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Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:39 pm
by MrTShirt
Look at it this way:  You can tell KevinZ you appreciate him keeping BarbieGirl around until you could get to her.
Besides, maybe she was happy to go from an amateur to a professional.

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:51 am
by Cobia
Chuckar chaser link wrote: Oh you are different for sure. Just kidding

;D ;D...….. thanks buddy.

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:46 am
by Ironman
SixT9er link wrote: I believe if a Lady gives you a great party then continues to do so the odds are pretty good she’ll become a favorite if not ATF.
I would think that would be the goal of every Lady because if you are a favorite that means repeat business
There is some truth to that. My only point was they probably don't go in with the mind set of making herself someones favorite most of the time although I had two that tried. Real hard back in the day.

There is,some truth to what you are saying. I think most focus on giving a good experience and maybe you will return to her. Or at least give her referrals. I think the ladies know though you can't just be someone's favorite after one just one rodeo together. There needs to be a mutual spark there for that to happen and it takes time for that to happen. As we all already know.?

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:46 pm
by niceguy eddie
Cobia link wrote:
I had a guy "try" to geo me while I was still booked with a lady. She winked and said she would be right back.  She was and boy was he surprised at her price at that time.

That geo shit is not going to get it for me.
Again with the Geo BS that has grown into a mis-explained legend.

Some guy who knew Geo was talking to a lady in the MLBR Parlor when Geo came over and extended his hand to her and they left to party together.

The fact was Geo had an made an appointment with her before hand for that time, so he was not taking her from another client.

So began the legend and term Geo-ed or Geo-ing.  And people stupidly joking about Geo- ing a lady away from someone.

That raises two questions:

1. Would you really be rude and inconsiderate enough to try to snatch a lady away from someone else who was talking to them?  If someone did that to you, how would you feel?

2. Are you really to party with some lady who you otherwise might not be interested in partying with just for the thrill of snatching her away from someone else who she was talking to? 

We now return you to your regularly scheduled topic.

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 3:18 pm
by Slednx
Thanks for saying that Eddie. I have also said that this whole "Geo'd" is really nothing. I let the old guard have it though, make them all think how mischievous they are. Lol

To answer your question. Damn right, I will and have snatch a lady from a guy. So, I see a super attractive lady in parlor. She is talking to a guy, I will give them 15 minutes tops, if they aren't going back to book by then I inquire with bartender or shift manager that I am interested in lady. Sometimes though, I will just go up to her and ask, "can we talk?"

However I do it, the results are the same, we go party. Bottom line, it is a Cathouse, I don't "hang out" there, I get in, do my business and leave. No reason why I should wait out some guy who hasn't pulled the trigger. No big deal.

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:06 pm
by Dr. Who
LPIN is a lady's business and livelihood, so no one needs permission to party with someones favorite.  Like Rachel said, it's between the lady and the client.  Personally, I always recommend my favorites to friends, so she'll get more business and my friends often do the same.

In regards to "Geo-ing", that's all in fun amongst friends who have been visiting the houses and meeting up together for years.  There's really nothing malicious about it and a few of the newer guys who have been hanging out with some of the old crew have been getting into the act too.  ;D ;D

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:28 pm
by Ironman
niceguy eddie link wrote:
That raises two questions:

1. Would you really be rude and inconsiderate enough to try to snatch a lady away from someone else who was talking to them?  If someone did that to you, how would you feel?

2. Are you really to party with some lady who you otherwise might not be interested in partying with just for the thrill of snatching her away from someone else who she was talking to? 

We now return you to your regularly scheduled topic.
No to both if someone is talking to a lady you have your eyes on, but does not seem to be taking the plunge so to speak.

Call for a lineup if she gets into it. Then you know she is available. My last trip I saw this one guy talking to the same girl but not going back. But a couple of lineups were called for, and she didn't get in them they did eventually go back. That tells me it was all part of whatever deal they worked out.

Just call for a lineup. If the lady is available at that time she will excuse herself and get into it. 

