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Brothel Disappointment

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:53 am
by SixT9er
What do you do when you are disappointed with the way you were treated at a Brothel by either staff or a Lady?

Let’s be honest we all have a bad day once in awhile so eventually something you don’t like will happen. What do you do about it?

Depending on the circumstances your answer could change for instance if it’s your first time in a house and have a negative experience you may choose to not return whereas if it happens after you’ve been there several times and this is an anomaly what do you do?

If it’s something that could potentially keep you from coming back I would strongly suggest you contact the manager and see if you can get some assurances it won’t happen again then you decide if it’s worth another try.

What do you do?

Re: Brothel Disappointment

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 10:10 am
by FredT
    What do you do?     
Leave, go next door.....

(And make another attempt the next night if I am around) 

EVERYONE has a bad day, including ladies, managers, drivers, bartenders..... (And even me from time to time)

Re: Brothel Disappointment

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:05 pm
by Cobia
Yeah, it happens.

What to do about it ?  Depends on what it is about and several other things. 

Did the girl get drunk?

Did she just want to fight ?

Was she right ?

Was she wrong ?

In most cases you just have to be a man about it and walk away whether you are right or wrong.  Never get into a pissing match with a "ain't " going to win.

Remember the girl is " always  right " in the eyes of the house and on the internet guys are always guilty until proven innocent especially on the "hate" board ".

If it gets out of hand just talk to staff and if that don't work "  take a different road " .

Life is too shot to jack with it..

Re: Brothel Disappointment

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 12:14 am
by Wildfire
Cobia link wrote: Yeah, it happens.

What to do about it ?  Depends on what it is about and several other things. 

Did the girl get drunk?

Did she just want to fight ?

Was she right ?

Was she wrong ?

In most cases you just have to be a man about it and walk away whether you are right or wrong.  Never get into a pissing match with a "ain't " going to win.

Remember the girl is " always  right " in the eyes of the house and on the internet guys are always guilty until proven innocent especially on the "hate" board ".

If it gets out of hand just talk to staff and if that don't work "  take a different road " .

Life is too shot to jack with it..

Remember the girl is " always  right "

Cobia speaks the truth and it's just not at a brothel.

Never get into a pissing match with a "ain't " going to win.

A very wise statement.  Because even if you do " win"  because you were right  , You still lose because she is pissed at you and well sometimes they never get over it !  And you are just and evil bastard  in her mine .

Re: Brothel Disappointment

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:52 am
by OlderPhart
Wildfire link wrote:
Remember the girl is " always  right "

Cobia speaks the truth and it's just not at a brothel.

Never get into a pissing match with a "ain't " going to win.

A very wise statement.  Because even if you do " win"  because you were right  , You still lose because she is pissed at you and well sometimes they never get over it !  And you are just and evil bastard  in her mine .

JUST like being married

Re: Brothel Disappointment

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:33 am
by wayne208
Yes it happens to Us All .. I usually ignore  it but I will not Party with the Lady for awhile .. I Had One Lady Question My Rep .. She will NEVER Party with Me again and in this One case I did tell the Boss ..  8)

Re: Brothel Disappointment

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:19 pm
by FumbleNutts
It's been a while since I've been completely disappointed, which I'm happy about. Yes, if it's something that would keep me from coming back, I'll open my mouth now. In the past I didn't, and let it fester - not good!

Re: Brothel Disappointment

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 4:39 pm
by rachelvarga
Wildfire link wrote:
Remember the girl is " always  right "

Cobia speaks the truth and it's just not at a brothel.

Never get into a pissing match with a "ain't " going to win.

A very wise statement.  Because even if you do " win"  because you were right  , You still lose because she is pissed at you and well sometimes they never get over it !  And you are just and evil bastard  in her mine .
Cobia - The Gandhi of LPIN.