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Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:45 pm
by Midwest Couple
Obviously, all you folks complaining about a rule change while knowing that it will be addressed at your morning meeting and changed if everyone agrees, didn't just live through an arctic blast with temps so cold it could freeze the balls off a brass monkey! 

It's round 1 of the C*MC / LPIN Awards.  That means:
- We get to recognize amazing ladies for the wonderful work they do.
- We are that much closer to gathering a great group of LPIN participants together in Reno
- Spring is right around the corner.... screw the groundhog, if it's round 1 - warmer weather is close! 

We get both sides, and if we make it to the meetings we will let everyone know what we think of the change, but for now we will bask in the future warmth of the awards and thank the committee and everyone involved with making this happen! 

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 3:43 pm
by Mikey
I'd advise if you think a lady is deserving, take the time and nominate her. As to the idea of each voter nominating more than one, it would just spreads the first round vote even thinner, besides which this is for the COY, and we don't have 2nd and 3rd place awards.[/size]

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:17 am
by Chicagobob
While we all like to "recognize" our favorite courtesans, that is not the purpose of the nominating round.  It is to pick one (1) lady that we feel should go on to the 2nd round of competition.  It's really that simple.

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:55 am
by MrTShirt
Interesting discussion of ideas (and demands).

However, for what it is worth, the changes by the committee were discussed and establish and published last summer.
Didn't hear a peep back then.

The committee is always interested in new members.
But remember
- there is an effort commitment.
- there is a time commitment.
- there is a financial commitment.

I am sure I will be overrun by a herd of people and their checkbooks.

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 11:20 am
by SixT9er
MrTShirt link wrote: Interesting discussion of ideas (and demands).

However, for what it is worth, the changes by the committee were discussed and establish and published last summer.
Didn't hear a peep back then.

The committee is always interested in new members.
But remember
- there is an effort commitment.
- there is a time commitment.
- there is a financial commitment.

I am sure I will be overrun by a herd of people and their checkbooks.
As I said I’m done with the discussion but have questions regarding your post:
Was the rule change posted here or just the LPIN awards site?
Was it called out as a change or just included in the rules for this year?
Would it have made a difference if people raised concerns back then?
Were the concerns that are being brought up in this thread brought up during the discussion of the rule change?
What demands have been made in this discussion?
I haven’t noticed any demands as I believe we all know we have no say we are just “voicing” our concerns/dislike/like of the rule change since we are all now aware of it in this public forum.
We all obviously see the nomination round differently as to what it can/does represent but it seems we all agree when it comes to voting we vote for who we would like to see win regardless of when a nomination was made or the number of Ladies nominated

Not to beat a dead horse but what the hell?!? lol
I just read over the rules for 2018 and the explained changes that were posted in August of 2018 and did not see this change posted there. Did I miss it?
Reread again, yes I missed it

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:26 am
by Ironman
MrTShirt link wrote: Interesting discussion of ideas (and demands).

However, for what it is worth, the changes by the committee were discussed and establish and published last summer.
Didn't hear a peep back then.

The committee is always interested in new members.
But remember
- there is an effort commitment.
- there is a time commitment.
- there is a financial commitment.

I am sure I will be overrun by a herd of people and their checkbooks.
My problem isn't with the rule change itself my problem is with the lame ass excuse you all are trying to sell that a lady that knows she has been nominated early In the round has an unfair advantage that is 200 percent bull shit!???. You alls need to just man up say we on the committee decided the nomination round is now blind moving forward. If you don't like it tough shit??? don't try to claim some unfair advantage that doesn't exist.?

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:17 am
by MrTShirt
I am glad we will have so many readers of the rules of going forward.

Thanks to those who have contributed so much enthusiasm.  I am sure the committee will be flooded with bodies and money.

One minor point for guys to consider.
In the past, guys would tell a half dozen girls they nominated them.  The guys figuured they would make points with all the girls by lying to them.

The  girls realized the guys lied.[/size]

The girls could tract who really nominated who by comparing two sets of data provided by the committee as the nomination process continued that month.

Still like the previous process?  ;D

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:12 am
by Chicagobob
I like Mr. Tee's idea... join the committee if you want to change it.  The committee is doing all the work - they should have the say.

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:28 pm
by Cobia
MrTShirt link wrote: I am glad we will have so many readers of the rules of going forward.

In the past, guys would tell a half dozen girls they nominated them.  The guys figuured they would make points with all the girls by lying to them.

The  girls realized the guys lied.[/size]

and just WHERE did you get your info that guys LIED to the ladies ??  Huh.....??  Where  ??

