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That is America, the country that no longer knows how to do anything or get things done?

BTW: This is not political. I'm feeling more this way no matter who's in charge. [/size]
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Post by Slednx »

I've come to the conclusion that regargless if someone is at the top of government or just working the drive-thru at McDonald's, some people are lazy and suck at their job.

How many times do we catch ourselves unprepared and saying " we must never let that happen again"? Have your investigations, hearings, and then have it all play over again. 9/11, the congressional softball shooting, the Capitol siege. "Time for unity, healing, blah blah".

We never learn shit as a country,  we are constantly on "repeat".
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Just a few example are after the covid struck, we discovered we were short of supplies That should have been a wake up alarm but to this day, most things are still made overseas. When building the new Bay Bridge, no one  had the know how or could supply the steel needed so we had to buy steel from foreign countries.  Most mass transit trains are now built by foreign companies.  The two things I see happening is lack of production to build things and losing the know how to build things.  It was one of the major American car companies that just had a recall on seat belts. They've been around over 50 years and American companies still can't get it right?  New Bart cars that were assembled here and they can't put them into service because they're breaking down at the rate of 3 times what the 40 year old Bart mass transit cars are.  During WW2, they were able to convert auto plants to make fighter jets and we can't even make seat belts?  We see all the problems such as Homeless but have no idea how to fix the problem.  We keep throwing more and more money at different projects such as roads but they never get any better? Have we lost our way?  [/size]
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Post by Wildfire »

SIDEWINDER link wrote: That is America, the country that no longer knows how to do anything or get things done?

BTW: This is not political. I'm feeling more this way no matter who's in charge. [/size]
LOL, It's all political!  Just look at your own state; it's a disaster.
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Post by rachelvarga »

Look at it like this. History has repeated itself over and over and shows us that countries go through their woes. The American Civil War was worse than this and I'm sure people we full of despair and felt nothing could be fixed yet here you are. It will pass faster if we don't let the media and people make us think the country is falling apart.

btw, I watched the House argue over impeachment today. Wtf is wrong with those people? Term limits are needed here.
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What really set me off this morning was reading an article where some Covid Vaccines are expiring without being used. They've almost had a year to figure out how they're going to handle getting people vaccinated and they're clueless as how to get people vaccinated and end up throwing out vaccine while people continue to die.  We're suppose to be the country who knows how to get things done and yet other countries have been so far ahead of us in wearing mask, taking covid test and now giving out vaccinations while we sit with our finger up our ass letting Vaccines expire. Bottom line, we no longer know how to do things. [/size] ... ministered
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Post by Dirk Diggler »

All empires and countries rise and fall at different points in their evolution, some to never rise again. Generally speaking, this country has been riding a wave of prosperity and growth    since after WWII thanks to the Greatest Generation, the Silent Generation, and perhaps Baby Boomers in certain aspects.

These generations held to morals and values, understood hard work, and understood what a hard life really is having gone through the Great Depression and two world wars.

In contrast later generations are spoiled, entitled, and want everything provided for them (generally speaking of course). Maybe this country’s greatest years are already behind us and the beginning of a long decline started a decade ago before we even realized it. Maybe things will only get worse not better. Either way, all you can do is live life to the fullest and leave behind whatever legacy you can.
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Post by Funmonger »

There are an awful lot of old codgers in the Congress that are even older than baby boomers. There's too many lawyers running things in my opinion. They've taken their eye off of the ball and can't see the forest for the trees. Results have taken a back seat to bullshit and compliance has replaced ethics. Personal pride and responsibility have been replaced with Political correctness and group think.
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Post by Banginit »

Can i please Echo Rachel?

Term limits we have Carrier politicians, this is a job n every term they fight to stay n office. 2 terms senator n 3 for congress.  Thats 12 years..enough this is a public position n its is more about doing something to get on tv n not workin together to fix stuff..

BS ... argue spend tax payers money to impeach a person less than 10 days left in office. Its about being in the news not actually passing anything.

