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Should we start to recycle old threads/topics?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:13 am
by Slednx
As the OP of some of the most popular threads on the S I N board, I am of the opinion that pretty much everything on LPIN has already been said on the message boards.  I don't start too many threads on here because I honestly can't think of anything new to talk about that I haven't already said or done. I am not into the minutiae of LPIN, don't find those threads too interesting.

So, with new clients and ladies to LPIN, should be start recycling some of our old threads?

If so, I would probably start with the classic thread, "Psssst, just tell them you're a local." Lol

Re: Should we start to recycle old threads/topics?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 12:04 pm
by SixT9er
I think it inevidible that topics will get repeated. If it’s a good topic then it’s well worth it for the new members who may have missed it the first time

Re: Should we start to recycle old threads/topics?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 12:10 pm
by Duck11
Are we going to talk about fake vs real boobs again?  ;D

The ass vs boobs is a good one too.

Re: Should we start to recycle old threads/topics?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:31 am
by FumbleNutts
Some are great to rehash on occasion. I'm not one to sit for hours and try to read every thread, so I appreciate when some come back up and new perspectives are given.

Re: Should we start to recycle old threads/topics?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:45 pm
by Ironman
Slednx link wrote: As the OP of some of the most popular threads on the S I N board, I am of the opinion that pretty much everything on LPIN has already been said on the message boards.  I don't start too many threads on here because I honestly can't think of anything new to talk about that I haven't already said or done. I am not into the minutiae of LPIN, don't find those threads too interesting.

So, with new clients and ladies to LPIN, should be start recycling some of our old threads?

If so, I would probably start with the classic thread, "Psssst, just tell them you're a local." Lol

That one was my favorite? Although I also liked the under the sheets, and the which spun off into the panic button.

But yeah tell them you are local? Was probably my favorite one.?