Executive would be unable to reach a decision on anything.

So here's an anecdote. One day while staying in a comped room in a house, I passed my favorite provider's door. From the sounds within it was obvious she was working, and was intensely enjoying her job. It made me feel good, both that she was enjoying herself, and that  what I had heard did not make me pout.
That's great you can keep your emotions so completely in check when it comes to your favorite Lady(s)

Re: Does it ever bother you?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:16 pm
by Zylar
Haven’t had it happen to me yet, logically and rationally I agree with what so many of you have posted and I want my atf to be successful and happy.  But I don’t necessarily want to be around to see her take other guys behind the green door, rather not witness it firsthand  ;)