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Another Health Tool - Fasting

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 9:03 am
by MrTShirt ... etresponse

Cost is exciting as well.  :)

BTW, if you know anyone faced with chemo in their cancer treatment, some have reduced the sickness side effects of chemo by fasting before and after each treatment.  Something to research.

Re: Another Health Tool - Fasting

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:59 pm
by Funmonger
Good stuff, Mr. T. As much as I hate to admit it, it make s a lot of sense and I should add it my lifestyle. Drs are always climbing up my ass over my weight, sugar and exercise. I justify to myself my lethargic couch potato life based upon that fact that I haven't smoked or drank in over 38 years.  That is no excuse. There is always still more work to do. I've known for a long time that I hold the keys to my better health, at least for now as it appears. I'd like to kick out my diabetes and sleep apnea and get off of the statin Cholesterol drug I'm on. It requires a 30 minute a day walk and 1500 calories, no more. And like you said, the occasional fast. Simple as that. I appreciate your sharing.

Re: Another Health Tool - Fasting

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 6:11 am
by MrTShirt
Hope the post helps.
Couple of comments:
1)  Exercise - ask your favorite girl about a daily party as part of your exercise plan.  :) :)
2)  Sleep apnea - In addition to the CPAP machine, there is a mouth appliance worn at night that works for some.
3)  Statin drugs have some serious side effects.  The brain is composed mostly of cholesterol.  Make sure your doctor isn't over reacting if you have borderline levels.
4)  Some people have good results with a Keto diet.
5)  A doctor dealing with "alternative medicine" may be able to help one to health without using the heavy duty drugs.