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The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:15 am
by rachelvarga
I knew it would happen. Someone would make a reference to the brothels and TMZ and of course those scumbags did. So let's talk about this and get some things out there.

Is Coronavirus serious?

Yes it is and there is no denying that. We are just in the early stages of a disease that is much more communicable than the normal influenza. It does not seem to be affecting children as much but there are disease like that such as infectious Hepatitis which kids spread but it doesn't seem to affect. Most of the hardest hit are older people because of their weaker immune systems but make no mistake. ANYONE can get sick!

This is the actual real time statistics.

So what about brothels?[/size]

Look, brothels are cleaner than almost all workplaces. We are always cleaning our hands and showering. Most of us are clean freaks. Some of the brothels are taking temperatures at the door and refusing anyone that even seems remotely sick. Yes there is an incubation period but what can you do?

If shutting down is the cure then all the millions of cubicle workers should go home too. Shut the airports, all the schools, all the stores, every fast food restaurant, just shut it all down and self quarantine. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? That's because it is.

You are no less safe in a brothel than anywhere else. Don't show up if you feel sick or have been around sick people. If you are fine then you are no more likely to get sick here than at work. In fact you you are probably less likely to get sick.

So when you see TMZ with their clickbait garbage just remember that they have no desire to do anything other than sell papers and continually refer to us as w****s, hookers, and floozies.

Plus who the hell watched that shit for news?[/size]

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:23 am
by SToN3y
Well said, Rachel! As someone that works in healthcare himself and has the most up-to-date information on this pandemic, I think your understanding on this disease is 20/20.

It's a variant of the influenza strain that is only dangerous because the body doesn't recognize it as readily as the annual flu strains, increasing your probability of catching it. Look at it that way!

Life is full of risks. If you're symptomatic, be thoughtful and stay home. These girls have to work for a living!

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:26 am
by SixT9er
TMZ isn’t news, Hell news isn’t news anymore! It’s all about ratings so anything they can do to get a click they will!

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:33 am
by rachelvarga
SToN3y link wrote: Well said, Rachel! As someone that works in healthcare himself and has the most up-to-date information on this pandemic, I think your understanding on this disease is 20/20.

It's a variant of the influenza strain that is only dangerous because the body doesn't recognize it as readily as the annual flu strains, increasing your probability of catching it. Look at it that way!

Life is full of risks. If you're symptomatic, be thoughtful and stay home. These girls have to work for a living!

Thank SToN3y. It's crazy how people are buying toilet paper. I saw boxes and boxes of Kleenex just sitting there. Are people going to blow their asses or something? Lol.

If you run out of paper use the damn water hose. Better yet, don't food that makes your shit blow up.

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:01 am
by SToN3y
Rachel Varga link wrote:
Thank SToN3y. It's crazy how people are buying toilet paper. I saw boxes and boxes of Kleenex just sitting there. Are people going to blow their asses or something? Lol.

If you run out of paper use the damn water hose. Better yet, don't food that makes your shit blow up.
The damn toilet paper thing... It's the "Black Friday" mentality of "just because you can buy a lot of it, doesn't mean you should." Crazy doomsdayers originally started buying out TP stores en masse right as the coronavirus thing started gaining traction. People see the supply dwindling and think to themselves, "Oh crap, I'd better get some. I don't want to be without it" and start stocking up, themselves. Before you know it, it's a popular meme that everyone wants a piece of. Meanwhile, there are still PLENTY of flushable wipes and tissue boxes, which just proves that the panic-buying isn't being done out of necessity...

I will feel very sorry for the customer service departments of these supermarkets when everyone comes to return these stockpiles of TP in 1-2 weeks. And you KNOW it will happen, eventually.

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:09 am
by SixT9er
I saw where a guy in Tn has 17,700 bottles of hand sanitizer he’s stuck with because he was going to gouge people on Amazon & eBay but they locked his acct! Lolol hope he’s stuck with it for the rest of his life!

I hope stores tell people who want to return the tp No! You’re stuck with it

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:12 am
by Adventure Guy
When I visited Mustang last night I was not expecting to have the door guy check my temperature but glad he did.  In talking with one of the ladies I learned Mustang is now checking the temperature of all customers and checking the temperature of every lady every day as well.  If a customer exceeds a certain temperature they are not allowed to enter the premise.

When I visited Kit Kat on Thursday the bar lady was doing double/triple duty in keeping surfaces wiped down and clean including the bar and bar stools. 

While the precautions can't guarantee a 100% coronavirus free environment I am thankful of what the ranches I visit are doing given the current global situation. 

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 12:37 pm
by SixT9er

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:47 am
by SixT9er

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:01 pm
by rachelvarga
I really think that we don't know how it will go. This should be a lesson. Imagine if it was the Spanish flu. Imagine if Ebola was this spreadable? That has a 50-90% mortality rate. Sooner or later it will happen. We just have to learn from this. Unfortunately most people won't.

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:58 pm
by Chicagobob
SixT9er link wrote: Just the numbers
You like numbers?  Try this on for size... read the graph at the bottom. ... -to-double

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:01 pm
by Chicagobob
Talk about absurd... I was appointed to a mitigation team today at work. @@

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:39 am
by Adventure Guy
Here's info on what Bunny and the cul-de-sac ranches are doing:

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:12 pm
by Bigfoot
I stole...  I mean got a bunch of toilet paper the other day so I'm ready for Armageddon.  Side note to mustang staff, your out of toilet paper in the men's bathroom....  ;D

Re: The Coronavirus Post

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:57 am
by TC
These numbers are like sex to me. Actual, hard....facts.

People are making this political and it just hurts everyone.