Labor Day Trip(s)

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Labor Day Trip(s)


Post by Highlander »

Since I never actually did a write up of my trip from last Labor Day I will begin this report with that because if that trip had gone as planned it's possible I wouldn't have made this one. Beware this is not a short read and has more non party details than most are used to but I have a feeling some like Ironman or DTC can relate to how the long posts just continue to flow from the fingertips.

Last Year
When last labor day rolled around I had been through a rough patch. I had two uncles pass and my mom was diagnosed with and had surgery on a cancerous tumor all in less than 15 months. Not to mention I was unknowingly fighting my own medical issue. So I was really looking to just get out of town and try to clear my head.

A few years ago I turned in my V card at the Mustang with Tiana and thought it would make things easier with women when I got back home. As it turns out I still had some very strong self doubt in myself. Driving to clear my head and booking several parties across Northern Nevada was my plan to kill two birds with one stone.

On the drive down I stopped for fuel and rest stop. When I was in the restroom something had began bleeding. (I later found out it was a fistula/infection that had worked its way to the surface and burst.) When I arrived in Elko that night it was after 2am so I just checked into a hotel. When I awoke the wound was still fresh but was not bleeding but, there was no way I was going to risk something opening back up during a party. So the plan changed into more of a recon mission for future visits.

I started at by going to Mona's and was greeted by Pete (the now infamous bartender that got them shutdown). I sat and had a beer as I told him what was going on but he suggested a lineup anyway and I chose Emily who is stunning and was understanding when I explained my uneasiness. Mona's did have the lap dance area so I decided to get some lap dances which was very nice. I then walked over to Inez's where Peter was at the bar and I was offered a beer and we talked for a bit and I explained everything once again. He still had Tori come out to speak with me and what a lovely lady she is. While we were talking Wayne208 showed up and he was telling me the tales of his travels and how he had broken a bed the previous night at the Dovetail. I must say he may enjoy his time in Nevada more than anyone. But alas there is no room for dances at Inez's so I was no my way to the Dovetail on the word of Wayne that it is not to be missed. I arrived and was met by Monica and Roxy. I can see why this place keeps winning awards. No pressure very welcoming and they just put you at ease. Both ladies were understanding of my issue and I asked about some dances as the pole was in the bar. Roxy did not disappoint those dances are something not to be forgotten. I continued driving west and arrived at the Mustang around 11pm. With the BBQ cook off and burning man in town rooms where very hard to come by at local hotels. I was sitting at the bar and asked the bartender about getting a room and he went and got Jennifer so I could ask her personally. I mentioned that I was on the message boards and was aware they had rooms for rent. She said that they were generally for customers booking parties but as I explained what happened she understood and offered me a room. I was very grateful and after getting settled I went back to the bar where I met Carrera. She is a beautiful and easy to speak with. After a little while I asked for some dances and she suggested to bring in Morgan as well. I was not going to say no to an offer like that. These two ladies definitely know how to work well together.

The next morning I had breakfast in the bar where Victoria delivered my meal in her signature style which was a very pleasant surprise. I then headed out for a round of golf at Wolf Run before touring the houses in the cul-de-sac. The first stop was the Sagebrush and I picked miss Roxy Gold out of the line provided as she has many loyal followers and great reviews. She was a delight to speak with and very personable. I spent a little more time in the bar after the tour and met Draven Star who had just started her first tour. Not knowing she was an adult film actress at the time probably made it easier to speak with her in the moment. I then went over to the Kit Kat and chose to speak with Colette Wingtouched who was just beautiful with those golden brown eyes. After the tour I was with her at the bar and was just entranced by her eyes and couldn't find any words to continue the small talk and she wasn't afraid to call me out on my staring which just hooked me even more. But alas I was still not comfortable with my issue to book a party so I moved onto the Love Ranch North where I was also eager to meet Lexie James thanks to all her activity on the message boards. I was greeted with another lineup and was lucky to find Lexie right in front of me. After the tour of the building we ended in her room and the bell rang for another lineup. I quickly explained I would not be partying and offered to leave so she could make the lineup but to my surprise she declined. We talked a little while and the vibe she gave me seemed very genuine, authentic and down to earth. It didn't hurt that she reminded me of a woman a I worked with. If he showed the same compassion to all her customers the way she did with me its no wonder she was in the finals for COY. I returned to the Mustang for another nights stay. I was spending some time in the bar before retiring for the night and met Cherry then I got a couple dances from her which were very nice.

The next morning I was eating breakfast in the bar again and while I was eating Gabriella entered and sat nearby. When I finished I spoke with her for a few minutes and boy did her accent sound amazing. We said our goodbyes and as I was walking to the door who did I see but the beautiful miss Rachel Varga sitting at a table all by herself. As much as I wanted to stop and introduce myself I had just got done telling Gabriella I was leaving to start my drive home and thought it would be impolite to sit and chat up Rachel. So hopefully, if there is a next time, I'm in Reno I hope our paths will cross.

