Trip Report For Awards Week 2022

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Trip Report For Awards Week 2022


Post by MrTShirt »

Congratulations to Mila Tommy for winning the 2021 COY award. She sure was excited and very appreciative of winning the award at the banquet. Congratulations also go to the Mustang for winning the BOY award, and congratulations to Mona's for winning the RBOY award.

The banquet was a great success with good food and good company. The same for IB and Sheri's picnic at Washoe State Park.

However, my trip started out finding a skin rash one morning at the motel. Suspecting shingles (having had that last August) I planned on visiting a clinic in Elko that afternoon. Prior to that, I attempted to enter one of the houses to see someone. Unfortunately, going up the ramp, my wheel chair tipped over backward onto the concrete, striking my head and neck. Trying to regain my senses, I noticed a puddle of a dark liquid. Sticking my finger in it I realized it was blood. It had not been there two minutes ago.

With the help of a stranger and a monger, I got back into my car to seek medical attention. The doctor patched up my head and diagnosed my rash as ringworm (dermatophytosis). The doctor said it was contagious. No parties for me. :(

Off to one of the larger houses for several days. Unfortunately, the parking lot was being repaired by having the asphalt cracks filled in with tar and asphalt. In spite of trying to avoid the fresh asphalt, my tires ran over enough of the asphalt to collect a thick layer on the tires. My trip on I-80 was aborted because of the severe shaking of the tires. The AAA guy looked at the situation, and gave the "encouraging" word that he had never seen such a coating on the tires. His screw driver could only pry off a tiny chunk at a time. Off to the tire store, where they said it was hopeless. Solution, a new set of tires for $1100. No parties and now no party money. :( :(

After events up north, went south to stay at one of the houses for a couple of days. My arrival was late at night, and got settled into the room. However, found the door sweep was so tight that I would need a block and tackle to open and close the door. Security worked on the door for two hours, finally removing the door and unscrewing the door sweep.

I celebrated by having my first shower in a week and getting into bed at 3:30 AM. The next day I found I needed to use my 26 inch dressing stick to both lock and unlock the door.

At least I could renew acquaintances with several of the ladies.

Time to head home, with a stop in New Mexico at a favorite restaurant and another visit with an author who wrote about his experiences as an airman weather forecaster in Area 51 with Tall Whites in the mid sixties. Area 51 is actually the "front door" to the complex, also having Areas 52 thru 57. He was required to go into these areas to launch weather balloons for bombing runs. Airmen assigned to this task had a dismal record of interfacing with the Tall Whites: getting themselves killed, suicide, mental problems, and dereliction of duty. Greys are also in the complex, but away from the Tall Whites.

This answers the question "Why don't the aliens land on the White House lawn?" Simple, such a meeting would cause 98% of the politicians to go wacko.

The author's background is in physics, and he is the inspiration for my t-shirt with six (6) of Maxwell's four (4) equations. His most recent book challenges Einstein's gravity assumptions.

Time to go home. Too tired to visit my friend working on a warp drive in his garage. He suffered a stroke and is confined to a wheel chair. He now understands what I mean when I say I want a "magic carpet" for my wheel chair. Hopefully he can make further progress on his warp drive with the NASA grant.
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Post by SixT9er »

Sorry you had such a negatively eventful trip!