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Superfight! DeNiro vs. Pacino

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 9:50 am
by rachelvarga
This is a Superfight. A game to pass the time.  You have to defend your choice with examples from movies and so on.

This weeks contenders are Robert Deniro vs. A.l Pacino.

Deniro because Pacino has never asked for two bullets during Russian Roulette. He gets mad Russian respect and Vietnamese can't understand "say hello to my little friend"!

Re: Superfight! DeNiro vs. Pacino

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:23 am
by Dirk Diggler
Eh, this is hard but I will give it a shot.

Pacino because he is the devil (The Devil's Advocate) and when does the devil ever really lose whereas Deniro is getting so old he doesn't even know who the real father is (Meet the Fockers).


Superfight! DeNiro vs. Pacino

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:31 am
by firefighter
Deniro was the young Vito Corleone and Pacino was Michael Corleone. However, Michael Corleone was totally ruthless and without compassion when he first became Don, so I'll go with Pacino.

Re: Superfight! DeNiro vs. Pacino

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:08 pm
by Mikey
De Niro, 'cause he was Jake La Motta in "Raging Bull", Al Capone in "The Untouchables, the psycho Max Cady who stalked Nick Nolte's family in "Cape Fear", and craziest of all Travis Bickle in "Taxi Driver". "You lookin' at me!?"

Re: Superfight! DeNiro vs. Pacino

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:45 pm
by rachelvarga
The script said,  "Travis looks in the mirror" and Deniro ad libbed the you talking to me part. Gotta love it.

You have to admit all of Pacinos characters are the same whereas DeNiro has done a lot of different ones.

Pacino couldn't do The Deer Hunter,  Taxi Driver,  Ronin,  Goodfellas,  Casino,  and others.  Pacino always makes some kind of long speech or monologue which are boring.  Don't mention Scarface.  I watched that and it's good but Goodfellas is better than that or The Godfather.

Lol. Come on.  Let's see what you guys got.