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Edited pics

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 9:59 am
by SixT9er
I understand that the Lady will always have pics from angles that accentuate her positives and hopefully hide her flaws, that’s just smart business & I have no problem with it.

What about going beyond good lighting & body placement? Is photoshopping to make a Lady look thinner acceptable? I do understand taking out identifying tattoos for privacy but also feel a little misled if I think I’m going to see an uninked Lady & see ink in places I hadn’t before, in general I don’t have problems with inked Ladies as I’ve partied with several just feel it’s a little misleading to have it photoshopped out.

In years past I’ve gone into houses where Ladies were in the lineup that I had just looked at on the house website & didn’t recognize any of them because their pics had been so extremely altered.

As we all have different tastes in the Lady we are interested in I wonder why photoshopping still occurs? If a BBW for instance alters her size to look significantly slimmer is she eliminating potential clients who are into BBW? Does she piss off potential clients when they see her in person because they feel so mislead they won’t even give her a chance to show what a great person she is?


Re: Edited pics

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:31 am
by FumbleNutts
Rachel Varga link wrote: At the core our jobs as humans is to procreate. Men will see younger women as more fertile or able to create children.

This is purely genetic and part of evolution.
Not this man, sweetheart  :) I'd much rather fornicate with you than a youngin'  ;D