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Brothel approach

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:57 am
by SixT9er
As years go by most of us learn, change and evolve in aspects of our lives.

How has your approach to Brothels changed if at all over the years?

How has your approach to the Ladies within the Brothel changed if at all during this time?

Re: Brothel approach

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 6:50 pm
by SixT9er
My approach early was to just have an hr party and get my list checked off.

Now I like to let the Party flow naturally and what happens, happens. I almost always end up with a happy ending unless the little guy is stubborn. I’ve really gotten into taking it slower and being in the moment and enjoying the Lady I’m with

Re: Brothel approach

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:50 pm
by Ironman
Depended on the situation.  The where and who the girl was in front of me at the moment.

Was she a girl I had history with? Or was I trying to for lack of a better way of putting it pad my personal Stats?

I should point out though that sometimes my intentions would change.

My now long retired ATF (Kristine) was just supposed to be a pad my personal stats girl. I almost never met her at all, and then I was about 10 seconds from telling the shift manager to send Dahlia back out and  booking Dalia. But something not exactly sure what but some little voice in my mind said the brunette!

So the shift Manager had one foot through the curtain to go get Dahlia, when I said wait! The Brunette that last girl that came out. There were 8 available at CR that night. Dahlia came out first then I think Sapphire Raye a few others who's names I have long forgotten then Kristine. So the shift Manager said Kristine? I said yeah her please.

So yeah Ironic I hate lineups. But my original plan fell through which is why I wound up at CR that  night in 08. So yeah funny I only wound up at CR because my original plan fell through So I am doing  a lineup which I rarely do maybe twice that was the second and probably the last time.

But then the girl I chose just to pad my stats wound up eventually cementing her status as my ATF before she retired. I almost never met her at all. Almost passed on her for another girl, and too top it all off I grabbed her out of a lineup something I don't really like to do.

Funny how things work out sometimes.??
Anyway my approch depended which brothel and which girl was in front of me at the moment, and sometimes like that night in 08 I adjusted my game plan for that night on the fly.?

Re: Brothel approach

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:07 pm
by NavySteve
Things I learned this summer. Number one is prior communication via PM, text, or email. Review her posts on social media. Number two, if you feel a connection make a deposit for half of what you might spend and pay it off before a trip. In your mind that $800.00 party is now a $400.00 party. Let her know the time and date you will meet her and try and spend 10-15 mins visiting before heading to her room. Lastly, for me personally, allow for cuddle time before the bell rings. If possible a time to visit after the party in the bar area.

Re: Brothel approach

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:27 pm
by Dr. Who
When I first started visiting the brothels, I was more or less a lone wolf, so I use party and then leave hanging out in the bar either before or afterwards ...LOL.  That approach lasted for a short time, until I joined the NVB board and started interacting with other mongers and ladies online.  I started learning more about the brothel and then ran into my first board member (Sportsman) while I was parting at the CR during one of my trips.  The lady who I was partying with introduced me to him in the bar, since I didn't know anyone back then. 

Sporty was a Pahrump local and use to visit the CR and Sheri's regularly, so I use to run into him fairly often.  I guess you could say that he was sort of a mentor to this newbie back in those early days.  From that time on, I started hanging out more often in the bars at both of the southern houses where I was able to chat with the ladies instead of just choosing from a lineup.  I still do the same thing today at all of the houses that I visit, since parties are much better when there's chemistry between you and the lady.