Does negotiation affect party?

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Does negotiation affect party?


Post by SixT9er »

When at a negotiation house and you have a difficult negotiation but end of settling on a price does it have any impact on your party?

I admit if a negotiation gets difficult at all it negatively affected my party that’s why I will no longer negotiate. I’ll haggle for hours with a car dealer but I don’t want to haggle over intimacy with a Lady
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Post by Ironman »

Never had a difficult negotiation so I can't tell you. Its not really difficult when you tell her this is what I got I expect to get X yes or no? Not been told no yet because I follow it up with the sad pathetic puppy dog look, and the usually just says close enough.?
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Post by wayne208 »

I have had some Negotiations that have lasted longer than I would have liked . And Yes I think it did distract from the Party .. I know it shouldn't have but it did .. But Now I have everything set with a Nice group of Ladies were the Negotiations Last about 1 Minute tops . I sometimes wonder if affects the Ladies Party also ? So Ladies Does it affect Your Party also having a Long Difficult Negotiation with a Customer ? 
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Post by Cobia »

Never had a problem with negotiation.
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Post by FredT »

When I would "negotiate" yes.....  Long, hard negotiations would always put a bitter taste in my mouth, which would carry on to the party.    Over time though I l;earned NOT to negotiate.  Simply go in, state what you want and what you have, and leave if she plays "the game".....
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Post by Cobia »

FredT link wrote: When I would "negotiate" yes.....  Long, hard negotiations would always put a bitter taste in my mouth, which would carry on to the party.    Over time though I l;earned NOT to negotiate.  Simply go in, state what you want and what you have, and leave if she plays "the game".....

Exactly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Dr. Who »

I've only had one negotiation back in 2006 that I would consider harder than most, but it was mainly due to the initial sticker shock. :o  We knew each other from the boards for years which made this encounter even more surprising.  Normally, I would tell the lady what kind of party I'm interested in doing and my budget, then we would go from there, but she blurted out her rates before I could say a word. 

Anywho, after getting over sticker shock, it didn't take too long to come to an agreement.  Although, whenever negotiations start out with sticker shock, it will always leave a bad taste in my mouth, even if the party is good.
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Post by Slednx »

Sorry guys, not buying into tough negotiations affecting the party. It's a game both sides play, some are better than others, but you should be able to play it with a smile. It shouldn't be personal from either side, just the business end of the experience.

I can honestly say that it is so rare that if ever affected the party. If she is making it so unpleasant.....walk. Don't book. Ladies who are professional don't make the party suffer IMO.

I partied with Natalia Qing over 50 times and can tell you she was a tough negotiation those first 15-20 parties. It never affected her stellar parties, she just was trying to get my regular rate moved up a bit.
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Post by SixT9er »

Slednx link wrote: Sorry guys, not buying into tough negotiations affecting the party. It's a game both sides play, some are better than others, but you should be able to play it with a smile. It shouldn't be personal from either side, just the business end of the experience.

I can honestly say that it is so rare that if ever affected the party. If she is making it so unpleasant.....walk. Don't book. Ladies who are professional don't make the party suffer IMO.

I partied with Natalia Qing over 50 times and can tell you she was a tough negotiation those first 15-20 parties. It never affected her stellar parties, she just was trying to get my regular rate moved up a bit.
Sometimes I wish I could be like you and look at it as strictly a business arrangement, it would make my life so much easier but I’m not built that way. As I said I’ll haggle etc with a car salesman and when it’s over and done I’ll move on and be fine but when it’s with a Lady I’m going to get intimate with I just can’t do it. I’m glad Natalia didn’t give me a hard negotiation because if she had I probably would never had the pleasure of her company
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Post by Sonja »

The only time there is a lot of "negotiating" is for specialty and extended stay parties.  Generally, most of that conversation is taken care of online as we fantasize with each other about what we want from the encounter.  Online conversations are the best way to get a feel for each other before the actual brothel visit.

When I negotiate with someone new - I will often help him through the process & give him pointers about what to bring up.  Most of my lovers are long-term, though, so negotiations stopped a long time ago.  We already know each other well enough to know what works for us both.
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Post by Chicagobob »

Money is an ugly thing... the harder the negotiation, the more likely I'll walk.  Long, petty negs are a real buzz kill for me - it just ruins the vibe.
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Post by FumbleNutts »

Yeah, I'm a terrible negotiator, so I just put out the price I'm willing to pay and for what. Wish I was a 1%'er, I'd love to be able to offer much more. So, no, it's not going to affect the party.
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Post by Goldie »

Only one time ever did I have a difficult negotiation, and I was so shocked by it that I didn’t handle well.

Eventually she did agree to party for my original offer. And we did. And in retrospect I wish I’d walked. It left a bitter taste in my mouth and I didn’t enjoy the party like I should have.

Fortunately, it was a fluke, and I have an awesome lady to party with now  ;)

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Post by RoxyGold »

Since I am a prude in negotiations and make triple sure we are on the same page when it comes to how much time, what’s going to happen, what’s not going to happen, and any other questions or concerns about the party have been addressed, it’s a very pleasant surprise when my panties come off and we have some serious wild and crazy sex.  ;D
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Post by MrTShirt »

RoxyGold link wrote:’s a very pleasant surprise when my panties come off...
Pardon my fixation on the concept "the less the better".