Chuckar chaser link wrote: I don't remember seeing this
I vaguely recall seeing that before the link was either on the Sheris website or on one of the ladies twitter pages.
Twitter has been a big part of Sheris marketing since about 13. That clip also confirms what we already know. They target the guys that travel to Vegas for conventions particularly the would be clients attending tech conventions.
In theory people with relatively high paying tech jobs. People that are willing to drop 2 or 3K and not blink.
Its really not the place to be if you work a job like mine.
Honestly I never set foot in the place till 2011, and even then I probably never would have if I was. not trying to chase Kristine for 3 years and a second party at the time.?
All that being said I won't say anything really bad about the place. There are ladies there that will work with a client on a tight budget. Having a good time there on a budget is still possible.
But in general the people that post on here and SIN are not for the most part the clients Sheris is targeting.
That doesn't necessarily mean they don't have clients that visit this site, and or SIN. But most of them are lurkers. If they post at all they are not going to give any real hint of how much they are actually paying.
1. Its not anyone's business but their own.
2. They don't want to get torched on here or SIN for paying too much, and get the Whale label.?