Claude Dallas

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Post by Slednx »

Very familiar with the story as I lived nearby and actually knew people who knew him firsthand. I can tell you that most thought of him as a hero, a man living off the land and being harassed by LE. It was a huge story back in the day!
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Post by Boomer »

Certainly a tragic outcome to what I would call a perfect storm. That being an armed survivalist type of individual being confronted by a law enforcement officer with an attitude in a remote area. My father worked with Pogue during the 60’s with Nevada Fish and Game. Although he would never condone what occurred he did describe Pogue as being difficult. He said that if anyone could get himself into a position like that it would be Pogue.

I worked for Nevada Department of Wildlife for 32 years and worked law enforcement for 9 of those years. Golden rule learned over that time is no wildlife violation is worth getting killed over!!