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Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:10 am
by SixT9er

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:38 am
by rachelvarga
The plot thickens.

Accused in NYE and law enforcement sent the case to the DA but they declined because statute of limitations passed.

Carson City asking State to investigate more sexual assaults

Former Lyons County Detective tried to file charges but was told by superiors that Dennis was off hands.  Filed report and it disaappeared.

Same Detective said Dennis called him and referrred to a giri that died in a brothel insinuating it could happen to him (investigator).  Dennis screamed at him that he was,  "trying to save the whores! "

Detective was confronted when he went to one of the brothels to check cards.  Stated that he came across a binder full of out of state parties.

Trucker that backed into the Bunny Ranch states that he was drugged and sexually assaulted by Dennis and other guy

Another person said the same thing happened to him. He was drugged and raped.  I'm not at liberty to give out wny names.

I personally saw a wanted rapist at the Bunny Ranch and Dennis admits it in email.

Two more girls. 1 I know and another via twitter message stated the same rapist,  Philip Yoder, was at the Love Ranch south and left when girls recignized him.

When I worked there one of girlfriends stated that during sex he wanted anal and she said no. He forced her anyway so she shit all over him.

I received messages from one girl that states Dennis grabbed her by throat and punched her so hard he damaged her jaw while calling her a bitch

Right after Felony said she was choked she wanted to call law enforcement but Dennis and Suzette took her down the hall and said she was just a whore and nobody would believe. She changed her tweets because she was told through intimidation.

The same thing over and over, he comes to their rooms and intimidates or raped them.

Come on people. He's a predator that should be in prison. There is just too much to be coincidence.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 10:01 am
by SixT9er
No argument from me.

Too damn much smoke to not have fire. I’m afraid until Ladies step forward he will continue to be free.

Let’s hope the investigators thoroughly follow up with that Detective and he has the balls to stick to the truth. If that happens I think the likelihood of others coming forward improves.

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:44 pm
by SixT9er

According to this story these are new allegations that just were brought about over the weekend and not old news as some would have you think.

Of course Dennis says this is politically motivated and who knows? Maybe it is or maybe a Lady got to the police before Dennis got to her first

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 6:05 pm
by Mikey
Well he is running on a Trump ticket, so it's no surprise he emulates the master. I've oft thought of him as the "Donald Trump of LPIN". Hell he may win, as it seems treating women badly can apparently get you elected in red states.

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 12:06 am
by rachelvarga
Yes these are new.


He is not running on a trump ticket. He using the name and saying the he road in on his coat tails. He is similar.

I don't think it's fair to paint all politicians in red states as Trump any more than to paint all politicians in blue State are Hillary.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 7:57 am
by Slednx
Excellent catch from Mr. T- Shirt on the other forum. When Sonja defended Hof and this latest allegation, she said the girl was new, the sex consensual, but that she ran off to the hospital to get a rape kit. T-shirt asked, " what, no condom?"

Nevada law, county law clearly states all sex in a brothel is to have a condom involved. If they find his semen, isn't that alone evidence of a law being broken at a brothel he owns? No where does the owner get exempt from following state law and/or county ordinance.

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:03 am
by MrTShirt
:)     I am just dumb and have to ask simple questions.  :) ;)

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:08 am
by SixT9er
Good question!

I don’t understand why Sonja is even commenting on it. She wasn’t there and regardless if the Lady was coming onto him she still has the right to say no.

Regarding the semen that would be a smoking gun but there are other ways to determine rape also in addition to semen but that would put a nail in his coffin at min for breaking the condom law

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:08 pm
by rachelvarga
Slednx link wrote: Excellent catch from Mr. T- Shirt on the other forum. When Sonja defended Hof and this latest allegation, she said the girl was new, the sex consensual, but that she ran off to the hospital to get a rape kit. T-shirt asked, " what, no condom?"

Nevada law, county law clearly states all sex in a brothel is to have a condom involved. If they find his semen, isn't that alone evidence of a law being broken at a brothel he owns? No where does the owner get exempt from following state law and/or county ordinance.
In Lyons County you can be exempt and even threaten detectlves and insinuate murder if you buy police cars, donate money,  and pay huge brothel fees.

