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How Is your Stomach?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:13 am
by MrTShirt
Now, i don't mean the size of your stomach.
I mean its condition.  Stomach and health go together. ... etresponse

Re: How Is your Stomach?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 1:08 pm
by wayne208
Well I Guess that My Stomach is not Great .. I have Crohns and They took My Gallbladder Out Plus 2 feet of small Intestine and half of my Illeiom .. sp ...  No More Spicy Food and No More Nestle Chocolate Bars .. But I am still alive as I had a great Doctor .

Re: How Is your Stomach?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 2:09 pm
by MrTShirt
wayne208 link wrote:
...No More Nestle Chocolate Bars...
If you like chocolate, the brand "Endangered Species" has a 88% pure chocolate and even a 98% pure chocolate that you might try.  The usual question would be is it the chocolate or some other ingredient that is the real problem.

Re: How Is your Stomach?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:15 am
by Prospector Bob
roxanneprice link wrote: I love dark chocolate! Even if you get pure dark chocolate with zero sugar in it you can slather some peanut butter on the bar and it's absolutely delicious. I try to avoid any chocolate with dairy/sugar in it.
As a dark chocolate chocoholic myself, milk chocolate is an abomination. Good chocolate ruined... > :(