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The CM Events

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:21 am
by Funmonger
This was another great time this year! I was able to finally meet and party with the AMAZING RACHEL VARGA for the first time!
She is OF COURSE, everything great that people say about her. She is also Very Sweet and has a constant smile. What a genuinely nice person too! She is very giving and could melt this old bioy like a popsicle.

Then I had a great party with Coco of the Mustang. She managed to mosey up to me that next morning after the Pool Party the night before. I was drinking coffee and trying to wake my old body up. Ha Ha, She began massaging my hand. I didn't even know her. Silence is GOLDEN ! [/size]It didn't take long for me to take the hint. Negotiations were easy and she gave me a great massage![/size]

I also had the pleasure of sitting at dinner with my friend, Belle who made a late entrance just after the Dovetail Ranch and COY had been Awarded. Being from the Dovetail and coming in late, it only took a short moment for Belle to jump right onto to center stage, only behind the COY winner! Belle is such a cool lady! She is such a bomb and a great girl with a HUGH smile! I've known Belle for some time in LPIN.

It was great to be in a room where four of the reigning and past COY winners were present.

Special thanks go to Mikey and fireman who tirelessly made this happen once again, along with of course, IB and his lovely wife. Sorry I missed the Picnic. Stupid me, I missed the exit and then I had to get on to a flight in California to go home.

It is always great to see old friends and meet new ones! Nice to see Midwest Couple and others for the first time!

Now it is back to the grind with dreams fo future fun!


Re: The CM Events

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:39 am
by Midwest Couple
Funmonger - it was a pleasure putting a face to a name and being able to thank you in person for the wonderful common bond named "Chai". 

We look forward to seeing you again and talking more in the future. 

Re: The CM Events

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 5:23 pm
by Armond
Great to see you good Friend, "There once was a guy named Dave..."

Re: The CM Events

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:16 pm
by Funmonger
You too Bro. Great to be seen!

Great seeing everybody else too!

As for the poem about "guy named Dave," wait til next year to finish it, Armond ! Only about 360 days to go !