Im just as frustrated..
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Post by NavySteve »

Nebraska has an unicameral, a one house legislation. State senators run with no party affiliation. Some years ago, through a petition process which was voted on and passed, term limits were passed limiting senators to two 4 year terms. Despite the prediction of the sky falling due to loss of experience, it didn't happen. IMHO I believe that the knowledge is in the hands of the office staff who are not term limited.
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I just don't see things such as building things and the distribution of a vaccine as being political.  Of course, that's the way it works now. If anything goes wrong, just blame the party you oppose.  I happen to think our leadership has been a complete failure. That includes all political parties.  I do know this country being so profit driven has not done us any favors. Especially when it comes to things like internet service, good paying jobs leaving or medical care and many other things. [/size]
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Post by georoc01 »

SIDEWINDER link wrote: I just don't see things such as building things and the distribution of a vaccine as being political.  Of course, that's the way it works now. If anything goes wrong, just blame the party you oppose.  I happen to think our leadership has been a complete failure. That includes all political parties.  I do know this country being so profit driven has not done us any favors. Especially when it comes to things like internet service, good paying jobs leaving or medical care and many other things. [/size]
First of all the bridge wasn't about know how, but about cost. Chinese steel cost a fraction of US steel. So for a project that was already over budget, they simply didn't want to pay for higher price of buying it in the US.

On the Vaccine, yeah, the challenges are. 1) We are trying to priortize some groups over others. 2) We don't know how many people will actually get the vaccine if when they are eligible 3) These initial vaccines have a supercold requirement that isn't available everywhere, and when a freezer fails (as happened in Northern California) they had to just distribute it to anyone who could take it. and 4) the vaccine requires two doses, spread 20-25 days apart.

So balancing all of those variables has made the distribution uneven. I know we opened to 70+ early here because essentially they didn't have enough health care workers and my state prioritized that group #2. Other states have prioritized other essential workers over seniors.

Then all of a sudden this week, the federal government stopped holding vaccine inventory for those needing a 2nd shot. Opening up to more, with those needing the 2nd one coming from new manufacturing. That effectively doubles the vaccine in the pipeline.

This is going to go slow till we get more vaccines approved. J&J's vaccine has completed its 2nd stage with 90% effectiveness and awaiting results of its stage 3 trial which may complete in February. The plus of this one is that it can be kept in simple refrigeration and only requires 1 shot. And they will have 100 million doses available once its approved.
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Post by Florida Couple »

NavySteve link wrote: Nebraska has an unicameral, a one house legislation. State senators run with no party affiliation. Some years ago, through a petition process which was voted on and passed, term limits were passed limiting senators to two 4 year terms. Despite the prediction of the sky falling due to loss of experience, it didn't happen. IMHO I believe that the knowledge is in the hands of the office staff who are not term limited.
I agree with this 100%.. term limits are needed at all levels / branches of government.  The staffers are the experts.
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georoc01 link wrote: First of all the bridge wasn't about know how, but about cost. Chinese steel cost a fraction of US steel. So for a project that was already over budget, they simply didn't want to pay for higher price of buying it in the US.
Well, as I said it's profit driven or in the case of public projects, the least expensive method of getting the job done. The problem is it's an unlevel playing field with our economies being so different and it will always be cheaper to have it done overseas---Or is it when you figure in all the lost revenue from having it built here?  But you're alright with it?  What happens when they decide they can do your job cheaper in China? Will you still be alright with it?
BTW: Being over budget or not being able to know how to get the job done on time and within budget which is my main gripe. That is no longer knowing how to do things. [/size] ... bay-bridge
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Post by georoc01 »

Just remember, its not always about the cost of labor. When it comes to manufacturing of steel, labor is a very small component.

Modernization of plants is a large component here. Modern technology allows for work for a fraction of the cost of what it costs in older plants. Access to raw materials is another. Then bring in regulation. Finally cost of transportation to site.

As far as jobs go, some just can't be moved overseas. Your old job is a prime example of that. Are you really going to buy fresh produce overseas and have it shipped to your house? Part of my team's work requires in person walkthroughs. Unless you can see what is physically on the ground, you have no idea if the design you are looking at is accurate or not.

Telehealth is great, until you have something that needs to be physically looked at. Skin conditions have a limit. Its a great augment to health care, but its far from a replacement for in person visits. 
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Post by whiskeychuck »

I'm fairly new. First time I went and saw Rachel and now I see her every time.