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:33 pm
by MrTShirt
Given this post is so popular, I'll make some reminders:
1)  Please don't nominate a COY winner.  They can only win once.
2)  The first valid ballot is what counts.  Multiple ballots don't do anything.
3)  Valid ballots must include the email used to register as a voter.

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:51 pm
by Cobia
Hey.…..I still want to know where you got your info that guys LIED to the ladies ……?????????????

Where..... ???

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:10 pm
by MrTShirt
It's called Remote Viewing.  :)

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:16 pm
by Cobia
MrTShirt link wrote: It's called Remote Viewing.  :)


Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:54 pm
by Ironman
MrTShirt link wrote: I am glad we will have so many readers of the rules of going forward.

Thanks to those who have contributed so much enthusiasm.  I am sure the committee will be flooded with bodies and money.

One minor point for guys to consider.
In the past, guys would tell a half dozen girls they nominated them.  The guys figuured they would make points with all the girls by lying to them.

The  girls realized the guys lied.[/size]

The girls could tract who really nominated who by comparing two sets of data provided by the committee as the nomination process continued that month.

Still like the previous process?  ;D
Guys are going to lie Shirt its like the Gieko commercial its what they do.? It doesn't change the fact you alls committee is being a bunch of Whimps. Rather than to just say this is how it is now deal with it or Shove IT! You alls keep trying to come up with some reason to justify the change. You don't need to justify anything just come and say we are doing all the work to make the event happen. If you don't like the way we are doing it then don't participate. But stop trying to pedal lame excuses for the change. Just say we made this change deal with it! Or make like Jack and  hit the Road Jack!

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:55 pm
by MrTShirt
Relax everyone.  The rules have been set for 6 months, and won't be changed mid-stream.

The committee runs the awards program and funds it as well.

We collect good ideas for the future.

Plus, we smile at temper tantrums from guys that aren't getting their own way.  We also remember in analogous situations where they argued the opposite way.  :)

Remember to nominate your favorite girl before the end of Feb.

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 3:33 am
by Cobia
MrTShirt link wrote: Relax everyone.  The rules have been set for 6 months, and won't be changed mid-stream.

The committee runs the awards program and funds it as well.

We collect good ideas for the future.

Plus, we smile at temper tantrums from guys that aren't getting their own way.  We also remember in analogous situations where they argued the opposite way.  :)

Remember to nominate your favorite girl before the end of Feb.

SO....  Now it is a temper tantrum if someone doesn't agree with you.  You are starting to sound like someone else on another board.

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:20 am
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote:

SO....  Now it is a temper tantrum if someone doesn't agree with you.  You are starting to sound like someone else on another board.
Low blow Cobia if this was a boxing match the Ref would deduct a point.? You may not agree with the committee's decision, .but that was a low blow my friend. So as the self appointed ref ding ding! Back to your alls corners guys. No more low blows! Or points will be deducted.??

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:18 am
by Prospector Bob
MrTShirt link wrote: I am glad we will have so many readers of the rules of going forward.

Thanks to those who have contributed so much enthusiasm.  I am sure the committee will be flooded with bodies and money.

One minor point for guys to consider.
In the past, guys would tell a half dozen girls they nominated them.  The guys figuured they would make points with all the girls by lying to them.

The  girls realized the guys lied.[/size]

The girls could tract who really nominated who by comparing two sets of data provided by the committee as the nomination process continued that month.

Still like the previous process?  ;D
So now, a monger can lie to a Lady that he nominated her & not get caught?

Re: LPIN 2018 Awards Nomination Round is OPEN

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 6:01 am
by rachelvarga
Jesus Christ guys. You nominate who you think is the best. You nominate who you will vote for, I presume, otherwise why would you even nominate her? If you nominate another girl because the one you think was the best is already nominated then you are nominating another girl that is not your best pick. Duh!

The contest is to recognize the best girl. When people vote they are picking from a group of contestants that were considered because someone thought they were the best. They shouldn't be picking from a group of best and a group of girls you just felt needed recognition. It dilutes the pool and takes away votes from the real first nominees.

If you want to recognize someone you have lots of ways to do it through online boards and so on. I am going to lock this thread because there are remarks that are frankly in my opinion disrespectful. You ALL have been offered a chance to be on the committee but no one wants to step up and do it. The committee spends their own money and takes time from their own lives to make this happen for the girls. If you have an opinion that is fine but if you want to fight about it then don't do it in an announcement thread.

Rachel Varga