A few weeks after returning home and several doctors visits I was finally seen by a specialist that could tell me what had actually happened to me on my drive to Nevada. Turned out the infection would require surgery which didn't occur for about another month due to the doctors full schedule. About three months of healing and I was just about back to normal. This is when I decided I was going to make this Labor Day weekend my make up trip. I began gathering as much information on all the ladies I had met. I read reviews, looked at their websites, watched youtube videos, livestream, and forum posts. I don't want to offend any of the ladies but, Lexie James was at the top of my list for my return trip. I am not sure if it was the beers I had consumed, made me more forthcoming, or the fact she was like the 9th or 10th lady I had talked over a few days, so I as more comfortable, but, she seemed to understand what I was looking for the best. Alas her retirement came too soon. I had not booked my flight or hotel yet so I was on the fence of what to do. I definitely had trouble committing on where to fly into after that. As it turns out once I got word from Roxy she would be in town over Labor Day my decision was made. Who better to go and see then the current COY.

This Year
I wound up flying into Boise(cheaper then SLC) then headed out to Craters of the Moon. The different types of formations there are quite amazing. After spending the afternoon exploring I headed south to Elko. After getting settled into my room at Home2, which is brand new and just up the hill from the red lion its nice give it a look if you are in town, I went down to check out Inez's. I rang the bell and was let in by Mike(?)(I am bad with names) and he offered a line up which I turned down because after a long day of travelling I needed a beer first. We talked a little about football and music. I had looked up the lineup while at the hotel and asked if Jade, Lola, or Mila were available. Lola had left this tour early while Mila had retired for the night and Jade was out running an errand. I told Mike that I wouldn't mind waiting to speak with Jade. When Jade walked into the bar I was picking my jaw off the floor. We went back to her room and negotiations were very easy and quick. We started off with a table shower which was new to me and I must say it is a nice way to get a party started. After the shower and moving back to her bedroom you all can use your imagination, but I will say Jade has plenty of great reviews for a reason.

The next morning I drove out to the Bonneville Salt Flats to see what there wasn't to see. I had hopes of seeing some sort of vehicle going extremely fast I mean it was a three day weekend what else would be going on. I get out there and truly not much to see and no cars. But I did come across an archery competition that was all about distance. I guess some of the different classes could shoot up to a mile. Oh well back to Elko for me and then out to Carlin. I had messaged Roxy a few days earlier and she suggested a mid afternoon meeting. When I rang the bell my nerves were through the roof, every time I get to a house. Monica answered the door and asked if wanted a drink so I asked for a beer. She then went and called out both ladies Roxy and Charlie Rae. I feel bad as I'm writing this because I realize I did not engage with Charlie at all. I was talking to Monica and Roxy about my last visit because they said that they recognized me which is amazing to me. I cannot remember...…...see I already forgot what smart ass thing I was going to write. So after the chit chat I asked Roxy to go back and talk business. Super simple negotiations again. She started me off with a nice back massage and the rest is for you to imagine. I find the best part of any party is the cuddle time after and the small talk. It makes it feel that much more personal (I wanted to say real but for me all my sexual experiences have been in brothels so not sure what in real life would entail). I probably could have laid there the entire weekend had she let me but time was eventually up and I headed back to my hotel on cloud nine.

The next day I had a mid day tee time at Ruby View with a fellow forum member Jmc1590 who had responded to one of my posts leading up to my trip. He recommended this course as it was more forgiving than the other option. This was a good choice since I was not travelling with my own equipment and a huge change in elevation plays havoc with judging club choice. Once on the course Jmc1590 and I traded stories of how we both found LPIN and the forums along with the usual casual talk between golfers. I found out he had been in my home town on business earlier in the year. It really is a small world. The course itself was in good shape and even though I didn't like how I played I definitely enjoyed myself. After heading back to the hotel to clean up I decided I would head back out to the Dovetail to see if Roxy was available. When I arrived Roxy answered the door as Monica was in town doing some shopping. Again I feel bad as I didn't engage in any conversation with Charlie Rae who was at the end of the bar and she went back to her room a short time later as I spoke with Roxy. Monica showed up after a little bit and offered me some food which I gladly accepted. I am not one to ever turn down food I didn't get the way I am by skipping meals. Besides she was trying out a new "recipe" she found for Chinese food. After eating and finishing the movie that had been playing, Baby Driver, Roxy and I headed back to her room. Very easy negotiations once again. Same thing as yesterday? Sure. As it turns out it wasn't exactly the same as the previous day but it was far more than I could have expected the second time around. I won't give any specifics about the activities themselves but I feel compelled to share Roxy's trick for getting to me to quit overthinking things. A playful karate chop to the throat definitely got me open up and share with her what was going through my head. After some more cuddle time we headed out to the bar and spent some time on the couch before I headed out. I can say without hesitation this is a day I would love to Groundhog.

The next morning as I was heading toward SLC I couldn't get something Monica had said the night before. You can't call yourself a monger until you visit Bellas and Donnas out in Wells. I had not considered this before. Will I become a hobbyist and make more than one trip per year or will I continue visiting until I overcome my own mental hurdles, or will this be the last time I even do this. I am not sure what the answer is even now. But driving past Wells I decided not to stop as I felt this welling of nervousness that I couldn't explain. I continued driving until I got to SLC and decided I had enough time to go check out the Olympic Park that evening. I was to late for some of the tours but seeing the park and the visitors center was enough for me. Temple Square in downtown SLC is very beautiful. The following morning I checked out The Great Salt Lake and it was interesting as it reminded me of being in a coastal city with the salty air but some how it seemed worse because the air was so stagnant, The water was very calm and seemed peaceful. I drove back to Boise and headed home that evening.

Thanks for reading,

ATF - "There can be only one"