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Post by SixT9er »

Do you remember your dreams?

Color or black & white?

Realistic of just out there?

I often remember my dreams and usually wake up thinking “What the hell was that?!?” The ones that freak me out tho are the realistic ones where I wake up thinking it really happened and I have to verify it wa just a dream (nightmare)
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Post by Prospector Bob »

I had a realistic dream a couple of nights ago about spiders. It had both black widows & tarantulas in it. I don't know why I had this dream; I've not had any run-ins with either type spider in recent memory. Spiders don't freak me out & the dream wasn't a freak-out dream. I was just observing them. I don't recall ever having a spiders dream before. Why now, why this particular no-fear dream? I dunno ???
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Post by wayne208 »

I had a nightmare Once .. I was with The Sweet Roxy and We were on a desert Island .. She said for 100 Bucks I could have Her all Night .. Sadly I only Had 50 bucks to My Name and No She would not take My Visa card or a IOU from Me .. Go figure that One Out  :-[ :-[