Response to SIN Forum Warning
- SixT9er
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Response to SIN Forum Warning
I have received a warning from the SIN forum that doesn't allow me to send a Reply so I will do so here. It's funny he asked me a question but didn't allow me to respond...
The warning was in two paragraphs. I received this November 14th 2018, Saw it November 18th (yesterday)
"You have received a warning for insulting other users and/or staff members. Please cease these activities and abide by the forum rules otherwise we will take further actions"
"Perpetuating discourse after I have done nothing to you In return is not only childish. It's sad. Th big tough guy you portray didn't hav th balls to say something to my face. Tell me... What exactly have I done to you that makes you such an asshole to me?
The SIN Forum Team.
(The above is an exact rewrite of the warning including misspelled words etc. I did not copy and paste it as I didn't want to break another rule! lol)
In response to the 1st paragraph.
My last post on the SIN board was October 21st over 3 weeks before this warning. If that post was the problem then why didn't I get a warning then? I can only conclude He (Q, cookiemonster, "The Sin Forum Team") must be referring to posts I have made on this board that he has stated many times he doesn't care about. (obviously he does)
In response to the 2nd paragraph.
He calls me childish and sad. His opinion I couldn't care less about.
Regarding not saying things to his face. I saw him at the Mustang Pool party where I did my best to ignore him. Only spoke to him when spoken to and then only with yes/no answer. He spent the entire party with no other people except the two Ladies he was with. Talk about sad and pathetic! He was clueless that he wasn't wanted there. I saw him again in the Brothel parlor waiting area and the bar area. None of these places were appropriate to get into an argument/fight. In addition I have no desire to be thrown out of or banned from the Mustang as it's my favorite house and I visit it often. He on the other hand had been warned not to cause trouble prior to arriving there and has nothing to really lose if he were banned from the Mustang because he rarely goes there. The last time I saw him was at the Morning Breakfast. Again did my best to ignore him and only spoke as minimally to him as possible. Again not an appropriate place for a confrontation. I have no fear of the man but I have no desire to be thrown out/banned from places or arrested because I would not have been surprised that if I had confronted him it would have gotten physical. He has threatened physical violence in the past and I believe he's not above such things.
As to what exactly has he done to me for me to be such an asshole to him?
To me personally not a whole lot. Banned me from SIN for no reason then threatened to ban me if I ever crossed him on the board. Spread lies and Rumors about me and my relationship with Ladies. This next part is the part that he will not understand as he has no friends. He has spread rumors and lies about friends of mine, he has read pm's and shared the information contained within them. He constantly bullies anyone who disagrees with him and threatens to ban them. Then there's the things that I just plain don't like about him such as his lying, bullying, always blaming others for his mistakes, throwing his friends under the bus to make himself look good, constantly playing the victim, taking credit for things he has nothing to do with, I'm sure I could go on but I believe I've painted the picture.
I have no doubt he will once again play the innocent victim and ask for proof of my allegations of which I readily admit I have none but I know what I know and those who know me know that I'm a straight shooter. Believe me or not, just trust him at your own risk, remember how he through his friends under the bus on SIN.
With this response I'm sure I have broken many more SIN rules and am deserving of Banning. Lets see if he has the Balls to Truly obliterate me from SIN as he did with Firefighter. If he has the Balls to wipe away my SIN existence completely. My over 6700 posts and 2200 respect points, Pretend I never existed? Or will he Mute/Sequester me so he can read pm's sent to me and respond to unsuspecting people who reach out to me? Will he leave me as a member just as he's done with Slednx, Mikey, Rachel and who knows who else so that he can read pms and keep his board membership up? I don't think he has the Balls to Erase me from SIN. He will just Mute me and keep my acct open and pretend he's this forgiving saint...(we all know better, I hope)
I have posted the above of my own free will and with no input from anyone else. Make no mistake that I was not influenced in anyway to make this post, if anything I was discouraged from doing so.
In Closing, I'd just like to say: q, FUCK OFF!
The warning was in two paragraphs. I received this November 14th 2018, Saw it November 18th (yesterday)
"You have received a warning for insulting other users and/or staff members. Please cease these activities and abide by the forum rules otherwise we will take further actions"
"Perpetuating discourse after I have done nothing to you In return is not only childish. It's sad. Th big tough guy you portray didn't hav th balls to say something to my face. Tell me... What exactly have I done to you that makes you such an asshole to me?
The SIN Forum Team.
(The above is an exact rewrite of the warning including misspelled words etc. I did not copy and paste it as I didn't want to break another rule! lol)
In response to the 1st paragraph.
My last post on the SIN board was October 21st over 3 weeks before this warning. If that post was the problem then why didn't I get a warning then? I can only conclude He (Q, cookiemonster, "The Sin Forum Team") must be referring to posts I have made on this board that he has stated many times he doesn't care about. (obviously he does)
In response to the 2nd paragraph.