If she doesn't well the person who called for the llneup will then either pick another girl.or say on second thought I am going back to the bar to have another drink maybe,I will pick one later or something like that.

Anyway no I wouldn't do 1 or 2. I have in the past though been known to wait a dude out for an hour or so. Usually if I had a real interest in a lady I would watch you can usually tell if the talking in the bar is part of the plan for their event. Or if she is working. the room, or if she is just being nice to some Ditsel Dorf! Who has no intentions of booking.

That's what happened with Whitney my first time with her in 2011. I waited till she excused herself from the Ditsel Dorf she was talking to.

It was a slow night in the original that night. Whitney knew pretty much right away when I got there that night she had what I was looking for. But she knew I wasn't ready yet its a sixth sense she has.

So she hung back bided her time talking to Ditsel Dorf while the other girls took a shot at me.

When Whitney felt I was close to being ready so she excused herself from Ditstsel Dorf. Came over rubbed my back to let me know she would be back in a minute to formley introduce herself.

I have other examples but that was the best one because there was mutual interest that night it was just a matter of waiting for the right time.

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 6:17 pm
by niceguy eddie
Cobia link wrote:
I had a guy "try" to geo me while I was still booked with a lady. She winked and said she would be right back.  She was and boy was he surprised at her price at that time.
Apologies.  The word "Geo-ing" distracted me and I did not read the sentence clearly.

If the lady is booked with you, I would simply tell the guy that she currently has an appointment with me.

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 6:33 pm
by SixT9er
niceguy eddie link wrote: Apologies.  The word "Geo-ing" distracted me and I did not read the sentence clearly.

If the lady is booked with you, I would simply tell the guy that she currently has an appointment with me.
I would hope that if a Lady especially a Favorite that you’ve spend a lot of time with wouldn’t leave you for some random new client. In Cobia’s case it was obvious that the guy was being pushy and the Lady wanted to make a point to him. It may have cost her a future booking but she showed Cobia she was staying with him

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 6:37 pm
by niceguy eddie
Slednx link wrote: Thanks for saying that Eddie. I have also said that this whole "Geo'd" is really nothing. I let the old guard have it though, make them all think how mischievous they are. Lol
Yes, the Geo-ing thing gets old.

If a lady is talking to another guy and you are interested in her, the polite thing to do is either talk to the bartender or shift manager or call for a lineup.  If you know the lady, you get her attention and wave and smile.  If she calls you over, then her conversation with the guy isn't serious or going anywhere.  From there you play it by ear.  If you are interested in partying say something to her like, "hey, are you busy or can we go talk in your room?"

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:07 pm
by niceguy eddie
SixT9er link wrote: I would hope that if a Lady especially a Favorite that you’ve spend a lot of time with wouldn’t leave you for some random new client. In Cobia’s case it was obvious that the guy was being pushy and the Lady wanted to make a point to him. It may have cost her a future booking but she showed Cobia she was staying with him
Crossposted.  Exactly right.

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:16 am
by Cobia
SixT9er link wrote: I would hope that if a Lady especially a Favorite that you’ve spend a lot of time with wouldn’t leave you for some random new client. In Cobia’s case it was obvious that the guy was being pushy and the Lady wanted to make a point to him. It may have cost her a future booking but she showed Cobia she was staying with him

Exactly right and it keeps me coming back.

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:17 am
by Cobia
niceguy eddie link wrote: Apologies.  The word "Geo-ing" distracted me and I did not read the sentence clearly.

If the lady is booked with you, I would simply tell the guy that she currently has an appointment with me.

No problem.  I don't  always make my post clear.

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:54 am
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote:

No problem.  I don't  always make my post clear.
They are perfectly clear if you are fluent in Cowboy Redneck speak.??

Re: Seeing someone’s favorite

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 4:59 am
by Ironman
Chuckar chaser link wrote: I'm pretty fluent in the language.
Which is why you and Cobia are the two I most often mess with you two are different but similar. You both tolerate me having a little good natured fun at you alls expense ? PB puts up with it also. But he too speaks Cowboy Redneck.? Which translates well in my brand of online humor.?