I need your ideas & suggestions

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I need your ideas & suggestions


Post by Sonja »

I am on the road hurtling through space and time as I type... headed toward a new brothel (to me) and a different experience. 

Those of you who know me, know I have been a small, rural brothel kind of person.  In some ways, a shift to Love Ranch North will be parallel in that they are the small brothel of Moundhouse.  There are a lot of other factors that will be very different, though.  The urban environment and Proximity to so many other houses will be a new dynamic for me.  Before, when I worked to set my brothels apart from the others --- they were already literally far apart.

I am looking forward to being part of creating a vibe at Love Ranch North that will make it feel very different to you in a positive way.  Many of you acted as advisors to me when I was opening Alien & took over at Love Ranch Vegas.  I'd like to tap in to your wisdom again for this next big adventure. 

What can we do to make Love Ranch North your "go-to" brothel?
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Post by SixT9er »

#1 Clean out smoke smell and make the parlor non smoking

See if you can arrange the sitting area differently to encourage private conversations between clients and Ladies, the current long bench on each side of the entry to the room area is not inviting.

Try and create an easy access for the disabled as the steps don’t work. This may take some creativity and may not really help your bottom line but it should be done and would be very appreciated by the disabled

Last but not least, go non smoking!
Last edited by SixT9er on Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cobia »

YES.....get that dirty smoke smell out of there and keep it out....no smoking.
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Post by Dirk Diggler »

The building itself has challenges in that the bar is very small, there is nowhere in the common area to have a more discreet conversation with a lady, and the rooms/hallways need some renovations as everything seems a little dark and dismal.

It also seems there has been a change in approach in the last 18months or so with more of a focus on quantity over quality. It used to be that LRN had some of the top courtesans in LPIN in my opinion, but has devolved since. Many of the mainstays have left and in part I think it stems from too many new girls and not enough business.

Privacy is also a concern at times and I’m not sure how much effort has been put into ensuring the staff and newer ladies conduct themselves professionally. Going to a brothel isn’t solely about the act of sex in of itself...others factors set or influence the tone of the entire experience.

I’ve not been there since Lexie left, but if she came back so would I. Beyond that I’m not really sure. When  your time and budget is finite it’s difficult to convince yourself to take a risk instead of going with the sure thing.

Best of luck to you though and it will be interesting to see if the business philosophy and mentality evolves under new ownership or remains as more of the same.
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Post by Adventure Guy »

Hi Sonja,
Ultimately having connection/chemistry with a lady is for me what determines which brothel I go to.  I used to go to LRN because of a specific lady who has since retired.
Here's some ideas/suggestions for LRN:1. Similar to what some mentioned make the sitting and bar area non-smoking2. Have periodic BBQs like what was done at LRV
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Post by Funmonger »

Marvin used to have a $100 off coupon at the Sagebrush. It was a good motivator. It was for real in that it was off the top of a negotiated price.

Like others, I'd like to see the smoking outside.[/size]
[/size]You have a good attitude Sonjia. Good luck building this brothel's business. Your willingness to ask and listen speaks volumes.[/size]
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Post by Lee »

As Dirk pointed out, the bar is small (sardine can may better describe it). This however may appeal to some people. Just curious, are You still going to be 'Madam on the menu' or just Madam?
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Post by SixT9er »

Lee link wrote: As Dirk pointed out, the bar is small (sardine can may better describe it). This however may appeal to some people. Just curious, are You still going to be 'Madam on the menu' or just Madam?
She’s on the menu
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Post by Slednx »

This thread is moot. When I was there this weekend and inquired about her, the lady I was talking to said she was fired and would not be working there. Maybe it was the posters of Bernie. Lol
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Post by Sonja »

Chuckar chaser link wrote: Sonja, do you have any updates on LRN? Have you implemented any changes? I'm sure your mind is going crazy with everything  right now. Hope all is good with you.
I tried.  Suzette nixed the non smoking bar idea almost before I could get the sentence out of my mouth.  I Put in a maintenance order for the smoke eater & the carpets were scheduled to be cleaned.  The bad news is my husband was head of maintenance and, since we came on as a team, we left as a team.  Not sure when they'll get on that.

She interpreted the suggestions I gave her from here as trying to change her system and was pretty hostile about all of it.  The good news is at the last Tea Party - she asked the ladies for suggestions and they pretty much reiterated your ideas.  She really hates these boards but she might listen to the courtesans.