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First Brothel Experience

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 4:58 am
by SixT9er
So this goes for both Ladies and Clients. How did your first trip evolve and become reality? What happened?

So mine actually started when I was a teen. Living in Northern Ca and visiting Reno a few times a year I'd heard of the Mustang Ranch. I had intended to visit when I turned 18 but I graduated from HS at 17, two weeks later was off to school then got married at 19 so it wasn't until I was in my mid 40's that I finally took the plunge.

My "gateway drug" to the houses was the strip clubs in Reno. I often traveled through Reno every 6-8 weeks and would go to the club. In the club I got service of everything short of intercourse. I would take a taxi because I didn't trust late night drunks to not hit my car. The cab drivers would always suggest a trip out to the Mustang. I'd always decline but it did start me thinking.

One day I finally searched the Mustang Ranch online and eventually joined their forum. One poster caught my attention so I reached out to him with questions. He was great! Told me how it all worked, made a suggestion of who to see when I got there and even a general pricing parameter.

Finally on one of my trips west I exited at E28. After you get off the exit there's a gravel pullout area. I pulled over and sat there for over 20 minutes getting up the courage to proceed to the house. I pulled up to the gate that was manned at the time and told the security it was my First time. He told me of the rules and pointed to the two houses, the Mustang and the Wildhorse. The Ladies I was most interested in were at the Wildhorse so I went there. It was 4:30-5:00 in the afternoon and I walked in and the bar was empty! Talk about not calming! The bar tender explained the Ladies were working out and be back in a bit then one Lady came out and started chatting with me. It was her last night and she was going off shift. I started calming and eventually Ladies started coming in as did customers. I mentioned my friends goto Lady and the Lady I was talking to went and found her. She was nice but not what I was looking for. She could tell and asked if she could introduce me to anyone that caught my attention. Right before she asked Russian Maya walked by in a tight "sleeve" dress and her ass got my attention. The Lady went to her and had her come over. It was obvious I was still very nervous. We chatted for 10 minutes or so then went on a tour ending in the negotiation room. We negotiated a 30 min party and off we went. Later I decided I paid a little more than I should have but not enough to regret it. The party was OK but it served it's purpose. My Brothel Cherry was popped. I went to my car and went on my way figuring out my next visit.

The rest is history

Re: First Brothel Experience

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 5:02 am
by Cobia
SixT9er link wrote:
So this goes for both Ladies and Clients. How did your first trip evolve and become reality? What happened?

So mine actually started when I was a teen. Living in Northern Ca and visiting Reno a few times a year I'd heard of the Mustang Ranch. I had intended to visit when I turned 18 but I graduated from HS at 17, two weeks later was off to school then got married at 19 so it wasn't until I was in my mid 40's that I finally took the plunge.

My "gateway drug" to the houses was the strip clubs in Reno. I often traveled through Reno every 6-8 weeks and would go to the club. In the club I got service of everything short of intercourse. I would take a taxi because I didn't trust late night drunks to not hit my car. The cab drivers would always suggest a trip out to the Mustang. I'd always decline but it did start me thinking.

One day I finally searched the Mustang Ranch online and eventually joined their forum. One poster caught my attention so I reached out to him with questions. He was great! Told me how it all worked, made a suggestion of who to see when I got there and even a general pricing parameter.

Finally on one of my trips west I exited at E28. After you get off the exit there's a gravel pullout area. I pulled over and sat there for over 20 minutes getting up the courage to proceed to the house. I pulled up to the gate that was manned at the time and told the security it was my First time. He told me of the rules and pointed to the two houses, the Mustang and the Wildhorse. The Ladies I was most interested in were at the Wildhorse so I went there. It was 4:30-5:00 in the afternoon and I walked in and the bar was empty! Talk about not calming! The bar tender explained the Ladies were working out and be back in a bit then one Lady came out and started chatting with me. It was her last night and she was going off shift. I started calming and eventually Ladies started coming in as did customers. I mentioned my friends goto Lady and the Lady I was talking to went and found her. She was nice but not what I was looking for. She could tell and asked if she could introduce me to anyone that caught my attention. Right before she asked Russian Maya walked by in a tight "sleeve" dress and her ass got my attention. The Lady went to her and had her come over. It was obvious I was still very nervous. We chatted for 10 minutes or so then went on a tour ending in the negotiation room. We negotiated a 30 min party and off we went. Later I decided I paid a little more than I should have but not enough to regret it. The party was OK but it served it's purpose. My Brothel Cherry was popped. I went to my car and went on my way figuring out my next visit.

The rest is history

Remember that little " short " green dress she wore ?  Damn !!!!

Re: First Brothel Experience

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 3:07 pm
by rachelvarga
First party was my first lineup. I got a 23 year old cute guy and we had fun. He came back the next day for more.

Re: First Brothel Experience

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 5:13 pm
by Chicagobob
My first brothel experience was in 1985 and really quite by accident. I was a roadie with a rock and roll band and I was traveling down I-80 with my partner. I was driving the sound truck and my partner was driving the lighting truck.

We were headed west on I-80 and had to be in the Bay Area to set up the next day. We were coming in to Reno and my partner got on the CB Radio and asked me if I wanted to stop at the Mustang Ranch. I said I don't even like horses.  He said no man, women! 

I thought what the fuck?  The next thing I knew, we were pulling into the old Mustang at Exit 23.

Re: First Brothel Experience

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:46 am
by RunningSquirrel
My first party experience was at Kitty's (now LRN) but first walk-in experience was at the old Sagebrush (before the fire), tagging along w/my pal, who by then was a veteran of both northern and southern ranches. A thunderstorm had temporarily knocked out the power to Mound House but that sure didn't keep the guys from coming out on a wild Saturday night. I even recall an Embassy Suites tour bus parked in the cul-de-sac.