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ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:03 pm
by Slednx
Surely you've seen the longtime Friday night show where they put ordinary people in staged set-ups to see how they will react. Tonight, I give you a hypothetical LPIN situation and ask at the end, "What Would You Do?"

You are in a brothel where no one knows you from Adam,  spot a lady and strike up a conversation with her. You sit down, have a drink or two with her before heading off to negotiate. That goes well and off to her room. You both get naked and the vibe suddenly goes south. Suddenly, she seems rather intoxicated and your physical advances are quickly all shut down. Not forcing the issue, you take her lead and just lay down on the bed cuddling. Within minutes, she is passed out and your attempts to wake her all fail...."What Would You Do?"

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:13 pm
by MrTShirt
Assume there is a health issue and call management/security and then 911.

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 5:16 pm
by Dr. Who
MrTShirt link wrote: Assume there is a health issue and call management/security and then 911.
I would do the same, but it might be better to have management/security call 911, since not all rooms have phones and cell service can suck in many areas where the brothels are located, not to mention inside of buildings.

My retired ATF also told me a story about a lady that she worked with at one of the brothels who passed out on her customer because she drank too much before and during the party.  The customer got hold of management right away, but he was all freaked out when it happened. :o

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 5:44 pm
by SixT9er
Go straight to the manger

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:26 pm
by MrTShirt
MrTShirt link wrote: Assume there is a health issue and call management/security and then 911.
There is a reason I added for the client to call 911.

The house may not want the publicity, so they may decide to not call 911.

!)  How many know of the attempted murder at one house?  It was brought out in the Mona's hearing (it was another house elsewhere).

2)  How many know of the group party where a girl was attacked?  She tried to sue, but the house lied and said she was lying.

3)  How many know of another situation where a girl was rendered unconscious by a client's actions?  The house told the other girls to not say anything.

Three separate events at three separate houses with three separate owners.

(Yet you keep hearing the mantra that the girls' welfare is more important than the reputation of the business.)

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:07 am
by Slednx
MrTShirt link wrote: Assume there is a health issue and call management/security and then 911.

Call them on the phone while in the room? Go through the prompts, wait for a manager to get on phone, what if you left your phone in your car?

Or are you saying, walking down the long halls of a brothel by YOURSELF unaccompanied by a lady? Hope you find a manager before security finds you!

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:18 am
by Cobia
I am surprised no one said push the panic button.

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:52 am
by FredT
A)  Most guys have no idea where the panic button is in any particular house.

B)  I would REALLY be hesitant to hit it (even if I knew where it was) as security in many of the houses has a "guilty until proven innocent" mentality. 

Nope, I would dress, and then quickly leave the room, and ask the first lady I ran into for help.....


PS:  Yes It has happened to me before at the LRN.  lady was WAY too intoxicated, passed out, money refunded, and I got a REALLY long and embarressed apology from the lady the next night.

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 4:21 am
by Cobia
FredT link wrote: A)  Most guys have no idea where the panic button is in any particular house.

B)  I would REALLY be hesitant to hit it (even if I knew where it was) as security in many of the houses has a "guilty until proven innocent" mentality. 

Nope, I would dress, and then quickly leave the room, and ask the first lady I ran into for help.....


PS:  Yes It has happened to me before at the LRN.  lady was WAY too intoxicated, passed out, money refunded, and I got a REALLY long and embarressed apology from the lady the next night.

Ok, good point.

I reckon one of the perks to going to the same hose is knowing where the panic is located.

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 4:42 am
by wayne208
I have passed on 2 Parties as I do not want a Drunk Date .. 1 of the Ladies was Barely able to Stand and the other one was not Much better  . What Kind of a Party can You Have that way . Come on Guys put on those Big Boy Pants and do what is Right for You and Her . And if John Quinones shows up Nail that Sucker in the Mouth for Me .. I really dislike his Show and Him ..  > :(   I would love to Pop him in the Mouth .. Than Ask Him What He would do ??

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:39 am
by rachelvarga
If there is a life-threatening issue and she could die then you sure as hell better call 911.
If she is drunk then you go to the manager.

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:12 am
by FredT
In my case she was drunk.....  But she was such a happy, fun, contented drunk that we just clicked.  To make matters worse (better?    : :)   )  she had been sitting on my lap for about an hour, with nothing on but her robe.  Even the madam (Anyone remember the older english madam who was there forever?)  was OK with her snuggling up. 

I am still sort of sorry that she did not stay awake long enough to finish our party.....  Personality was Soooooo much better when she was blitized!

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:00 am
by Slednx
Fred, that older English Madame is now at Sagebrush, was at Kit Kat before that. At least she was within the last two months when I last visited the cul-de-sac.

Back on topic. Wandering the brothel halls by yourself is at your own risk. I saw a dude get beat up two decades ago at the Mustang 2. Came out of Sable's room without her after I guess roughing her up a little, he got a taste of an ass whoopin right there in the hallway. Like Fred said, "guilty until proven innocent". In this case, he was guilty.

Maybe fill up her wastebasket with cold water, toss it on her then escape out her window. Call management from the safety of your car? Just throwing it out there.  ;)

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:17 am
by FredT
Actually Sled, I remembered her name on my way home from work.  It was Jan, and as this was about 15 years ago, I think she would be about 80 by now......

And yeah, "security" at the old Mustang (and mustang 2) were a bunch of VERY LARGE Philipinos.....  and they went straight to "physical" whenever called......

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 1:29 pm
by Slednx
Yup, Jan is it. She is working at the Sage. You can't forget her accent and yes, she is up there in age.

Re: ABC's John Quinones asks, "What would you do?"

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:24 am
by FredT
Well DAMN!!!!  I an gonna have to make a very concerted effort to get out JUST to harass her!  : :)       Dont know if she would remember me, but years ago when I was hitting up the brothels a LOT, we had a fun time going at each other (verbally)  on a regular basis.......