He calls me childish and sad. His opinion I couldn't care less about.
Regarding not saying things to his face. I saw him at the Mustang Pool party where I did my best to ignore him. Only spoke to him when spoken to and then only with yes/no answer. He spent the entire party with no other people except the two Ladies he was with. Talk about sad and pathetic! He was clueless that he wasn't wanted there. I saw him again in the Brothel parlor waiting area and the bar area. None of these places were appropriate to get into an argument/fight. In addition I have no desire to be thrown out of or banned from the Mustang as it's my favorite house and I visit it often. He on the other hand had been warned not to cause trouble prior to arriving there and has nothing to really lose if he were banned from the Mustang because he rarely goes there. The last time I saw him was at the Morning Breakfast. Again did my best to ignore him and only spoke as minimally to him as possible. Again not an appropriate place for a confrontation. I have no fear of the man but I have no desire to be thrown out/banned from places or arrested because I would not have been surprised that if I had confronted him it would have gotten physical. He has threatened physical violence in the past and I believe he's not above such things.
As to what exactly has he done to me for me to be such an asshole to him?
To me personally not a whole lot. Banned me from SIN for no reason then threatened to ban me if I ever crossed him on the board. Spread lies and Rumors about me and my relationship with Ladies. This next part is the part that he will not understand as he has no friends. He has spread rumors and lies about friends of mine, he has read pm's and shared the information contained within them. He constantly bullies anyone who disagrees with him and threatens to ban them. Then there's the things that I just plain don't like about him such as his lying, bullying, always blaming others for his mistakes, throwing his friends under the bus to make himself look good, constantly playing the victim, taking credit for things he has nothing to do with, I'm sure I could go on but I believe I've painted the picture.
I have no doubt he will once again play the innocent victim and ask for proof of my allegations of which I readily admit I have none but I know what I know and those who know me know that I'm a straight shooter. Believe me or not, just trust him at your own risk, remember how he through his friends under the bus on SIN.
With this response I'm sure I have broken many more SIN rules and am deserving of Banning. Lets see if he has the Balls to Truly obliterate me from SIN as he did with Firefighter. If he has the Balls to wipe away my SIN existence completely. My over 6700 posts and 2200 respect points, Pretend I never existed? Or will he Mute/Sequester me so he can read pm's sent to me and respond to unsuspecting people who reach out to me? Will he leave me as a member just as he's done with Slednx, Mikey, Rachel and who knows who else so that he can read pms and keep his board membership up? I don't think he has the Balls to Erase me from SIN. He will just Mute me and keep my acct open and pretend he's this forgiving saint...(we all know better, I hope)
I have posted the above of my own free will and with no input from anyone else. Make no mistake that I was not influenced in anyway to make this post, if anything I was discouraged from doing so.
In Closing, I'd just like to say: q, FUCK OFF!
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
- Cobia
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Good job SixT9er. There is a lot that needs to be told on this subject and some day I am going to let loose.
Several (so called ) friendships were lost and a lot of hard feelings have happened over a couple of web sits. People being attacked and bashed , lied about AND THE F###ING WITCH HUNTS. everyone should be aware of this nasty crap and who was doing it.
Several (so called ) friendships were lost and a lot of hard feelings have happened over a couple of web sits. People being attacked and bashed , lied about AND THE F###ING WITCH HUNTS. everyone should be aware of this nasty crap and who was doing it.
If you don't like the way I'm livin then leave this long haired country boy alone.
- SixT9er
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Also I will not be logging into the other forum again so do not pm me there even if it shows me as a member
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
- firefighter
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Q is a control freak and must constantly threaten the "other forum" members with administrative retaliation to remind them that he has the ultimate power over them. Q wanted to be in control of the awards committee, the Annual Reno Meeting, the awards banquet, and the "other forum" because he needed to be respected and admired. Q has alienated most of his friends by his abusive actions and the Borg finally abandoned him too. Q said "hi firefighter" to me at the Mustang Ranch Hawaiian Pool Party, but I ignored him because I didn't want to be banned from MR over an altercation with that despicable individual either. I have no problem being rude to Q because he has lost any respect that I may have had for him and he's certainly not a friend.
Q is a poor administrator since he's not honorable or objective and routinely edits or deletes posts on his message board whether those posts are technically inappropriate or not. When Interested bystander and subsequently Rick James administrated the other forum, they would communicate in private with other members concerning their posts but they didn't threaten them with banning or suspensions; they would only take administrative action if it was absolutely legitimate and necessary. Instead of editing an inappropriate post IB & RJ would oftentimes move those posts to the fight club where only members could view the posts.
