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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:58 am
by Midwest Couple
Every movie has it's villain.  Every book has it's dramatic thriller, or suspense or antagonist! 

Without the reminder that there's evil, good just gets a little dull sometimes.  If everyone agrees on all topics, If every party is perfect, If every girl is beautiful .... why read the information and what separates us at BL from a bunny board? 

Now, don't get us wrong! Of the deadly sins, we aren't asking for LUST! But, a little envy or wrath?  Even GREED and the old; "he's greedy, no she's greedy" discussions keep the conversation lively.  As long as everyone is respectful and acts like an adult, there's no harm in disagreeing!  So we say to you all ...... who's feeling glutenous?

just our 2cents. 


Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:22 am
by MrTShirt
I recognize one of the ladies.  She was kind enough to give me a tour of the other house in my wheel chair.
She has since changed her name and bra size.  I wish her (and the others) well.


Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 9:14 am
by Space Duck
Dr. Who link wrote: Many of the member here are also members on the other board (unless they've been banned ...LOL), as well as some of the brothel owned boards.  So, the cast of characters is basically the same.  Although, BL is less confrontational and more lady friendly as you've probably noticed.  I think BL sorta sits somewhere between the highly moderated house owned boards and SIN at present.

Some of the ladies who do participate on the independent boards realize that the lurkers out number those of us who actually post on these boards and they're often their target audience.  The lurkers are out there doing their research by reading the various boards.  Lady Aries who use to work at the ACH/LRS use to say that quite often, as well as that many of her clients were SIN lurkers.  Anywho, I guess it depends on the lady, as to whether she feels that it is worth spending some time promoting herself on this and other boards, not only to attract the active board members, but also all of the lurkers who prefer to sit quietly out in the peanut gallery observing and planning their trips to the various brothels.

Yep. There are usually about 10 times as many guests browsing the boards than there are registered members at any given point. So everyone should keep in mind that the majority of board traffic doesn't interact in a noticeable way for frequent posters.