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:34 pm
by grizzly
rachel pm please in regards to this thread. or can i pm you

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:55 pm
by SixT9er
grizzly link wrote: rachel pm please in regards to this thread. or can i pm you
Pm her

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:50 am
by TC
It's like Cosby, IMO. One report you can conceivably pass off as someone trying to extort a celebrity (that's an air quotes "celebrity" in D's case), but when multiple unrelated reports with similar details come out, well, there's the smoke and there's the fire.

Unfortunately Hof the self-proclaimed feminist only preys on working girls because the authorities are less likely to believe a rape allegation from a sex worker. However given Hof's very public shaming of the girls who cross him, I think the world of any woman who speaks out against him.

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:38 am
by rachelvarga
A brothel in the middle if the desert where the sheriff turns a blind eye is heaven to a predator.

He can say it's politics but it's not. His arrogance is what gets him in trouble. He flaunted prostitution to a society that looks down on it heavily and now wants to be a politcian. The key to legal prostitutions survival is not making waves.

Just like Cosby,  for years no one could touch him because there was no social media. Now people can be heard and the younger generation is about social justice.  Yes,  they can go overboard but the idea is good.

Lastly,  Dennis said on the Bunny Youtube channel clip that I am in that,  he is s feminist and loves women. I wanted to puke. I have to find it. He was talking to me  and somehow a reference to the size of his dick,  bragging,  I said,  "Well show us." Hahahahaha

It was just funny to call his bluff in front of everyone. I hated doing those because you have to be fake. Smile when he says he's a feminist but inside you want claw out his eyes.

After tea parties we had to hug or sit on his lap and call him Daddy. I wouldn't call him that.  I thought it was disrespectful to my Father.

Omg I could go on and on about those stupid tea parties.

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:16 am
by Ironman
Rachel Varga link wrote: He was talking to me  and somehow a reference to the size of his dick,  bragging,  I said,  "Well show us." Hahahahaha.

If a guy feels the need to brag about his dick. Then 99 times out of 100 it probably is probably average at best or very small.?? possibly pencil thin to boot.

Any guy that feels the need to brag about his 3rd knee at the very least has self esteem issues.??

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:42 pm
by SixT9er
The defenses of Dennis are so full of holes it makes me sick!

From the “It’s all political” to the “He’s a man who has the right to a sex Life” and everything in between!

Bottom line news flash: Dennis is a PIMP just like any street pimp but he gets to do it legally at least from the standpoint he is a licensed Brothel owner but that’s it.

He is in a position of power over these Ladies and uses that position to his own personal advantage just like a street pimp, not like a professional businessman. If he were in any other business he’d be raked over the coals for sexual harassment everyday.

No one says he doesn’t have the right to have a sex life. Go for it but he shouldn’t be doing it with Ladies he has power over. There are a few strong Ladies who say no and stand up to him but unfortunately there are many more who for whatever reason won’t or can’t do it. Who’s protecting these Ladies?

A street pimp uses coercion, intimidation and payoffs to get what they want and from my view it looks to me IMO that Dennis does the same.

He’s a predator who thinks he’s above the Law and so far has gotten away with it. These latest charges may prove to be unfounded but that doesn’t mean he’s innocent. His koolaid drinking supporters will follow him to the end because they are either paid off, intimidated or just plain stupid but one day they will have to face reality because he will eventually get caught. Someone will finally have the guts to stand up to him and tell the truth and you thought Cosby had a line of “Me Too’s“ Dennis’s will look like the line for Star Wars Land in Disneyland!

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:41 pm
by rachelvarga
The interesting thing about this is the part that says a woman showed up at the hospital over Labor Day weekend. So this happened over Labor Day? ... ssion=true

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:45 pm
by SixT9er
Rachel Varga link wrote: The interesting thing about this is the part that says a woman showed up at the hospital over Labor Day weekend. So this happened over Labor Day?
That’s what I understood

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:31 am
by SixT9er
Story from May but details a lot of what has been mentioned

Credit to wildfire for finding this

Re: Sexual assault investigation again for Dennis

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:54 pm
by SixT9er
10 days since this came out, I would love to know what is being found out

Not that it will change my opinion of the Low Life Pimp...