Q is a poor administrator since he's not honorable or objective and routinely edits or deletes posts on his message board whether those posts are technically inappropriate or not. When Interested bystander and subsequently Rick James administrated the other forum, they would communicate in private with other members concerning their posts but they didn't threaten them with banning or suspensions; they would only take administrative action if it was absolutely legitimate and necessary. Instead of editing an inappropriate post IB & RJ would oftentimes move those posts to the fight club where only members could view the posts.
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- Dirk Diggler
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SixT9er link wrote: Also I will not be logging into the other forum again so do not pm me there even if it shows me as a member
Sucks that the Borgs aren't there now. When I left, thankfully one of Borgs deleted my account per my request (through another board member) so that it couldn't be used maliciously anymore.
It reminds me of a great quote I was once told that states, "In life, you get what you tolerate."
- Cobia
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Reckon I just got kicked off sin.
If you don't like the way I'm livin then leave this long haired country boy alone.
- Cobia
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I don't know or care. He is really going to get pissed when I start tell everything about his (dead) Duck Board.
If you don't like the way I'm livin then leave this long haired country boy alone.
- Goldie
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Chuckar chaser link wrote: And I thought everyone had been very civil for some time now. He makes no mention of what or who you insulted and will not allow you to respond.
Not sure why he still goes to the July event when he has tried everything he could to screw it up.
Hey Chuckar!
The board appears to e civil cause it kicks off anyone who doesn’t drink the QLaide...
- Cobia
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Goldie link wrote:
Hey Chuckar!
The board appears to e civil cause it kicks off anyone who doesn’t drink the QLaide...
LOL !!
If you don't like the way I'm livin then leave this long haired country boy alone.
- SixT9er
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I like it!Goldie link wrote:
Hey Chuckar!
The board appears to e civil cause it kicks off anyone who doesn’t drink the QLaide...
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
- firefighter
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SixT9er link wrote:
With this response I'm sure I have broken many more the other forum rules and am deserving of Banning. Lets see if he has the Balls to Truly obliterate me from the other forum as he did with Firefighter. If he has the Balls to wipe away my the other forum existence completely. My over 6700 posts and 2200 respect points, Pretend I never existed? Or will he Mute/Sequester me so he can read pm's sent to me and respond to unsuspecting people who reach out to me? Will he leave me as a member just as he's done with Slednx, Mikey, Rachel and who knows who else so that he can read pms and keep his board membership up? I don't think he has the Balls to Erase me from the other forum. He will just Mute me and keep my acct open and pretend he's this forgiving saint...(we all know better, I hope)
I have posted the above of my own free will and with no input from anyone else. Make no mistake that I was not influenced in anyway to make this post, if anything I was discouraged from doing so.
In Closing, I'd just like to say: q, FUCK OFF!
SixT9er,Goldie link wrote:
Hey Chuckar!
The board appears to e civil cause it kicks off anyone who doesn’t drink the QLaide...
Yes, my firefighter handle was banned from that other forum in August 2017 and my 2500+ posts are no longer visible. There were other members who participated in these threads, and their responses are gone too. Q engages in slanted or prejudicial journalism by routinely deleting or editing posts because he wants to essentially brainwash viewers on the other forum. I was informed that Q hadn't consulted the Borg over the banning and mass post removing decision so he apparently acted alone; after all, it's his board, not the members or moderators, lol. Interested bystander and Rick James were careful to not over-administrate the other forum because they knew it would eventually destroy the board. I desired to be a member of the other forum when Interested bystander and subsequently Rick James were the administrators, but I became disenchanted when Q took over the board since Q is unprofessional, hateful, abusive, deceiving, untruthful, unfair and vindictive to mention a few of his faults.
That's great, QLaide, lol!
NRA Benefactor Member
- Mitch
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This is all I get in the PM section:
An Error Has Occurred! You are not allowed to send personal messages.
I also can't post or reply. So my membership is useless, too. I can't even PM anyone to ask my existence there be scrubbed!
An Error Has Occurred! You are not allowed to send personal messages.
I also can't post or reply. So my membership is useless, too. I can't even PM anyone to ask my existence there be scrubbed!
- SixT9er
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I’m sure any pm’s being sent to you are being read...Mitch link wrote: This is all I get in the PM section:
An Error Has Occurred! You are not allowed to send personal messages.
I also can't post or reply. So my membership is useless, too. I can't even PM anyone to ask my existence there be scrubbed!
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
- Cobia
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Mitch link wrote: This is all I get in the PM section:
An Error Has Occurred! You are not allowed to send personal messages.
I also can't post or reply. So my membership is useless, too. I can't even PM anyone to ask my existence there be scrubbed!
lol....that's the way it is . Some people have no balls just egos
If you don't like the way I'm livin then leave this long haired country boy alone.